ALDA’s efforts will continue also in 2012 in promoting democracy, respect for human and minority rights and the rule of law
December 19, 2011The year 2011 is drawing to a close and we can again say that it has been an extremely busy and successful one for our Association.

European crisis: an urgent need to strengthen citizens’ participation and local governance. Towards the European year of citizenship 2013
December 19, 2011Europe is much different now than at the beginning of the passed year. One could hardly say how much it will change in 2012. The financial crisis, which hit the economies of all the European States, and then afflicted so much the Eurozone, is now setting the agenda of all the European summits.

Intact project: student meeting on European values, active citizenship and twinnings in Brindisi (IT)
December 17, 2011As a part of the INTACT project, funded by the Europe for Citizens Programme of the European Union, has been realised in Brindisi (Italy) an event for students of secondary schools.

ALDA at the European Development Days
December 14, 2011ALDA will attend the European Development Days (EDD) in Warsaw (Poland) on the 15-16 December 2011. EDD is Europe’s premier forum on international affairs and development cooperation and it is organised by the European Commission and the Polish Presidency of the Council of the European Union.

Civil Society in Action for Dialogue snd Partnership. 1st Training Strategic Planning
December 12, 2011A training on Strategic Planning was held on 10 to 12.12.2011 in Prijedor, organised by the Association of Citizens “DON” Prijedor. Trainers was Murisa Maric (DON Prijedor), and Snezana Svetlana Šešlija (ToPeeR Doboj).