Local context and needs analysis after the pandemic: finalised the ReCAP project report
February 28, 2023The first result of the ReCAP project has been successfully completed!
In the framework of the Project Result 1, the final report elaborated by the project partner, Solidaridad Sin Fronteras, with the contribution of all partners, aims to draw a picture of the post pandemic local contexts addressed, collecting the specific needs of young people from the point of view of professionals working with youth.

In Gdansk to work for the coalition in support to the activities of LDA Mariupol
February 28, 2023The civil society and the cooperation with institutions are fundamental to reconstruct Ukraine. On the first anniversary of the Russian invasion, ALDA organised a dedicated event in Gdansk (Poland), entitled “LDA Mariupol partners meeting”, to present the work of the Local Democracy Agency Mariupol, while discussing activities and future collaboration with new partners from EU countries.

Grey 4 Green
February 27, 2023Promoting active ageing and climate action

Sports 4 All
February 26, 2023Encouraging social inclusion and diversity in sports

February 26, 2023Standing up against hate in the EU

February 26, 2023Promoting the Active Citizenship of Youth through Diplomacy

February 26, 2023Heighthening the Engagement of Youth

February 26, 2023New Enabling Visions and tools for End-useRs and stakeholders thanks to a common MOdelling appRoach towards a climatE neutral and resilient society

February 24, 2023PEACE Education aims to create an inclusive learning environment and to reduce violence.

February 24, 2023Analysing Euroscepticism, informing citizens and encouraging debates

2030 Youth Vision starts in Portugal: together to promote the active participation of youth
February 24, 2023The 2030 Youth Vision project has officially started!
On January 12 & 13, 2023, the Kick-Off Meeting of the project took place in Lousada (Portugal), where the consortium was kindly hosted by the Municipality of Lousada.

February 24, 2023Social sciences & Humanities for Achieving a Responsible, Equitable and Desirable Green Deal

February 23, 2023Playing Public Policy

February 23, 2023Türkiye Hand in hand with Europe: Programme for Local Authorities and Civil Society Exchange