The PIECE project: digitalizing and providing  e-platform tools to the community

 In the last couple of months, the project’s consortium has organized and implemented several initiatives to strengthen the dynamics of dissemination and, through the presentation of the Intellectual Outputs produced, reach more direct and indirect beneficiaries.

Right after the summer break, the partners met in Seville for the last Transnational Project Meeting where they discussed the development of the project’s activities and results, exchanged views on the situation in their respective home countries and talking together about the finalisation of intellectual outputs. Specifically, dissemination and communication issues were addressed. ALDA and the other partners created a plan for more efficient and effective dissemination of project outputs and management of the Facebook page.

Intellective outputs and interactive platforms for community workers

More recently, in the months of October and November, project’s partners have organized multiplier events in Italy (Lamezia Terme), UK (London) and Greece (Athens) to showcase the results produced. Moreover, the partners have hosted local pilot actions, with community workers, to test the effectiveness and the application of the Intellectual Outputs, in particular the e-Learning Platform for the Upskilling and Empowerment of the Target Group.

Lastly, on November 11th ALDA held an Interactive Webinar, with the collaboration of all partners, to present to a larger online audience the project itself and what has been produced in the last 2 years. The invite to the webinar was shared between ALDA’s and the other partners’ network. In this occasion the consortium was able to engage with associations working in similar fields and dealing with Erasmus+ projects. 

The exchange of information and interaction between the participants made these experiences unique and useful for gaining further feedback and to implement the latest changes to the digital education platform.

The project is indeed coming to its finish line but given the great interest in the project we are trying to create all the conditions for a possible follow up and continuation of the collaboration.

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On the 4th of April, the Vice-President ALDA Alessandro Perelli and the Director of the International Telematics University UNINETTUNO Professor Maria Amata Garito signed a cooperation agreement between the two institutions and launched their first common project, namely the new edition of the Master on-line in European Law and Policies.

Promoted by the International Telematics University UNINETTUNO in collaboration with the ALDA and the Italian Council of the European Movement.
By combining the expertise of the network ALDA in the European context and the experience of UNINETTUNO in distance learning with six faculties and nine master’s degree courses and professional training courses and students from 40 different countries, the new cooperation agreement will lead to the development of other training opportunities tackling European themes and topics.
In particular, besides the above mentioned Master, ALDA will develop a series of webinars focused on EU programs and funds, with special reference to the new programming period of the European Commission 2014-2020.
Finally, ALDA and UNINETTUNO – through signing the agreement – have expressed their common interest to develop new and innovative transnational projects that are able to combine ALDA and commitment on European issues and the focus of UNINETTUNO on distance education.

The Association of the Local Democracy Agencies, LDA Osijek, LDA Sisak, LDA Verteneglio, Foundation for partnership and civil society development of the Istrian Region, AEGEE- Zagreb, Centre for Civil Initiatives (of the Network CEECN) are the initiators of the Croatian Alliance for the European Year of Citizens 2013.
The first meeting took place in Zagreb on the 6th of November and confirmed this formal step. The Croatian Alliance for the European Year of Citizens 2013 will therefore officially registered within the National Platforms Alliances supporting the wide Alliance at the EU level.

The Secretary of ALDA, Ms. Paula Rauzan, Delegate of the LDA Sisak will coordinate the group of initiators. She was also accompanied by the Director of ALDA, Antonella Valmorbida and the Delegate of the LDA Osijek, M. Miljenko Turniski
The initiators are now working for launching a vast campaign of mobilisation in Croatia that will engage, before the end of the month, the networks of civil society interested to work for the EYAC 2013. They will be proposed to work together to disseminate the Manifesto at the EU level and probably to adapt it to their national and local situation. It is also proposed to work on working groups and to develop common initiative to include more citizens of Croatia in EU policies.
The Croatian Platform will be of particular interest because of the upcoming integration of the country into the EU. The Annual priority 2013 – Year of Citizens – will be then meaningful to launch a debate on European Citizenship for this new EU members.
ALDA is also member of the EU steering Committee and Coordinator of WG1, as well as initiator of the Italian Alliance.
Next 14th of November will take place in Rome (from 10:30 to 13:30 – Eurispes premises Via Orazio, 31) the second meeting of the partners. In this occasion will be adopted a declaration of intent of the Italian Alliance ECY 2013.

Oriano Otocan, ALDA President, and Antonella Valmorbida, ALDA Director and member of CIVICUS International Board, will be participating in the 2012 CIVICUS World Assembly (3 – 7 September 2012) in Montreal, Canada.
In particular Mrs. Valmorbida will present ALDAs experiences on participatory governance at the workshop on “Good governance through citizen action” that will take place on 5 September (11.00-13.00), after the opening ceremony of the Assembly (9.00-9.30) and the first plenary session (9.30 – 10.45).
In the panel also Mrs. Carmen Malena, Canada, Mehr Latif, Programme Manager, Asia Foundation, Pakistan and Mrs. Paola Margarita Q. Deles, Coordinator, People Power Volunteers for Reform, Philippines.

This session will share good practices and lessons in participatory governance from around the world and challenge participants to think beyond traditional forms of protest and activism to less familiar but potentially more impactful practices of ‘critical collaboration’ and participatory governance.
As citizens, publicly denouncing injustices in society is an important first step towards seeking change, but it is not enough. Real change comes when citizens not only cry out in the streets, but claim their rightful place as active participants in processes of public governance and decision-making. In recent years, a wide and exciting array of ‘participatory governance’ approaches have been tried and tested around the world. From citizens’ juries, multi-stakeholder dialogues and integrity pacts to participatory budgeting, social audits and community scorecards, citizens and CSOs are creating a multitude of innovative ways to engage in ‘critical collaboration’ with government counterparts.
The 2012 CIVICUS World Assembly will focus on defining a new social contract, through discussions on three key themes: changing nations through citizens, building partnerships for social innovation and redefining global governance.
The 2012 Assembly will see the launch of a comprehensive, multi-stakeholder process, led by CIVICUS, on defining a new social contract, that will culminate in the presentation of recommendations to the United Nations in 2015. The World Assembly comes at a pivotal moment for citizens to redefine the relationships and conditions we want for a sustainable future in a changing world.
Having a role in CIVICUS International Board, for ALDA means taking a further step to bring internationally the cause of its work: to improve citizens’ and civil society’s participation at the local level, working closely with local authorities, for development, democracy and respect of human rights.

CIVICUS Board of Directors has formally communicated that Antonella Valmorbida, Director of ALDA, has been welcomed as a new co-opted member of CIVICUS International Board.
CIVICUS is an international alliance dedicated to strengthening citizen action and civil society throughout the world.
The term of Antonella Valmorbida Board membership will be one year and three months, until the Board meeting in September 2013, when all of the current Board members’ terms will expire.
Among the forthcoming engagements as member of CIVICUS Board is the attendance of the Board meeting in September during the CIVICUS World Assembly in Montreal, 3-7 September 2012.

CIVICUS, World Alliance for Citizen Participation, is an international alliance of members and partners which constitutes an influential network of organisations at the local, national, regional and international levels, and spans the spectrum of civil society. CIVICUS includes the following in its definition of civil society: civil society networks and organisations; trade unions; faith-based networks; professional associations; NGO capacity development organisations; philanthropic foundations and other funding bodies.
CIVICUS has worked for nearly two decades to strengthen citizen action and civil society throughout the world, especially in areas where participatory democracy and citizens’ freedom of association are threatened. CIVICUS has a vision of a global community of active, engaged citizens committed to the creation of a more just and equitable world. This is based on the belief that the health of societies exists in direct proportion to the degree of balance between the state, the private sector and civil society.
CIVICUS provides a focal point for knowledge-sharing, common interest representation, global institution-building and engagement among these disparate sectors. It acts as an advocate for citizen participation as an essential component of governance and democracy worldwide. CIVICUS seeks to amplify the voices and opinions of ordinary people and it gives expression to the enormous creative energy of the burgeoning sector of civil society.

The itinerary tour “On Albert Londres’ footsteps” will take place in August 2012 in several Balkan countries. This events is dedicated to promote reporting journalism among dispriviledged youth from France and Balkan countries. On 13 June, the France Balkans Network gathered in Saint-Denis, France, to discuss this forthcoming activity of the network.
This project is organised within the multilateral decentralised cooperation programme for good governance in South-East Europe supported by the French Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs. The lead partners are the County Pays Vichy Auvergne and ALDA, the Association of Local Democracy Agencies. The main objective of this project is to revive Albert Londres’ (1884-1932) experience, born in Vichy, father of modern journalism and reporting, during his numerous investigation trips in the Balkans at the beginning of the 20th century. His story is aimed at stimulating the taste of adventure, curiosity and openness to other cultures among young people with talent for reporting but who do not have the opportunity to travel much and put their knowledge in reporting.
By enabling local authorities, civil society organisations and territories from France and the Balkans to meet and exchange on joint projects, this programme supports the values of peace and intercultural dialogue, as well as promotes European integration of all the countries from South East Europe.
Other partners which are involved in this adventure are the Regional Council of Auvergne, the Regional Council of Lower-Normandy, Maison de l’Europe in Caen, the General Council of the Hautes Alpes, CRET Hautes Alpes, the city of Dijon, the City of Saint-Denis and their counterparts from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Romania as well as the Local Democracy Agencies in Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Montenegro, Albania, the French and Macedonian ALDA offices as well as two Italian partners.
Regional and national journalists and several associations (France Television, the National Association for the promotion and defence of press youth initiative, the Association of European Journalists) are also partners in the operation, which receives funding communities, the MAE, Foundations and probably Europe.
Then forty young French and Balkan bloggers, young and amateur journalists aged between 18 and 30, were selected to travel in the Balkans for two weeks and report about the current political, social, economic and environmental situation in the Balkans via different means of reporting (old and new technologies) and reflect upon the overall situation in Europe.
In preparation to this meeting, ALDA organised a meeting on 6 June with the Local Democracy Agencies involved in the project.

A meeting of municipalities and communities from the Region of Lower Normandy who cooperate with the Macedonian municipalities will take place on April 25 in Caen. The meeting will gather the officials and representatives from the Lower Normandy communities, but also representatives of the Regional Council of Lower Normandy, as well as representatives of the organisation Horizons Solidaires and the representatives from ALDA Skopje office that are in charge of technical support for the cooperation of cities.
Participants will have the opportunity to discuss the progress of each municipality in the cooperation and will give an update on administrative and financial matters. They will also discuss the opportunities in establishing new links and introducing other municipalities in the cooperation. One part of the meeting will focus on the tourism component, as a part of the Decentralised cooperation between the Region Lower Normandy and Republic of Macedonia, and on the role of the municipalities from both regions in tourism development.
In the framework of the Decentralised cooperation between Lower Normandy and Macedonia, there are currently seven active town twining’s, and more pairings are planned in the future. The town twinning segment builds up contacts and friendship with communities from the two territories and promotes better understanding. The Programme for Decentralised cooperation is coordinated by ALDA.

The increased involvement of Local Authorities (LAs) and Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in EU development policy generates the need for the establishment of a new alliance among them in order to capitalise and improve their experiences and methods of actions.
On 28th of March 2012, in the Committee of the Regions premises in Brussels, will be launch WTD – Working Together for Development with the International Conference ”Local authorities and civil society: a partnership for development”.

During the last two decades, LAs gained a significant expertise in terms of conflict prevention, decentralisation and confidence building in development, revealing themselves as real catalysts for change. In strong cooperation with CSOs, LAs confirmed decentralised cooperation methodology as one of the most relevant tools to promote a shared and bottom-up approach to development, inside and outside Europe.
ALDA, which has been one of the first European actors promoting this practice through the network of Local Democracy Agencies, is launching a new alliance between LAs and CSOs interested in having a voice heard in Europe as for policy making about development cooperation.
We will be pleased to involve your institution or organisation in this new challenging European endeavour, thus the president of ALDA is honoured to invite you all in Brussels.
The Conference will gather the main European stakeholders in the field of development and aims at debating on the opportunities LAs have to work together with CSOs to foster a bottom up approach to development and to plan a join strategy to make their efforts more efficient.
WTD, Working Together for Development, is a multi-annual development alliance granted within the framework of the European Commission NSA & LA Programme in the Objective III.
It has been conceived by ALDA in cooperation with 21 international partners and associates coming from 16 different countries from enlarged the wider Europe.
It involves both Associations of Local Authorities and NGO networks, and aims at improving their capacities to act as development agents inside and outside Europe, in partnership with EU and national institutions. WTD adopts a multi-stakeholder approach and focuses on creating strong partnerships between Local Authorities and NGOs. It has a special particular focus on Eastern and South Eastern Europe.

For more information contact Mr Alfonso Aliberti, Project Manager of ALDA, at or visit the website:

“The European Year of Citizens, suggested by the European Commission for the 2013, today focused on rights, mostly on right to move and work in the Union, should have a wider perspective, and promote European citizenship and identity, including social and cultural aspects”. This is the main proposal of ALDA about the EYC 2013, expressed during the public hearing promoted by the European Economic and Social Committee, in Brussels.
The European Economic and Social Committee is drawing up an opinion on the proposal of the European Commission and would like to give every European citizen, NGO, enterprise, trade union etc. an opportunity to contribute to its opinion, which will be sent to the European Parliament, Commission and Council once it has been adopted. A first NGOs meeting was held in Brussels in EESC on the 27th of January and ALDA was represented by Mr. Marco Boaria.
Mrs. Antonella Valmorbida, ALDA Director, attended to the public hearing that was held the day before.
“We are interested in an Alliance which main aims should be promoting the participation of a wide spectrum of civil society organisations working to promote European citizenship and implement the European Year of Citizens 2013. ALDA supports the idea of organising quickly “decentralised” groups of support at the national level”, stated Mrs. Valmorbida.
ALDA think that the activities of the “year” should be done even more on new members States, future member countries (those of the Enlargement process), and the countries of the ENPI Interregional Programme, since they are the direct beneficiaries of the effects as neighbours of Europe.
ALDA proposes that the programme of the 2013 European Year of Citizens works mainly with small and local events and not only focusing on high level discussions, engaging civil society and local authorities and promoting an open debate on the future of participation mechanisms to strengthen European identity and The European Project.
ALDA proposes also to reach political objectives in terms of citizens’ participation (and mechanisms for facilitating this) with legislative initiatives, best practices at the community level, etc. with the EYAC 2013. The group, in preparing the Year, should set these high objectives, planning the Year in this direction, considering the upcoming European Parliament Elections in 2014.
For further information please visit the EESC website

LDAs Mostar and Central and Southern Serbia – Niš signed a partnership agreement with the Association of Fenomena from Kraljevo (Serbia) for the implementation of project “Promotion of the European Charter for equality between women and men at the local level”, during the first project meeting that took place on 11-12 January 2012.
The Project, funded by the European Commission under the IPA Civil Society Facility: Partnership Actions-Empowerment of Women, will be implemented during the 2012.
The Association Fenomenon, as the leading organisation in the project, will implement the activities in cooperation with other organisations: Centre for Local Democracy LDA from Nis, Serbia; ANIMA – Center for Women and Peace Education from Kotor, Montenegro, Association of Citizens for Local Democracy Agency Mostar in Bosnia and Herzegovina and The Kvinna till Kvinna Foundation in Stockholm, Sweden.
The overall project objective is to contribute to the development of policies, measures and budgeting to improve gender equality in Serbia, Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The specific objective is to create conditions for development of policies, measures and budgeting to improve gender equality, development of local action plans to implement the European Charter for equality in cities and municipalities participating in the project.

The celebration for the 15th anniversary of the LDA of Sisak (HR) coincides, for a not accidental case, with the eve of Croatian access in the big European family, and the awarding of the “12 stars label” to the Municipality for its efforts in ELDW, the European local democracy week, by the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe.
The official celebration will take place the 4th of November, with an international conference on “The Road of Croatia towards the EU: the role of Croatian Local Democracy Agencies (LDAs)”, organised in the framework of the ELDW, ) by the LDA of Sisak, in cooperation with ALDA, the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the CoE and the the Municipality of Sisak (9.00-13.30 City Hall Sisak).
The Conference will be attended by many national and international experts and representatives of European and national institutions as well. Among them Ms Barbara Toce, Member of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities and Vice Mayor of Pedaso (Italy), Ambassador Henrik Ofstad, Royal Norwegian Embassy in Zagreb, Ambassador Paul Vandoren, Head of the EU Delegation to Croatia, Mr. Dinko Pintarić, Mayor of Sisak, Mr Per Vinther, President of ALDA.
In these 15 years, starting from the ruins of the conflict, the LDA has been a promoter of many initiatives whose aim was primarily to promote the participation of citizens and their associations and to strengthen the democratic debate with local authorities.
These are the values which Croatia has signed up to get access to the European community and some credit goes also to the work done by the ADL of Sisak.
During last 15 years LDA Sisak has implemented more than 100 projects that have directly involved over 15.000 people. Established in 1996 as a pilot project of Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of Council of Europe and since 2006 working as a domestic organisation, Local Democracy Agency Sisak enforced itself as one of the key actors in civil society development in Sisak and Sisačko-Moslavačka County. From its very beginnings LDA Sisak is implementing projects aiming to protect human rights and democratic society development, promotes values of tolerance and non-discrimination, multiculturalism, cooperation, partnership and active citizenship.
In addition to the international conference, Sisak was selected by ALDA to host the Annual LDAs Delegates meeting and the Annual Meeting of the Lead Partners Representatives of the LDAs (3 – 5 November).
The Association of LDAs is confident that the regular meetings and discussions among the Delegates and the Lead Partners of the LDAs could contribute to the development of all the network of the Agencies, in particular with regards the concept of partnership in the framework of the multilateral decentralised cooperation and the area of intervention and interest of each LDA.

The new Local Democracy Agency Armenia will open on 28th of October in Gyumri. It is the second LDA in the South Caucasus area and the thirteenth LDA opened by the Association of Local Democracy Agencies (ALDA) with the support of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe.
“Decentralisation of power and the development of administrative capacities at the local level, together with a capable and vivid civil society, represent a fundamental step in the process of democratisation, stability and development of Armenia”, says ALDA President, Per Vinther.
On occasion of the official opening ceremony, ALDA organises a conference to gather Local Authorities, NGOs, citizens, and international representatives that are actively involved in local governance issues to discuss and learn about best practices of involving citizens in public life. The opening conference will take place in the City Hall of Gyumri and will be also be part of the European Week of Local Democracy.

In an effort to support the process of democratisation, stability and development of Armenia ALDA and the Congress decided to establish the Local Democracy Agency in the country. The opening plan has been developing since 2008.
It is a long term project and it will utilise the expertise of ALDA and the other LDAs and the network, which gather about 160 members, including Local Authorities, Associations of Local Authorities and non-governmental organisations, coming from more than 30 countries.
Partners of LDA Armenia will come from three countries: the Rhône-Alpes Region (France), the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region (Italy), the International Committee For The Development of Peoples CISP (Italy), the Union of Communities of Armenia, the Urban Foundation for Sustainable Development (Armenia), the Journalists’ Club Asparez (Armenia), and the Armenian Municipalities of Gyumri, the host city, and Ijevan. The role of the international partners will be to provide core financial support, participate in activities where they have the skills and capacities, to encourage their own partners to participate in the work of the LDA and to promote the work of the LDA in their own community and encourage wider participation.
Gyumri is the second largest city in Armenia, situated in the North of the country and has been selected as host since it will provide a good basis to allow the LDA to work on a national level.
The Municipality of Gyumri provides an office and rooms for the LDA in a building which already hosts other public associations and NGOs in Gyumri. “Furthermore the vibrant civil society in Gyumri and the possibilities to improve the situation for cooperation between civil society and local authorities are also very important factors”, stresses President Per Vinther. “In addition”, says Mr Vinther, “Gyumri is also twinned with the Georgian city Kutaisi which provides a strong basis for developing the cooperation between both cities”.
The first LDA in the Caucasus is based in Kutaisi, Georgia since the year 2006.
The LDA will facilitate the participation of civil society in the decision-making process at the local level, increase the interest, awareness and capacities of citizens to take part in the decision-making process at the local level and increase the awareness and skills of the local communities and local authorities to address the needs of their citizens. So a practical exercise of policy sharing between citizens and local authorities should also be facilitated. The LDA will support capacity building of civil society and local authorities and it will implement its activities at the local level with trainings, study visits and other participative methods.
Acting as a promoter of democracy and local self-government, the Local Democracy Agency will also promote human rights and sustainable development. The realisation of all objectives will be reached by implementing projects with local authorities and NGOs using the international partners support. The LDA will aim to serve as a bridge between Europe and Armenia and will bring Armenian practice to Europe and European experience to Armenia.
Finally the LDA will also work to ensure cross border cooperation in South Caucasus and will work to promote peace and understanding in the South Caucasus region. “There are plans to set up an LDA in Azerbaijan in the near future as well. So the LDA in Armenia will also become part of a network of LDAs in South Caucasus that can promote cooperation and mutual understanding between the countries in South Caucasus” announces Per Vinther.

ALDA will take part in the International conference for the European Year of Volunteers on “Italy – Central and South Eastern Europe: Volunteerism and Institutions in comparison”, 7-9 October 2011 – Gorizia (I).
Mrs. Antonella Valmorbida, ALDA Director, will take the floor on the last day, after the presentation of the results of the working groups, together with Anica Mikus Kos, Slovenska Filantropija President, Andrea Waxenegger, University of Graz, President EUCEN (European Network of University Centers for Long Life Learning), and Luca Jahier, the Economic and Social Committee, President Group III.

The conference is promoted by the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region and organised by the regional CSV in collaboration with CSVnet – National Coordination Centres for Voluntary Service; it has also received the patronage of the Ministry of Labour and Social Policies, European Commission Representation in Italy CEV – European Volunteer Centre, Brussels.
The conference will be an opportunity to continue the comparison between volunteerism and institutions in Italy and in Central and South Eastern Europe, focusing on issues such as diversity and social inclusion, young people and participation. The aim is to draw a roadmap for future advocacy activities and common planning.
The event represents an important moment to engage and support existing realities of volunteering of those countries which are not members of the European Union yet.
The conference will be attended by over 100 Italian and foreign volunteers, institutional representatives and leaders of voluntary organisations, the Centers for Voluntary Service and Volunteer Centers, coming both from Italy and other countries such as Albania, Austria, Bosnia, Bulgaria, Croatia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia and Turkey.
The Conference will be opened, the first day, by a plenary session titled: “Which role for volunteering in the Europe of the future”.
The second day will be dedicated to working groups, accompanied by the interventions of Italian and foreign associations introduced by the relations of Joachim Ott, Acting Head of Unit, Directorate General Communication, Unit Policy for Citizens of the European Commission, and Martijn Pakker, Director CEV – European Centre for Volunteering.

Starting from July 4 until July 8, 2011, Macedonian and French professionals will work on discovering and practicing the technics of renovation of traditional buildings in Pont Farcy, Lower Normandy.
This practical workshop on renovating ancient buildings with natural and ecological materials will be held in the Norman farms and sites, where the experts from the two countries will demonstrate their skills in reconstruction using traditional methods.
The experts will work not only on the implementation, but also on the basic theory knowledge regarding preparation of building sites, renovating and constructing stone walls, cob walls, etc. while using the traditional (natural) materials, easy to practice individually. More information on this specific workshop and building heritage activities can be found at
This practical workshop is organised in the framework of the Decentralised cooperation between the Lower Normandy region and Republic of Macedonia, in the component 5 – Sustainable Tourism and Cultural Heritage, project coordinated by ALDA. For further information please consult the webpage of the Cooperation

With three days of exhibitions, debates and concerts, the city of Brindisi has commemorated the first landing of Albanian citizens fleeing towards freedom. From 11th to 13th of March was held the exhibition “The hospitable city: Albania – Brindisi twenty years later“.
It was March 7th, in 1991, when thousands of Albanians fleeing from a country devastated by a severe economic and political crisis landed in the port of Brindisi.

Twenty years have passed and the city of Brindisi recovered the memory of this historical page, still current.
The program, developed through an extensive course of action, has decreased the city in an atmosphere of reflection and commemoration. Moments of entertainment and discussion, including art installations, events of the narrative, allegorical band marches through the streets of the historic center, documentaries and special interest, conference-seminar on immigration and the concert of an artist of great appeal, have read, with the lens of history, those days of March that shook nationally and internationally the public attention.

“The City hospitable” proposed to rediscover a dramatic period in the history of the Balkan country and also the great welcome offered by citizens and institutions in Brindisi, which was able to alleviate the suffering of countless lives embarked on an adventurous journey, revealing an extraordinary spirit of cohesion.

Twenty years later, today those people are integrated and vital into the civil society of the city.

The members of the Governing Board of Asael, the Association of municipalities of Aragon Region (Spain) that was dissolved in late 2009 swept away by a scandal, former President Jesus Alone in the head, will be liable personally for debts left.
ALDA, with its other partners, decided to take legal action on the basis of the Spanish Law on Associations (the “Ley Organica 1 / 2002, de 22 de marzo, reguladora del Derecho de Asociacion).
“We are forced to choose the legal way -said Antonella Valmorbida, Director of ALDA-because all our efforts to resolve the issue amicably have not been successful. The Aragon institutions we questioned, as Asael was an association of local authorities, ignored our calls or answered that the issue does not concern them. A rubber wall has been raised around Asael and its administrators that were all mayors of Aragon towns”.

But the Spanish Law on Associations is clear and says that administrators are responsible of debts of their Association debts, caused by malicious reasons, and also for culpable negligence, and that they have to pay with their personal assets.
“It’s clear-stated the Director of Alda, AntonellaValmorbida- that during the Sol management of Asael, in recent years none of the administrators has exercised effective control, to avoid accumulating debts and that European funds were not used for the purpose for which they were assigned to Asael, to support project activities”.

The projects were developed in the years 2008-2009 and were Bandair, Emanzipar and Eclau. The other ALDA members partners of the project managed by Asael were the province of Reggio Emilia (Italy), the City of Bydgoszcz (Poland), Baltisfem (Lithuania), the Local Councils’ Association, Association of Municipalities (Malta), the Institute of Enterpreneurship, an NGO (Greece), the Association for the development of mountain communities (Bulgaria).
The credit of ALDA and its partners amounts around to 115.000 (ALDA 30,180, City of Bydgoszcz 31,000, Baltifem, 24,000, Institute of Enterpreuneurship, 9,700, Province of Reggio Emilia 9,000, Association for Development of Mountain Municipalities, 9,000, Local Councils’Association, 1,800).
This is an amount of money that Asael has to pay to its partners for activities under the project, personal taxes, social contributions. Some of them could have lots of serious financial difficulties if they will not be paid.

“We believe that the situation has been largely overlooked bye very one here in Aragon – still says the Director of ALDA, Antonella Valmorbida – by the risk that it may have in relations with the European Community. The Commission’s representative office in Madrid is aware of what happened and shares our position. TheCommission’s anti-fraud office is investigating possible embezzlement of which has been discussed in newspapers in the region. We are willing to go all the way to guarantee our rights, and we believe that it’ll be hard that any other European project could have partners entities such as the Aragonese Famcp, one of which vice president is the current President of Asael, whose responsibilities, if not for Sol’s management facts, is now due to elude any response.”

Asael’s former partners do not understand how institutions and political forces in Aragon do not exercise all is in their power to success fully resolve the issue, which also includes former employees of Asael remained without payment.

“We know that the former president of Asael, JesusSol, was very close to the President of PAR, Jose Angel Biel, who is vice president and spokesman of the regional government, and that the majority of members of Municipality member of Asael were led by mayors of the PAR. Can the PAR, which will celebrate its congress in the next days – still says Antonella Valmorbida – ignore the moral issue internally? And do the other parties in government and in the opposition not have the heart to safeguard the image of the region of Aragon in Europe? And how do they believe that, at the upcoming May elections, they can nominate again those outgoing mayors responsible for this failure?”

These are questions which the public of the region should demand answers, because the ethics of elected representatives and the institutions they governed has been called into question.

“We regret being forced to give public evidence of this situation – concluded the Director of ALDA, AntonellaValmorbida-but silence would be complicit in unlawful conduct. And we are even more regretful for the thirty years of history of Asael, its efficient staff and the president himself Sol, who we always had, until these facts have emerged, a very good account on. Asael was our partner and Sol was a member of our Board. It’s a real shame that things have had this outcome.”

The next 10th and 11th of March will take place in Sarajevo “NEXPO 2011” , the first Local Government Fair including participants from South Eastern Europe. ALDA is actively involved in the programme of this event with a stand and the participation of its President, Per Vinther, in the first panel on Good Governance and EU Integration (see

The stand will mostly present the last activities of ALDA on local governance and citizens participation as well as the activities of the Local Democracy Agencies from Mostar, Prijedor and Zavidovici.
“NEXPO 2011” is organised by NALAS, network of associations of local authorities of South East Europe, and more than 1,000 people will be participating, representatives from local municipalities, associations and international organisations.

A clear definition and extension of the competences of local authorities, appropriate local and regional financial means and autonomy, improvement of governance through increased transparence and participation and strengthening of capacities for public services.
These are the four central needs of local authorities in the Western Balkans indicated by Keith Withmore, President of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities, in his conclusion speech of the conference on the European perspective of the Western Balkans and the contribution of local and regional authorities that took place in Paris, in the French Senate, on 18th and 19th of February.
Mr Keith Whitmore underlined also the involvement of the Congress in the Balkans (citing explicitly the LDAs and their existence since 1993 and ALDA’s work).

The conference united representatives of local authorities and other stakeholders of European decentralised cooperation. It was an excellent occasion for French local authorities and authorities from the Western Balkans to meet and exchange their views on the strategies and priorities of European integration.

A central point of reflection was the role of local authorities’ international cooperation in the integration process. Further subjects discussed included the role of good local governance and public local policy for European integration.
The pause of enlargement is a chance to rethink the relationship between the EU and the Western Balkans, underlined the debate, and the governments in the Balkans have to act now, and at the same time, the EU has to speed up the accession procedures and propose viable political solution to problems such as the Kosovo issue. Many participants also demanded a greater implication of local authorities in the accession process.

Per Vinther, President of ALDA, was present at the conference and informed about its activities in decentralised cooperation in one of the workshops. The project of decentralised cooperation between Lower Normandy and the Republic of Macedonia was at the centre of attention.
The conference was organised by the French Association of the Council of European Municipalities and Regions (AFCCRE) in cooperation with the municipality of Dijon and the Community of Greater Dijon.

In cooperation with the The Franco-German Youth Office OFAJ and memorial centresOradur-sur-Glane in France and Dachau in Germany, LDA CSS implemented three cycle seminar entitled “War and Propaganda: An Approach to History in Europe”.

After a seminar in Dachau, this year youth groups from Germany, France and Serbia met in Oradour, France and Nis.
Each seminar has been led by wellknown national historians, experts on each specific topic. Young people had the opportunity to question the relationship between propaganda in the Second World War and the 90s conflicts in the former Yugoslavia while investigating transnational historiography.

The ALDA Summer School on Local Democracy has just come to its end, after three days of enriching and insightful lectures and discussions regarding the foundations, challenges, and future of local governance, with a special emphasis on Ukraine’s current situation.

This successful first edition took place from August 28th to 30th, in the charming frame of the historical Villa Fabris, in the Municipality of Thiene, in northern Italy.

This first edition of such a Summer School, absolutely unprecedented in its kind, was a great success among the participants and experts who took part. The choice of alternating theoretical lectures with workshops and moments dedicated to discussion convinced the participants, who were very satisfied with the experience, which provided them with new knowledge and practical skills on local democracy and citizens participation.

Since the first day, ALDA Summer School was marked by a warm and familiar atmosphere which helped creating the sense of community among participants, making them feel comfortable and free to express their ideas and doubts on such a complex matter.

Indeed, the Summer School started at its full capacity, with some 30 participants from 12 countries across Europe, the Balkans, Africa and America. 

Let’s go through the three days to review the highlights of our Summer School:

Day 1 centered on the “Foundations of Local Democracy,” featuring a welcome from key figures such as Marco Boaria, Director of Programmes and Corporate Strategy of ALDA, Scientific Coordinator of the School, Gianantonio Michelusi, Mayor of Thiene Municipality and Emir Coric, Vice President and Governing Board Member of ALDA and representative of Centar Municipality, North Macedonia. Following, participants enjoyed a keynote on the evolution of local democracy by Patrick Molinoz, President of the citizenship, governance, institutional and external affairs commission (CIVEX) of the European Committee of the Regions. Then,Helfried Carl, Innovation in Politics Institute and Founder of the European Capital of Democracy initiative, gave a speech on the role and consequences of innovation on local democracy and analysed the main current trends, followed by a participated plenary discussion involving all speakers and participants.

The afternoon’s main event was a panel discussion on local governance and social participation during which Michał Zorena, Director, Department of Local Cooperation and Social Innovation, Gdansk Municipality, Poland, and Raisa Labaran, Municipal Councillor, Brescia Municipality, Italy, brought their personal experience as municipal officers.

The day ended with a field visit to the Municipality of Thiene, where participants were welcome by the Mayor and some councillors, who presented the local community and described the main current projects ongoing. 

Day 2 explored “Challenges and Innovations in Local Governance,” with a keynote on active citizenship by Francesca Gelli, Professor of Political Science at IUAV University of Venice (Italy) and a discussion on democratic resilience at European and local level again held by Patrick Molinoz. In the afternoon a workshop on democratic decision-making which delighted the participants, who all put themselves in the shoes of municipal officers and, according to various given scenarios, had to try to find the right tool to stimulate citizens participation.

Day 3 focused on “Ukraine at a Critical Path: looking into the future for sustainable and deep democracy” with keynote addresses on the critical situation Mariupol has been living since the Russian invasion started, from Olha Pikula, Councillor of Mariupol City Council (Ukraine), including Mariupol’s Mayor Vadym Bojčenko, who joined through a video-message. Then, Olha Oliinyk, Deputy Head of the Secretariat – Head of the Center for Сommunications, Еxternal relations and Fundraising of Vinnytsia Regional Association of Local Self-Government Bodies (Ukraine), who gave a speech on local governments and civil society groups from Ukraine. Discussions examined social cohesion, community resilience, and the challenges faced by civic spaces in fragile contexts.

These interventions were followed by a participated debate, since the first-hand experiences presented by our experts aroused curiosity and questions on participants, especially on the peculiar case of Mariupol, a Municipality working from exile. The afternoon saw a panel discussion on “Civic space challenges in fragile contexts: strategies for inclusive governance”, moderated by Abdelaziz Bouslah, ALDA Tunis Office Director and Africa Regional Officer – Middle East and Africa Department. 

The event concluded with reflections, assessments and a closing ceremony.

Thus, the Summer School provided valuable insights into the evolving landscape of local democracy and fostered connections among participants committed to advancing democratic governance in their communities.

All in all, an outstanding success promising for an even greater edition next year: indeed our wish and commitment is to make the Summer School on Local Democracy grow and become a regular appointment and reference point for all practitioners of good local governance all around Europe and beyond!

ALDA Summer School Diary – Day 3

The final day of the ALDA Summer School on Local Democracy centered on Ukraine, addressing the profound challenges faced by local governments and civil society amid ongoing conflict and efforts toward recovery. The agenda for the day brought together key Ukrainian figures such as municipal officers, ALDA representatives, and international experts to discuss resilience, social cohesion, and the future of civic spaces in fragile contexts.

The day began with a series of keynote addresses on the theme of “Mariupol and Resilience.” Vadym Bojčenko, Mayor of Mariupol, delivered a powerful video message, reflecting on the resilience of his city in the face of extraordinary adversity. Following him, Olha Pikula, Councillor from the Mariupol City Council, provided further insights into the ongoing challenges and the determination of local leaders to rebuild and support their communities. “The case of Mariupol can be useful to understand the effort to rebuild democracy despite the difficulties of the war” – said Ms Pikula. She then described two among the several ongoing projects for Mariupol’s reconstruction: “Mariupol housing”  which by the next year will provide more than 2000 houses and “Mariupol reborn”, a project to revive the city by 2040.

The morning continued with a keynote address by Olha Oliinyk, Deputy Head of the Secretariat of the Vinnytsia Regional Association of Local Self-Government Bodies. Ms Oliinyk, who joined the School online, highlighted the crucial role that local governments and civil society groups play in maintaining democratic governance and community support during times of crisis. She emphasised the need for robust communication and external relations strategies to ensure continued support for Ukrainian municipalities.

After a brief coffee break, the focus shifted to a panel discussion on “Social Cohesion and Community Resilience.” This session, moderated by Anastasiia Buslaieva, ALDA Ukraine LDA Coordinator, brought together several prominent Ukrainian experts. Inna Volkova, an ALDA Governing Board member, and Khrystyna Kvarstyana, ALDA’s Representative in Ukraine, both joined online, sharing their perspectives on fostering community resilience under challenging circumstances. Tetiana Lomakina, Delegate LDA Mariupol, and Olha Pikula also contributed, discussing how local initiatives can strengthen social cohesion in the face of ongoing disruptions.

Following lunch, the afternoon panel addressed “Civic Space Challenges in Fragile Contexts: Strategies for Inclusive Governance.” Abdelaziz Bouslah, Director of the ALDA Tunis Office and Africa Regional Officer, led the discussion, focusing on the strategies necessary to protect and expand civic spaces in regions affected by conflict and instability. The panel provided valuable lessons from various international contexts, emphasizing the importance of inclusive governance as a foundation for long-term resilience.

The day concluded with a closing ceremony, where participants reflected on the insights gained and discussed the next steps for continuing the work initiated during the summer school. Certificates were awarded to participants, marking the end of a meaningful and impactful event.

The final day of the ALDA Summer School underscored the critical role of local democracy and civil society in sustaining communities through times of crisis, particularly in Ukraine. As the event came to a close, the discussions held throughout the day served as a reminder of the resilience and determination of local leaders and the importance of international support in their efforts to build a more stable and democratic future.

Summer School Diary – Day 2

The second day of our Summer School on Local Democracy saw a lighter agenda in terms of expert interventions, but definitely more specific for what concerns citizens participation and decision-making processes. 

Today, participants were provided with an academic overview on the meaning and concpt of “citizen participation” by Francesca Gelli, Professor of Political Science at IUAV University of Venice (Italy). Prof. Gelli also explained the functioning of participation within the political frame of a municipality as well as the changing perspectives when considering different political cultures, mainly linked to a specific geographical area. 

“Participation is a creative, often unpredictable process. – stated Prof. Gelli Then, we need to keep in mind that participation is for change, so it has to surprise, criticize the existent, allow new partnerships and connections.” 

She also mentioned some examples of innovative participatory methods implemented in the Italian regions of Emilia Romagna, Tuscany and Puglia. One was related to the participatory methods in political parties, the other relates to public debate related to architectural projects.

Participation is for change, so it has to surprise, criticize the existent, allow new partnerships and connections” Prof. Francesca Gelli

Following such a theoretical beginning, the floor was taken by Patrick Molinoz, President of the citizenship, governance, institutional and external affairs commission (CIVEX) of the European Committee of the Regions, who presented examples of “democratic resilience at European and local level”. He mentioned some case studies involving the Committee of the Regions in facing crises such as the covid-19 breakout and the more recent war in Ukraine. 

He then questioned the role and responsibility of politicians regarding promises made to citizens during the election campaign, as this is a focal point when it comes to citizen participation. “City governments and leaders have the greatest responsibility, since city leaders and candidates simply can’t promise the impossible, being them closer to the people. – outlines Mr Molinoz – Otherwise then, the same people vote for candidates from opposite political parties in the same electoral day, at different electoral levels: there’s no more ideological vote. Also, we have lost a common perspective: this perspective is, for me, EU”.

All these inputs of course aroused several reactions in the participants, which then took the floor with several questions and inputs, creating a dynamic plenary debate, moderate by Anna Ditta, Head of Development Department of ALDA.

The afternoon took a different shape with a workshop on “Citizen Participation and Democratic Decision-Making” – using the right instrument at the right place” .

To introduce the workshop and provide even more knowledge and inputs for debate, our colleague Anna Ditta provided an insightful on citizens participation and on the various degree of participation, according to the Council of Europe, being them information, as the basis of participation; consultation; dialogue and partnership”.

On this basis, the activity foresaw that participants, divided into smaller groups and according to various given scenarios, had to try to find the right tool to stimulate citizens participation.

The day thus came to an end, looking forward to the third and conclusive day tomorrow, when Ukraine will be in the spotlight, as a case-study of critical situation, when democracy and participation are in danger since Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, in 24th of February 2022.

From 22 to 27 July 2024, Nocera Umbra, a picturesque village in the province of Perugia (Italy), hosted the final stage of the competition ‘Let’s become European Citizens’, an important initiative promoted by the European Federalist Movement (MFE) in collaboration with Europe Direct Venezia Veneto of the Municipality of Venice. During this week, the city became the stage for a Europeanist holiday and training, in which the winners of the competition participated. The young people were involved in intense discussions on crucial issues for the future of Europe, debating with experts and deepening issues of great relevance for the continent.

The programme of the symposium dealt with highly topical issues, ranging from the crisis of European centrality in the 20th century to federalism and the construction of a federal state, and the process of European integration as a response to the crisis of the nation states. Particular attention was devoted to the new world balances that emerged after the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, with a focus on relations between Europe, the United States, Russia and the Mediterranean area.

Discussions also focused on topics such as technological innovation, the ecological transition of the economy and the role of the Next Generation EU (NGEU) in the European context. The presence of high-profile experts ensured a rich and stimulating debate, fostering constructive discussion among the participants.

Among the speakers, Rita Biconne, Head of the Project Implementation Unit of ALDA, gave a significant contribution by illustrating the initiatives of the Association at European level and the crucial role ALDA played as a partner of the European Parliament in raising awareness and promoting the Parliamentary elections of June 2024, through the campaign ‘Better Europe Together’.

The seminar in Nocera Umbra, widely supported by ALDA, represented the culmination of the competition ‘Let’s become European Citizens’, an initiative born in Verona and then extended at regional level, which aims to promote an active and aware European citizenship among secondary school students in Veneto.

The prize-giving ceremony of the competition took place on 16 May 2024 in Mestre, while on 29 June 2024 the 40th anniversary of the competition was celebrated with an event entitled ‘Europe after the vote’, which was also attended by Andrea Rilievo, member of the Governing Board of ALDA.

This year’s edition saw the participation of 28 students from six schools in the provinces of Treviso and Venice, with 13 of them recognised as winners and special mentions. 

As ALDA, we had the honour and pleasure to interview four students who particularly distinguished themselves during the seminar in Nocera Umbra: Riccardo Tavella, Matteo Buccella, Alessandro Carbone and Beatrice Ferraro. Their testimonies were a source of inspiration, showing how these initiatives can really influence the formation of an aware and active European citizenship.

This is what they told us when we asked them: 

After participating in the Seminar, do you feel that you have strengthened your sense of belonging to the European Union?

Following my participation in the Nocera Umbra 2024 Seminar, I can say that I have indeed strengthened my sense of belonging to the European Union. The discussions on the challenges and opportunities facing the Union, as well as the exchanges of ideas with many of my peers, have made me realise even more how a federalist Europe is a unique and necessary project that requires the commitment of every citizen for its realisation. – Matteo Buccella.

The Seminar experience allowed me to get to know many people who are different from me in terms of studies, age and, above all, opinions. These differences, however, made me realise how important the EU is as a sharing of principles considered common, capable of overcoming different points of view in favour of broader and more important themes. – Riccardo Tavella.

Participating in the seminar undoubtedly allowed me to see that feeling part of the EU is imperative, but not in itself sufficient if detached from the conviction that there is no future without Europe, or rather, without the certainty of a common and effective front in the face of the major issues that are increasingly beyond the capacities of individual European countries. It is undeniable that Europe is still not what it should be, it is on the other hand true that our distrust is the tenacious enemy of progress. – Beatrice Ferraro.

How do you think you can concretely apply what you learnt during the seminar in your daily life?

During the seminar, we discussed in depth the role the EU plays today in events such as the war in Ukraine, tensions in the Middle East or the development of new global economic balances. Every day, through comparison with news reports or with the topics discussed at school, the topics discussed in Nocera prove useful not only for expressing one’s own opinions, but also for developing an awareness of global problems and thus becoming active and aware citizens. – Riccardo Tavella.

What I can do concretely is to share, both online and in person, what I learnt during the seminar in conversations with friends or relatives. – Alessandro Carbone.

What do you think are the main elements needed to build a stronger and more cohesive European Union?

The effectiveness of the EU lies in the unity of its members, be they individual inhabitants or large countries. The Union should implement policies that are closer to the citizens, so as to create European people that are aware of the rights and benefits they can draw from a more united EU model on a daily basis. This trust in the EU can also be achieved by a greater EU presence on the world stage. In a world whose changes are so rapid, the EU should position itself as a political and moral point of reference, capable of both following these dynamic times and remaining a stable and authoritative body. – Riccardo Tavella.

Building a stronger and more cohesive Europe requires combined political, economic, social and cultural reforms. It is essential to promote political and institutional integration that encourages participatory democracy and is aimed at unifying foreign and security policies. In addition, we need a sustainable innovation system, supported by strengthened and coherent social policies. – Matteo Buccella.

To build a stronger and more cohesive European Union there is a need to make people more aware of all the benefits that states, but especially people themselves, have gained from the EU. Examples are freedom of movement, consumer and social rights, Erasmus. Showing what enormous progress the EU has made is the only way to avoid the rise of Eurosceptic populisms that play on misinformation and nationalistic sentiments by distorting the benefits of the EU to fuel divisions among citizens. – Alessandro Carbone.

What does it mean to you, on a personal level, to be a European citizen?

Shortly after the seminar in Nocera Umbra I travelled to Stockholm. Although I had never visited a Baltic capital, which is certainly different in culture and mindset from our Mediterranean country, in Sweden I did not feel like a stranger at all. This feeling of mine was certainly the result of the breaking down of language barriers due to English but, in more subtle aspects, I still felt part of one big European citizenship. The attention to environmental impact, respect for rights and the culture of one’s own country, although conducted differently between Italy and Sweden, still allowed me to find common values in a place far from home, a sensation that, perhaps, I would not have felt visiting a non-EU country. – Riccardo Tavella.

Being a European citizen means being part of a community that values diversity, human rights and democracy: it means having the freedom to travel, study and work in different countries. On a personal level, it is a sense of belonging to a common project that promotes peace and cooperation, but also a commitment to actively contribute to building a sustainable and inclusive future. – Matteo Buccella.

Going beyond the formal concept of citizenship, I would say that being European citizens means being people who are open to embrace other cultures, open to confront each other, open to discover what is beyond the everyday and the usual. This is the European Union, the union of cultures thousands of years old that are different and close to each other, and its citizens are those who allow these cultures to come together. – Alessandro Carbone.

Every one of us is a European citizen, despite the fact that indifference to this notion has grown in recent years. Yet it is the primary task of any citizen to be an active member of the community, strong in equal measure of good intentions and critical thinking, so as to be able to grasp the flaws of a European system no longer suited to the current world panorama and work by all means to move towards something new.
Of course, the only winning weapon in the midst of such predominant disinformation is the relentless and careful pursuit of knowledge and awareness.
– Beatrice Ferraro.

It is with profound sadness that we learn of the passing of Alessandro Perelli, a former Vice President and esteemed Governing Board Member of ALDA. For a long time Alessandro represented the Friuli-Venezia Giulia Region in the Governing Board of the Association, where he served in the European integration, international relations and financial management Service.

Alessandro’s contributions to the Organisation and his unwavering commitment to the promotion of local democracy will be remembered by all who had the privilege of working alongside him.

During his tenure at ALDA, Alessandro played a crucial role in contributing to the Organisation’s vision and strategic direction, especially for what concerns the Balkans and the Mediterranean, geographical areas particularly relevant to him.

His work was marked by a deep dedication to empowering local communities, fostering cooperation, and enhancing citizen participation in governance. He was a passionate advocate for democratic values, tirelessly working to strengthen local democracy through innovative programs and initiatives.

The thoughts and condolences of the entire ALDA community are with Alessandro’s family and loved ones during this difficult time. His memory will live on through the many projects and initiatives he helped bring to life, and through the countless people whose lives he touched.

Summer School Diary – Day 1

The first edition of the ALDA Sumer School on Local Democracy kicked off today, on Wednesday 28th of August, when the over 30 participants arrived in Villa Fabris, in Thiene (Italy) ready to start a fruitful day of discussion on the history and development of local democracy over time to the present day. The atmosphere was immediately warm and welcoming: the participants got to know each other and their different backgrounds were an opportunity to share and reflect on the different experiences of citizen participation in Europe.

Indeed, the Summer School is characterised by a distinctly international spirit, with participants and experts from 12 countries in Europe, the Balkans, the neighbourhood and Africa. Moreover, as a matter of fact, participants are mainly people from civil society organisations involved in the promotion of active citizenship and members of municipalities and regions.

The Summer School began with institutional greetings presented by Gianantonio Michelusi, Mayor of the Municipality of Thiene, (Italy); Emir Coric, Vice President and Governing Board Member of ALDA and representative of Centar Municipality (North Macedonia); and Marco Boaria, Director of Programmes and Corporate Strategy of ALDA and Scientific Coordinator of the School.

Then, Patrick Molinoz, President of the citizenship, governance, institutional and external affairs commission (CIVEX) of the European Committee of the Regions; and Carl Helfried, Innovation in Politics Institute and Founder of the European Capital of Democracy initiative, they brought us deep into the discussion

During his intervention on “Innovation on local democracy and current trends”, Mr Molinoz started with a historical overview of the development of local democracy. “If we look at different times of history, we could agree that democracy, real democracy, is what helped people to have a better life: only democracy can help us, through a humanistic approach, to reach to a better life for as many people as possible.”  He then provided insight on the specific situation of France, where, to his view, “the real problem of participation is that people don’t really know how a democratic process worksand this is essential to understand the reality of the decision-making process, essential to prevent people from being disappointed when some promises made by politicians are not kept”.

On another note, during the panel “Innovation on local democracy and current trends”, Mr Helfried outlined the main challenges democracy is currently facing, starting from the very democracy, since “democracy itself is a challengeboth for voters and elected representatives alike. And multi-level democracy is even more challenging! But all in all – continues Mr Helfried – Democracy shows better results than other poliical forms of governance, and this is also testified by the fact that democratic countries are more attractive than non-democratic ones”. On the innovation side, Mr Helfried explained how in 2019 the idea of a new concept was born; a project implying a positive competition among cities in the field of citizens participation processes. This project is reality today, being the European Capital of Democracy (ECoD).

The afternoon featured speeches reporting direct experiences of local governance, by Michał Zorena, Director of the Department of Local Cooperation and Social Innovation of Gdansk Municipality (Poland) and Raisa Labaran, Municipal Councillor of Brescia Municipality (Italy).

The former started with a theoretical background on participation and then moved on to talk about the pillar of participation, which is about “sharing the power: all stakeholders want to have the power to decide, but what comes with the power is responsibility – and he continued– so the question for the various stakeholders should be: are you prepared to share the power and, with this, the responsibility?”

Ms Labaran delved into the concrete challenges that the municipality of Brescia faces every day, namely migrant inclusion. “Our approach is space-based – explained Ms Labaran – and starts from the view that pretty spaces where people can feel safe contribute to the common welfare for all the citizens. We are working on space-shaping processes through which people can feel part of the city”.

Then, after a fruitful speed networking, which helped participants to get to know each other better, the day ended with a field visit to the Municipality of Thiene, where participants were welcomed by the Mayor himself, who guided us through the premises of the municipality and outlined the main projects the city has been working on to improve local governance and citizen participation.

And so the first day came to an end, with participants saying they were very happy with this start and eager to take advantage of all the knowledge and opportunities the summer school will offer them from now until the end!

On the 19th and 20th of August 2024, ALDA’s Communication Department gathered for its annual retreat in Villa Fabris, Thiene (Italy). Team members from the Communication Department from ALDA’s Vicenza, Strasbourg and Brussels offices came together for two days of learning, collaboration and creative brainstorming.

The retreat began with a welcoming breakfast, setting a relaxed tone for the days ahead. The morning kicked off with an ice-breaking session and internal assessment, offering everyone an opportunity to reflect on the department’s strategies, celebrate successes, and identify areas for growth. This session encouraged open dialogue and helped strengthen the bond between team members.

A major focus of the first day was on creativity and visual communication. The team engaged in a Graphic Design class, which provided them with the tools to create compelling visuals. From foundational design principles to advanced techniques, the training was essential in helping the team elevate ALDA’s outreach materials, ensuring they remain engaging and aligned with the orgàanisation’s mission.

In the afternoon, a brainstorming session opened the floor for new ideas, allowing everyone to contribute to upcoming campaigns and projects. This exchange of ideas was a dynamic moment, filled with creativity and forward-thinking strategies that will inform the department’s work in the future.

Team members from the Communication Department from ALDA’s Vicenza, Strasbourg and Brussels offices came together for two days of learning, collaboration and creative brainstorming

The second day turned to the growing importance of video in communication. The team participated in a Video Making class, where they gained hands-on experience in video production. The workshop covered everything from storyboarding and shooting to editing, ensuring that the team is well-prepared to create content that not only informs but inspires action-critical in supporting ALDA’s ongoing projects.

After lunch, a wrap-up session allowed the team to reflect on the skills and knowledge gained over the past two days. The session reinforced the shared commitment to enhancing ALDA’s communication efforts and promoting local democracy and citizen engagement across Europe.

To close the retreat, participants enjoyed some well-deserved relaxation with outdoor activities. This leisure time provided the perfect balance after two days of intense learning and collaboration.

The retreat was an outstanding success. It brought together team members from three offices, not only strengthening their creative and technical abilities but also deepening their collaboration. With new ideas, enhanced skills, and a renewed sense of purpose, the Communication Department is now even better equipped to amplify ALDA’s message and advance its mission throughout Europe.

What kind of future do we truly want? A future where people are exploited to produce our clothes, and mountains of textile waste grow in landfills? Or a future where we all make responsible choices, and governments take action against Fast Fashion’s harmful impact on the environment?

These are the questions that 50 young participants in this project asked themselves before deciding to take action on Fast Fashion.

The Future We Want is a two-year project led by a consortium of nine European organisations from Romania, Serbia, Slovenia, France, Belgium, Finland, Italy, Germany, and Portugal, with financial support from the European Commission.

The project’s goal is to empower young people to raise awareness about sustainability and climate change, with a focus on fast fashion and consumerism. The aim is to drive change at both local and European levels and promote a more sustainable future.

Participants are currently joining a Transnational Caravan that will visit 17 cities across Europe, implementing street activities and advocacy actions. If you live nearby, join the Transnational Caravan as it passes through 17 cities and become part of this major advocacy initiative for a more sustainable planet.

We are waiting for you in

  • Vicenza, Italy, 31 August (Piazza San Lorenzo, from 18:00 to 20:00 / Belgrade, Serbia, 31 August (in front of shopping mall ‘Ušće’, from 17:00 to 19:00)
  • Koper, Slovenia, 01 September (Taverna Koper, from 16:00 to 18:00) / Novi Sad, Serbia, 01 September (Central Park, from 17:00 to 19:00)
  • Ljubljana, Slovenia, 04 September (Park Zvezda, from 15:00 to 17:00)
  • Ausburg, Germany, 06 September (Königsplatz, from 15:00 to 17:00)
  • Strasbourg, France, 08 September (Place de la Cathédrale, from 12:00 to 14:00)
  • Nancy, France, 09 September (University Campus, from 11:00 to 13:00)
  • Aachen, Germany, 10 September (square at Adalbertstraße/Peterstraße, from 11:00 to 13:00)
  • Liege, Belgium, 11 September (Cathedral Square, from 15:30 to 17:30)
  • Brussels, Belgium, 13 September (Place de La Monnaie, from 14:00 to 18:00) and 14 September (Place du jeu de balles, from 16:00 to 18:00)

The Caravan will conclude with a two-day event in Brussels, where young people will present the Youth Manifesto—a vision for the future developed by gathering ideas from local youth in each city.

Events in each city will feature a variety of activities, including theater performances, interactive quizzes, and sewing workshops. These activities aim to raise awareness about fast fashion and propose sustainable alternatives.

Two groups of the Caravan began their journey in Naples (Italy) and Bucharest (Romania) on August 27th and will unite in Ljubljana on September 2nd to continue together.

Lastly, if you want to help make a difference, read the Policy Brief and sign the petition with young people’s demands to the EU. Our goal is to reach 10,000 signatures, so please share if you can. (Remember to confirm your signature via email; otherwise, it will not be valid).

The future of our planet is in our hands—and in our closets. Sign the petition now and choose sustainable shopping.

Follow the Caravan on Facebook, Instagram or visit the website.

From the 12th to the 14th of June, the historic city of Vienna recently hosted the third GINEVRA Partners Meeting. This three-day event, filled with discussions, interactive sessions and a groundbreaking demonstration, was a resounding success, setting the stage for the future of autonomous vehicle (AV) mobility and multi-level governance.

Day 1: Reviewing Progress and Learning Together
The meeting commenced with a warm welcome from Mr. Takeru Shibayama representing TU Wien and Mrs. Giulia Bubbolini from the lead partner, CISE. The atmosphere was charged with excitement as partners gathered to review the remarkable progress made in the first year of the GINEVRA project.
Mrs. Nikoletta Lupó from HÁRFA led an engaging session on multi-level governance, providing technical insights and training on the six aspects of functional governance. The interactive nature of the training fostered a deep understanding and active participation, preparing partners to implement these principles in their local contexts.

Day 2: Engaging Stakeholders and Kicking Off New Work Packages
The second day focused on stakeholder and citizen engagement, led by EMFIE and ALDA+. Partners participated in an innovative Open Space Technology simulation organized by ALDA+, which centered on AVs and citizen involvement. Additionally, a walkshop, a dynamic blend of workshops and site visits, was organized by EMFIE and practiced by the PM participants. This provided valuable insights, allowing stakeholders to visualize the practical implications of autonomous vehicles on urban infrastructure, traffic patterns, and pedestrian safety. This dynamic session highlighted the importance of participant autonomy and collaboration, generating actionable insights for future strategies.

In the afternoon, Mr. Takeru Shibayama introduced the much-anticipated Work Package 3, outlining steps to set up AV demonstrators and prepare for the tender process. This session marked the transition from planning to action, with partners eagerly contributing with ideas and solutions.

The GINEVRA partner meeting setting the stage for the future of autonomous vehicle (AV) mobility and multi-level governance

Day 3: Experiencing Innovation Firsthand
The final day took place in Pörtschach am Wörthersee (Austria), where we experienced the future of mobility firsthand. Thanks to SURAAA, partners enjoyed a ride on an autonomous shuttle, set against the stunning backdrop of the Wörthersee area. This practical demonstration highlighted the tangible benefits of AV technology and its potential to revolutionise urban mobility.

Key Takeaways and Future Directions:

  • Successful Mid-Term Review: the comprehensive mid-term project review, led by Project Officer Mr. Winfred Ritt, confirmed that GINEVRA is on track, with significant achievements in Work Packages 1 and 2. The constructive feedback and proposed solutions have set a clear path forward.
  • Enhanced Stakeholder Engagement: the Open Space Technology simulation emphasised the importance of stakeholder and citizen engagement in the success of transformative innovations. The session’s insights will inform our strategies in Work Package 2 and beyond.
  • Progress in AV Demonstrations: the initiation of Work Package 3 and the AV demonstrator project represents a significant milestone. Partners are now equipped with the knowledge and tools to move forward with the tender process and local implementations.
  • Collaborative Spirit: the meeting reinforced the strong sense of collaboration and shared purpose among GINEVRA partners. The active participation and exchange of ideas have strengthened our collective resolve to drive innovation in Central European cities.

As the project partners move into the next phase of the GINEVRA project, they are energized by the success of the meeting and the clear roadmap ahead. The insights gained and the strengthened partnerships in Vienna will be instrumental in their continued efforts to foster responsible, multi-level governance and transformative innovation.

Stay tuned for more updates on the future of urban mobility and governance in Central Europe!

Check the official LinkedIn page of GINEVRA here and the project’s page here.

The concepts of social economy and solidarity economy, while distinct, have closely evolved over time. The social economy focuses on entrepreneurial aspects, while the solidarity economy emphasises social justice. Recently, these concepts have been integrated, particularly within the United Nations framework. Since 2014, the UN has combined these under the Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE), recognising their crucial role in advancing the 2030 Agenda and achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In April 2023, the UN General Assembly reinforced this by passing a resolution promoting SSE for sustainable development, acknowledging its role in localising the SDGs.

At the European level, significant progress has been made in supporting SSE. The EU Commission approved an Action Plan for the social economy in December 2021, followed by the European Council’s recommendation in November 2023, urging the adoption of national strategies for SSE development. As part of the European Pillar of Social Rights, the EU’s strategy views the social economy as essential for a just transition, fostering digital and green transitions, providing sustainable goods and services, and addressing social gaps within the single market.

Territorial and Institutional Contexts

Despite progress in regional convergence, Central Europe still exhibits economic and social disparities, particularly between Eastern and Western regions. Life expectancy and living conditions vary significantly, reflecting deep-rooted inequalities. Addressing these disparities requires strong community engagement and bridging the gap between public and private sectors.

The 3P4SSE project conceptualizes SSE as encompassing diverse entities prioritizing societal purpose over profit. This approach has led to the creation of quality jobs, social integration initiatives, and environmentally sustainable practices. However, Central European regions show varying degrees of maturity in institutionalising SSE, ranging from established social economy frameworks to emerging economies still developing public-private partnerships.

The 3P4SSE project developed a Joint Strategy on 3Ps 

The Joint Strategy on 3Ps to Support Social and Solidarity Economy marks a significant initiative developed by project partners within the Interreg 3P4SSE project. This strategy aims to advance Local Action Plans through a strategic, three-pronged approach: divided into three sections, it outlines the foundational principles of the social economy, a detailed policy agenda, and an actionable framework—all designed to drive the regional social economy forward.

The Joint Strategy on 3Ps recognises SSE’s pivotal role in achieving sustainable development and promoting local development through robust social economy ecosystems and clusters. The strategy broadens the focus from social inclusion to social innovation, fully integrating disadvantaged groups, introducing new services driven by digitisation and technological transformation, and fostering proactive social dynamics.

The strategy’s policy objectives include raising collective awareness, creating supportive social economy clusters through public-private partnerships, ensuring economic sustainability and resilience, and fostering innovation in development paradigms. These objectives are designed to maximize SSE’s impact in Central European regions.

Structure and Implementation

The Joint Strategy is structured around four key policy areas: joint investments, social business models, capacity building, and advocacy and impact. Joint investments aim to create supportive environments and innovate social economy ecosystems. Social business models focus on enhancing competitiveness and maximising social impact. Capacity building equips social economy organisations with the skills to navigate challenges and transformations. Advocacy and impact increase the visibility and influence of social economy organisations in policy decision-making.

To facilitate social innovation and collaboration with public authorities, the strategy includes policy tools such as social procurement, fiscal policies, labeling, General Block Exemption Regulation, and services of general economic interest. These tools are designed to foster market access and support SSE entities.

Sustainability and future prospects

Starting in March 2024, project partners will formalise their collaboration through a Memorandum of Understanding, ensuring the sustainability and continuation of the strategy beyond the project’s end. This protocol will define roles, responsibilities, and procedures, ensuring that collaborative efforts continue to thrive.

The strategy exemplifies the power of collective action and strategic planning. By fostering robust SSE ecosystems, it aims to create a more equitable, sustainable future for Central Europe, bridging gaps and driving regional development through innovative and inclusive approaches.

Cities are growing in central Europe, often turning green areas into grey concrete places. This urban sprawl accelerates negative effects of climate change such as urban heat islands: the GreenScape-CE project works on reversing this trend by making urban areas greener again.

In Central Europe, an innovative initiative is helping to transform urban landscapes into greener, more sustainable spaces. The Visual Mapping Platform (GVMP), developed as part of the Interreg GreenScape CE project, is a cutting-edge tool designed to support urban climate-proofing through renaturing efforts. It is an interactive map-based platform designed to visualise and enhance the planning of green and blue infrastructure, think parks, greenways, rivers, and lakes, in urban areas. It provides three main tools:

  1. Accessibility Tool: analyses how easily citizens can access green spaces.
  2. Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) Tool: evaluates the effectiveness of sustainable infrastructure solutions.
  3. Connectivity Tool: assesses how well these green spaces are connected to form a cohesive network.

By integrating these tools, GVMP helps cities plan and implement effective green infrastructure, enhancing urban resilience to climate change

The platform’s visual maps and simulation tools facilitate better planning and communication: city planners, local governments and residents can see the current state of green and blue infrastructure and identify opportunities for improvement. This transparency fosters community engagement and supports informed decision-making for sustainable urban development.

Key highlights from participating cities in Central Europe:

  • Zagreb, Croatia: Zagreb is driving sustainable development with a focus on reducing air pollution and creating an eco-friendly transport system. The city’s collaboration with REGEA and the introduction of user-friendly web GIS tools are key highlights.
  • Ptuj, Slovenia: Known for its rich history and vibrant community, Ptuj is enhancing its urban climate resilience by integrating green infrastructure. Through GVMP, Ptuj is improving its well-being and urban regeneration efforts, collaborating closely with ZRS Bistra Ptuj and the Urban Planning Institute of Slovenia.
  • Warsaw, Poland: As Poland’s bustling capital, Warsaw is prioritising sustainable urban spaces. The city’s Public Roads Authority uses GVMP to promote smart urban logistics, clean air policies and zero emission transport solutions.
  • Metropolitan City of Milan, Italy: One of Europe’s most densely populated areas, Milan faces significant pollution and climate change challenges. The city’s participation in GreenScape CE, alongside the Metro Adapt After LIFE project, aims to enhance green infrastructure and foster knowledge exchange across governance levels.
  • Szeged, Hungary: Positioned near the Serbian-Romanian-Hungarian border, Szeged faces frequent heatwaves. The city’s administration is leveraging GVMP to implement green infrastructures, particularly focusing on greening bus stations with Energiaklub’s support.

The GVMP, as a collaborative effort, was developed under the leadership of the Urban Planning Institute of the Republic of Slovenia, with invaluable support from various partners across Central Europe, involved in the GreenScape CE project. These collaborations have been instrumental in ensuring the platform’s success and scalability to other cities in the region.

Curious to see the impact? Explore the GVMP and its tools here.

The GreenScape CE Visual Mapping Platform is a testament to what can be achieved when cities unite for a common goal — creating greener, healthier, and more resilient urban environments for all.

Further information are to be found on the project website.

Check out the GreenScape project on LinkedIn and Facebook

The WYDE Civic Engagement – Women and Youth in Democracy initiativE Civic Engagement project is on a mission to transform the landscape of youth and women’s involvement in democratic processes across Sub-Saharan Africa. As we continue the journey towards fostering a more inclusive and participatory governance structure, the project consortium is thrilled to announce the NGOs selected from the second Call for Proposals.

About the WYDE Civic Engagement Project

At the heart of the WYDE Civic Engagement project is a commitment to amplifying the voices of youth and women, ensuring they play an active and influential role in shaping their communities and nations. This initiative seeks to fund and implement both national and transnational projects that champion civic engagement and participation, particularly in Global South countries, with a focus on Sub-Saharan Africa.

The scope of these projects is vast and impactful. Selected partners are tasked with leading efforts that not only enhance civic engagement but also foster grassroots democracy. Through these initiatives, the project envisions a future where youth and women are empowered to contribute meaningfully to democratic governance, ensuring that their voices resonate within the corridors of power.

Selected NGOs

Following a rigorous evaluation process, the project consortium is proud to announce the NGOs that have been chosen after the second Call for Proposal. These organisations stood out for their innovative approaches, strong commitment, and the potential to make a significant impact on civic engagement in their communities:


  • Youth Action for Responsive Development (YARD) by Capacity Enhancement and Community Support (CAPECS Ghana) Ghana
  • Fora communautaires sur la participation citoyenne de la jeunesse dans les communes Yoto1, Vo2 et Avé2 by Action Collective pour le Développement Intégral de l’Enfance et de la jeune Fille (ACDIEF)Togo
  • Voices United for Inclusive Democracy by United Nations Association of EthiopiaEthiopia
  • Enhancing Transparency, Citizen Participation and Access To Local Governments by National youth parliament – the gambia (NYP)Gambia
  • Kenya Youth Parliaments Development Project – Phase I by UGUNJA YOUTH PARLIAMENT CBOKenya
  • Promoting Data-Driven Women and Youth Participation in Governance by Dignity nowSierra Leone


  • Améliorer l’écosystème politique pour le développement et la durabilité dans les Municipalités d’Obala et de Yaoundé II au Cameroun « EcoPô » by Community actions for Peace and sustainability (CAPS) Cameroun
  • Jeunesse Engagée pour une Démocratie Inclusive : Renforcement des Capacités Et Mobilisation Citoyenne au Bénin by Association Béninoise de Droit Constitutionnel (ABDC)Benin
  • GovTracker: Taking Action to Hold Government Accountable by Webfala Digital Skills for all InitiativeNigeria
  • Renforcer le pouvoir d’agir des jeunes tchadiens Et tchadiennes pour la promotion de la citoyenneté et la participation à la bonne gouvernance au Tchad by Action du Comité Communautaire de Programmation Alimentaire et sociale au Développement (ACOPAD) – Tchad


  • Projet pilote de promotion de la participation citoyenne des enfants et jeunes dans la gestion des affaires publiques en Afrique de l’Ouest by Enda Ecopop et OIDPSenegal / Benin / Togo
  • Projet de Renforcement de la Participation des Femmes et des Jeunes à la vie Démocratique (PReParDem – FJ) by Éclaireuses et Éclaireurs Du SénégalSenegal / Guinea / Benin

These selected NGOs will now embark on a series of capacity-building and coaching sessions, organised within the WYDE Civic Engagement project’s framework. These sessions are designed to equip the organisations with the tools and knowledge needed to refine their strategies and implement their projects effectively, ensuring a profound and lasting impact on the ground.

What’s Next?

As these organisations begin their work, they will play a critical role in advancing civic engagement and fostering democratic practices within their communities. Over the coming months, we will closely follow their progress, sharing updates on how they are driving change and contributing to a more inclusive and participatory democratic process.

The project consortium is excited to support these NGOs as they lead the way in this important work, and we look forward to the positive changes that their projects will bring to the communities they serve.

Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to work towards a future where youth and women are at the forefront of democratic governance.

From 7 to 11 August, 2024, a dedicated delegation of ALDA traveled to the Republic of Benin to engage in the 5th edition of the Forum de la Démocratie Participative en Afrique (FIDEPA). Representing ALDA, Giulia Sostero, Coordinator of the Middle East and Africa Department and Abdelaziz Bouslah, Africa Project Officer, took part in this influential event held in Cotonou, Benin. Organised by the International Observatory on Participatory Democracy in Africa (IODP) with the support of UCLG and hosted by the Municipality of Cotonou, which holds the presidency of IODP Africa for 2024, the forum sought to address the challenges and opportunities in fostering citizen participation for the creation of sustainable cities and territories.

During the mission, ALDA’s delegation engaged with key figures in Benin’s civil society, including a pivotal meeting with Mr. Bachir Kanoute, Secretary General of IODP Africa. The team also had the opportunity to converse with Mr. Segla LIHOUSSOU, Executive Director of the National Association for Beninese Communes, along with his team of project managers.

ALDA engaged in extensive discussions with key stakeholders to strengthen civic engagement and share best practices aimed at bolstering grassroots democracy throughout Benin.

Additionally, the delegation met with the recipients of the WYDE Civic Engagement grants, winners from the second call for proposals. Key interactions included a meeting with Mr. Jean-Pierre DEGUE, Executive Secretary of Social Watch Benin, followed by discussions with Mrs. Eveline OUENSAVI, National Coordinator, and Mr. Henry Joel DOSSOU, Executive Director of the Scouts of Benin. The delegation also engaged with Mr. Roméo FANGNINOU, Secretary General, and Mr. Créole TEDO, Programs Manager, along with the team from the Beninese Association for Constitutional Law (ABDC).

These interactions underscored the diverse and dynamic efforts being made to promote democratic practices and enhance citizen involvement within Benin.

The visit coincided with a significant date, August 10th, recognised as the African Day for Decentralisation and Local Democracy. This day served as a powerful reminder of the importance of empowering local communities and fostering grassroots participation in governance. Discussions highlighted the unique strength of African citizens’ deep-rooted connection to their local contexts, suggesting that this localised identity could be a driving force for community-led development and inclusive decision-making processes.

Looking to the future, the baton for hosting the next FIDEPA will be passed to the Municipality of Dakar, with the upcoming edition scheduled for July-August 2025. This transition marks a continued commitment to advancing participatory democracy across Africa and underscores the vital role of collective efforts in promoting citizen engagement and sustainable urban development.

In conclusion, ALDA’s mission to Benin as part of the International Forum for Participatory Democracy in Africa provided a rich platform for exchange and collaboration, paving the way for strengthened decentralised cooperation in building democratic cities.

The ongoing war, which has persisted for over two years, has greatly exacerbated the urgent needs of displaced individuals in Ukraine, including the crucial psychological support required in this challenging context. Through the “Emergency Support for Dnipro” project, ALDA in partnership with the LDA of the Dnipropetrovsk Region, aims to improve the lives of these individuals.

Project Overview

Launched in April 2024 with a budget of €23,000, the project faced several obstacles, but the team successfully renovated and equipped four condominium spaces, providing temporary and safe accommodation for internally displaced people (IDPs). Each space, totaling 80 square meters, can accommodate 2-4 people, offering a vital refuge for vulnerable families and individuals.

Humanitarian Impact

Dnipro, a frontline city, has seen an influx of over 300,000 IDPs in the past two years, underscoring the urgent need for temporary shelter. In addition to providing safe housing, the project also addressed the psychological well-being of the affected population. Primary psychological care and self-help training sessions were conducted, alongside art therapy master classes, which helped stabilise the emotional state of 95 participants, including children, adults, and the elderly.

This initiative was particularly crucial given the scarcity of shelters for displaced people and the high levels of stress caused by the war. The activities were completed in June 2024, with active participation from the condominium management, residents, and the IDPs themselves.

Challenges and Future Prospects

The project operated under difficult conditions, including periodic shelling and power outages, highlighting the resilience and dedication of all involved parties. Looking ahead, the premises will continue to serve as temporary shelters for IDPs as long as needed. Post-conflict, the condominium plans to maintain these spaces, potentially converting them into rental units to support building maintenance.

ALDA and the LDA of the Dnipropetrovsk Region remain committed to supporting vulnerable populations in Dnipro. They are exploring ways to expand similar support to other condominiums, ensuring more comprehensive coverage for those in need.

The “Emergency Support for Dnipro” project has proven to be a vital lifeline for many displaced individuals. It underscores the importance of community collaboration and international support in times of crisis. As the conflict continues, such initiatives are crucial for providing immediate relief and fostering long-term resilience.


Globalisation has widened the gap between the rich and poor, and recent challenges like climate change, pandemics, and high inflation have only made things worse. Inequality is at an all-time high, leading to widespread poverty, poor health, and limited educational opportunities. Social inclusion is more critical than ever to create a society where everyone, regardless of background, has access to the resources they need. Art isn’t just for galleries and museums. It’s a powerful tool for promoting mental health, education, and civic engagement, especially for young people. Street art can transform public spaces and bring communities together. The STAR 2.0 project is all about using the power of street art to connect and uplift disadvantaged youth, giving them an opportunity to express themselves in their communities.


  • Support youth workers in engaging youth with fewer opportunities in Street Art activities for them to find new ways to support their communities, increase solidarity and develop active citizenship.
  • Empower disadvantaged youth by boosting their self-determination and confidence through artistic expression.
  • Raise awareness among youth workers, citizens, local authorities about innovative management of public spaces and especially about the possibility of using street art for social inclusion purposes.

What We’re Doing
We’re on a mission to train youth workers to use street art as a tool for social inclusion. Through a comprehensive set of resources—including a detailed curriculum, online training, and a community platform—we’re equipping these workers with everything they need to help young people create impactful street art projects.

Get Involved: Our Activities
Youth workers will engage in an online training program to organise street art activities within their local communities. These activities will include workshops with local artists, mural creation for social expression, video documentation of the process, and community events to celebrate the art and bring people together.

Expected Results:
STAR 2.0 Curriculum: A comprehensive guide for using street art in social inclusion.
Online Training Course: Training for youth workers on leveraging street art for social inclusion.
Online Community: A platform for youth workers and stakeholders to share experiences and practices.
Street Art Interventions: Significant art projects co-created by the youth, fostering social expression and community engagement.


#streetart4inclusion #streetart4forthefuture #streetarttrainingcourse #erasmusplus

The nominations for the Mayor Paweł Adamowicz Award 2024 are open! During the 161st CoR Plenary Session on June 19-20, 2024, Vasco Alves Cordeiro, President of the European Committee of the Regions (CoR), officially launched the 4th edition of the Mayor Paweł Adamowicz Award, which recognises courage and excellence in promoting freedom, solidarity, and equality.

Mayor Paweł Adamowicz, a dear friend of ALDA, dedicated his efforts to advancing solidarity, integrating migrants and minorities, engaging in dialogue with civil society, and promoting fundamental rights at the grassroots level. First elected as Mayor of Gdańsk in 1998, he faithfully served the city until his tragic assassination on January 13, 2019.

The Mayor Paweł Adamowicz Award, is an annual Award, established by the European Committee of the Regions, to pay tribute to and acknowledge all those who work with courage and integrity to combat intolerance, radicalisation, hate speech, oppression, and xenophobia. It celebrates those who champion equal opportunities, social integration, and fundamental rights, drawing inspiration from and continuing the legacy of Paweł Adamowicz.

The Award honors individuals worldwide who build bridges and dismantle barriers, driven by a deep sense of responsibility to future generations. It recognises those who pave the way for societal change in favor of the most vulnerable, fearlessly confronting urgent battles for human rights and civil liberties, whether on a local, national, or international scale.

Submit your nomination for the Mayor Paweł Adamowicz Award 2024!

Launched in 2021, the Award of 2023 was granted to the ADL Zavidovići Association, an ALDA member, in recognition of its outstanding contributions to local and regional governance. 

The prestigious Award was received by Maddalena Alberti, director of ADL Zavidovići Association and member of ALDA Governing Board since 2024, during the ceremony that took place at the European Solidarity Center in Gdańsk (Poland) on January 13, 2024. 

During the receipt of the Award, Maddalena Alberti, with an emotional speech, expressed deep gratitude for receiving the Mayor Pawel Adamowicz Award on behalf of the Association ADL Zavidovici. She emphasised the honour and responsibility that comes with the Award, highlighting the duty to continue Adamowicz’s legacy of promoting human rights and democracy. She stressed the importance of translating values such as equality, freedom, respect, tolerance, and solidarity into concrete actions and policies. Alberti stressed the need for an open Europe rooted in human rights and democracy, cautioning against history repeating itself tragically. She called for perseverance and resilience in the face of challenges, emphasising that structural changes require constant, long-term commitment.

The Award ceremony concluded at the 10th European Summit of Regions and Cities in Mons (Belgium). With these cherished memories in mind, ALDA is honored to remain part of this initiative and warmly invites all those committed to making a difference to apply for the Mayor Paweł Adamowicz Award 2024. Nominations are open until October 31, 2024.


Discover more!

Recognising Excellence: ADL Zavidovići Association wins the Adamowicz Award 2023!

Celebrating Resilience: ADL Zavidovići honoured with Mayor Paweł Adamowicz Award in Mons, Commemorates in Brescia

Are you an ALDA member from an EU country looking to enhance your knowledge in EU Project Development, EU Funding Programmes, and Local Democracy? ALDA is thrilled to offer you an exclusive opportunity to participate in customised training sessions designed to meet your specific needs.

Why this opportunity is for you

As an ALDA member, you have the unique chance to access free, tailor-made training sessions delivered by ALDA’s highly qualified staff. These sessions are designed to provide in-depth insights and practical knowledge on key topics that matter most to your organisation.

Which topics will be covered?

Our training sessions can be customised to focus on the following key areas:

EU Project Development and EU Funds

  • Master the Project Cycle Management (PCM) and the Logical Framework.
  • Gain a comprehensive understanding of the Multiannual Financial Framework 2021-2027 and explore EU Funding Programmes like CERV, Erasmus+, Creative Europe, and Life.

Good Local Governance and Citizens’ Participation

  • Dive deep into participatory processes and multi-stakeholder cooperation to strengthen local democracy and governance.

What will you gain?

By participating in these trainings, you can expect to:

  • Enhance your expertise in EU Funding: Learn the latest updates on funding opportunities for both EU and non-EU member states, with a particular focus on sectors such as education, culture, employment, social inclusion, environment, sports, governance, and research.
  • Strengthen local governance skills: Develop advanced knowledge in areas such as citizen participation, good governance practices, and collaborative efforts that drive impactful local democracy initiatives.

For more information regarding how to become an #ALDAMember, click here.

How to organise your training

ALDA offers these trainings at no cost to its members, ensuring that they are accessible and beneficial to all. Here’s how it works:

  • Tailor-made logistics: Trainings can be organised online, with no additional costs, or in-person. For in-person sessions, the organising member is responsible for securing a suitable venue.
  • Participant requirements: For online trainings, a minimum of 20 participants is required, while in-person sessions require at least 50 attendees. As the organiser, you have the flexibility to invite participants who would benefit from the training.

How to get started

If you’re interested in organising a training session, simply fill out the questionnaire you received via email. ALDA will then get in touch with you to identify your specific training needs and assist you in planning the event.

Don’t miss ut on this exclusive offer!

This opportunity is available exclusively to ALDA members from EU countries. Take advantage of this chance to enhance your organisation’s capacity in EU project development, funding, and local governance.

Empower your team with knowledge and skills that will drive success!

We look forward to collaborating with you to create a meaningful training experience tailored to your needs.

It is with extreme joy and hope that we welcome the news of the recent release of several Russian prisoners, among them our dear friend and member Andrej Pivovarov.

Andrej, a Russian opposition activist, was the head of Open Russia and Open St. Petersburg, organisations members of ALDA, working for the promotion of local democracy and human rights in Russia. The organisation was then “liquidated” by the regime a few years later. 

According to Amnesty International, Andrej was arrested by Russian Intelligence and sentenced to four years in a penal colony in July 2022.

ALDA’s dear friend and member Andrej Pivovarov has been released from Russian prisons

Andrej, member of ALDA since June 2018, has always been an active and engaged member of our Organisation. He joined numerous initiatives and participated to in-person events, such as a joint event in Pskov (Russia) in 2018 and ALDA General Assembly in Caen in 2019, during which he officially received, from ALDA former President Oriano Otocan and ALDA Secretary General Antonella Valmorbida, the membership certification and was presented to the whole network of partners and members.

We wish him a good recovery and a peaceful return, with the hope that he can continue to advance the values of peace and democracy to which he is devoted, certain of the support and partnership ALDA will always ensure to him and his organisation.