The Local Democracy Agency Armenia is on the move. The LDA partners have appointed David Sarkis Dolmadjian as Delegate at the end of partner meeting that took place in Brussels.
The new delegate will be in the LDA office in Gyumri next week and he will be assisted by ALDA Director, Antonella Valmorbida.
Paula Rauzan, Delegate of the LDA of Sisak, will stay in Gyumri three weeks assisting him for the launch of the local LDA.
In the pictures: the ribbon cutting at the LDA headquarters
The LDA Armenia will have all the support and assistance of ALDA network, especially from the other LDA and in particular from the other LDA in southern Caucasus, based in Kutaisi, Georgia.
“I am looking forward to new synergies, especially in the Caucasus, for the whole network” stated Mrs Antonella Valmorbida.
It is possible contact LDA Armenia to the email address:
Partners of LDA Armenia are Rhône-Alpes Region (France), Friuli Venezia Giulia Region (Italy), International Committee For The Development of Peoples CISP (Italy), Union of Communities of Armenia, Urban Foundation for Sustainable Development (Armenia), Journalists’ Club Asparez (Armenia), the Municipalities of Gyumri, the host city, and Ijevan. The role of the international partners will be to provide core financial support, participate in activities where they have the skills and capacities, to encourage their own partners to participate in the work of the LDA and to promote the work of the LDA in their own community and encourage wider participation.
Gyumri is the second largest city in Armenia, situated in the North of the country and has been selected as host since it will provide a good basis to allow the LDA to work on a national level.
The Municipality of Gyumri provides an office and rooms for the LDA in the City Hall.
The LDA will facilitate the participation of civil society in the decision-making process at the local level, increase the interest, awareness and capacities of citizens to take part in the decision-making process at the local level and increase the awareness and skills of the local communities and local authorities to address the needs of their citizens. The LDA will support capacity building of civil society and local authorities and it will implement its activities at the local level with trainings, study visits and other participative methods.
Acting as a promoter of democracy and local self-government, the Local Democracy Agency will also promote human rights and sustainable development. The realisation of all objectives will be reached by implementing projects with local authorities and NGOs using the international partners support. The LDA will aim to serve as a bridge between Europe and Armenia and will bring Armenian practice to Europe and European experience to Armenia.
Finally the LDA will also work to ensure cross border cooperation in South Caucasus and will work to promote peace and understanding in the South Caucasus region.