III Forum on the Future of Democracy – Beyond Minimal Democracy
The Third Forum on the Future of Democracy, titled “Beyond a Minimal Democracy”, aims to collect the most interesting European experiences of Democratic Innovation to understand whether – and under what conditions – participatory and deliberative processes can function as a revitalizing force for democratic systems and civil society. This two-day international event is organized by the Giangiacomo Feltrinelli Foundation and the European project PHOENIX. It alternates working sessions with plenary sessions featuring prominent guests such as Wendy Brown, Graham Smith, Yves Dejaeghere, Kalypso Nicolaidis, and many others.
ALDA will take part through the SHARED GREEN DEAL project.
📍Milan, Italy
📆 4-5 December 2023
Discover more: https://fondazionefeltrinelli.it/app/uploads/2023/11/III-Forum_Democrazia-Mimina_Programma-1.pdf