E- VOICE is a project reflecting on the impact of the COVID-19 in 7 European countries: Italy, Romania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Spain, Belgium and France involving 9 institutions.
It is a project for institutions that want to build resilient communities across Europe for the post pandemic era. Voice targets young people, CSOs, educational authorities, local governments, and families. The process of building democratic and resilient societies of the future must involve young people whose voice must be heard. The participation of the young people to the decision making for the future of their communities and of the EU partners cannot take place unless obstacles that the COVID-19 pandemic have both created and worsened are removed. Partners have identified 4 issues: mental health problems, educational poverty, unhealthy habits, unemployment to research the best existing practices to generate a list of recommendations for the partnership.

- Connect communities to build a solidarity network focusing on the exchange and transfer of the best practices acquired during the pandemic, reduce Covid19 induced health and economic issues, create a protection to save lives and livelihoods, reduce poverty and inequalities which have been exacerbated by the pandemic and strengthen bottom-up solidarity initiatives planned and conducted by CSOs in 7 Countries of Europe.
- Explore the potential of youth participation in the projects at the local, national, and cross-national levels, make it possible for young people to make their voices heard and shape the communities they live in.
- Take advantage of experiences highlighting the conditions that favour youth participation, which is the ground on which civic participation may thrive and the future of Europe can be shaped.
- In view of the Conference on the Future of Europe, create a debate around the measures adopted following the pandemic (the Next Generation EU plan, the reinforcement to the MFF, etc.) and how the 6 priorities of the European Commission can shape our lives.
This article was produced with the support of the European Union. The content of this publication is the sole responsibility of ALDA – The European Association of Local Democracy and can in no way be considered as reflecting the views of the European Union.