Krusevo (MK) and St. James (FR) interested to cooperate in the field of tourism
فبراير 29, 2012French delegation from the municipality of Saint-James, from the Lower Normandy Region was on three-day visit in Kruševo, Republic of Macedonia in order to establish an international cooperation between both municipalities.

First study visit of the project Grundtvig – “Network for community development with marginalised social groups”
فبراير 29, 2012The project aims to facilitate the mutual learning of innovative tools of community development that tackle the problems of marginalised social groups in different regions of Europe.

Zavidovici (BIH): delegation from Alba (I), partner town, visited the LDA and evaluated common projects
فبراير 27, 2012In the period from 23 to 25th of February a Delegation composed by partners of LDA Zavidovici from Alba (Italy) visited Zavidovici with intention to do the evaluation of the common projects that are implemented in Zavidovici.

BINA Alliance for Municipal Development: a report on municipality institution in Azerbaijan
فبراير 22, 2012BINA, the NGO Alliance for Municipality Development with which ALDA has been cooperating for the past two years, has conducted the monitoring of the correspondence of municipality institution in Azerbaijan

ALDA takes part in Citizens’ Initiative Warming up Conference
فبراير 21, 2012On 26 January 2012 the European Commission organised the launching conference for the European Citizens’ Initiative in Brussels. The ECI, the first participatory democracy instrument on EU level, will be in force from April 1 in all 27 member states.

The Local Democracy Agency Armenia is on the move
فبراير 17, 2012The Local Democracy Agency Armenia is on the move. The LDA partners have appointed David Sarkis Dolmadjian as Delegate at the end of partner meeting that took place in Brussels.

“Find the way through the enlargement labyrinth”. Launch meeting of a PRINCE Programme project
فبراير 17, 2012The kick –off meeting (qui link al pdf: ) of a newly launched project supported by PRINCE, Programme of the European Commission – DG Enlargement, will be held in Budapest, 17/18 February.

First training “How to be young Europeans” within the EU project THINK EU
فبراير 16, 2012The first of the four trainings foreseen within the THINK EU, addressed to high school students from Pula Croatia, was held on the 13rd March.

Towns for Gender Equality. Web and Facebook to promote the project implemented by LDAs Mostar and Nis with other partners
فبراير 14, 2012A special website and a Facebook page have been launched as a part of the activities within the project “Promotion of the European Charter for equality between women and men at the local level”.

New project of ALDA: TIC-TAC – Training, Information, Cooperation – Towards Active Citizenship
فبراير 9, 2012ALDA is launching a new project TIC-TAC (Training, Information, Cooperation – Towards Active Citizenship) which will last until January, 17th 2013.

Decentralised cooperation between Lower Normandy and North Macedonia: meeting of the French partners
فبراير 9, 2012On 25 January 2012, the French partners in the Decentralised cooperation between Lower Normandy and North Macedonia met in Caen to discuss the progress of planned activities in year 2012.

ALDA calls for interested European partners to a new Local Democracy Agency in Azerbaijan
فبراير 8, 2012The Association of Local Democracy Agencies, with the support of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe, intends to enlarge its activities to promote local democracy and citizen participation at the local level in the South Caucasus by opening a Local Democracy Agency (LDA) in Azerbaijan in 2012.

A new practical guide on “Training and networking” published by Salto EuroMed. Written by Marco Boaria
فبراير 7, 2012Mr. Marco Boaria, ALDA Resource and Development Unit Coordinator, is the author of a new “Practical Guide” published by SALTO EuroMed, on “Training and Networking”.