Supported by the British Council and in cooperation with its Azerbaijan member, the Economic Research Center from Baku, ALDA took part in the Training of Trainers for Local Authorities and Civil Society in Baku (Azerbaijan) from the 18th to the 22n of June 2012. Mrs. Antonella Valmorbida, Director of ALDA, was the main trainer.
The programme is developing the capacities of LAs and CSOs representatives engaged in a programme that aims to strength NGO/municipal cooperation. The five days training was based on shared experiences from the ALDA network and European best practices of Citizens’ participation. A particular attention was given to the opportunities offered by the Code of Good Practices on Citizens’ participation of the Conference of the INGOs of the Council of Europe. The participants were engaged in active exercises to improve their skills as trainers, too.
The programme is included, for ALDA, in the general activities to strengthen local democracy and governance and citizens’ participation in Southern Caucasus. Since 2010, ALDA is promoting initiatives to develop a possible Local Democracy Agency programme in Azerbaijan.

ALDA at the training of trainers for local authorities and civil society in Baku
يونيو 19, 2012
Good governance