More than 30 young people coming from 4 different European countries celebrated the “Earth Day” in Peja/Pec (Kosovo) with interactive actions in the main square of the City. Participants prepared leaflets with slogans concerning environment protection, alternative waste bins made from recycled materials and put in place a public flashmob.
All participants worn green t-shirts and distributed the leaflets with environmental protection slogans to local citizens.
ALDA, in cooperation with Tavolo Trentino con il Kossovo and LDA Kosovo, implemented the youth exchange “Earth Day” from 16 April till 22 April in Peja/Pec (Kosovo) in the framework of the European programme Youth in Action. The purpose was to make youngsters aware of the environmental issues in Kosovo and in their local communities and to define common strategies of action. The participants came to Kosovo to take part in this exchange from many countries in Europe: Italy, France, Serbia and Kosovo. The project finished on 22nd April with a public event celebrating the ”Earth Day” in the main square of Peja/Pec.

ALDA celebrates the Earth Day in Peja/Pec (Kosovo) within the “Youth wears green” project
أبريل 23, 2012
Good governance