Local meeting in Knjazevac: youth and decision-making
يونيو 17, 2021On June 11th 2021, the group of young people engaged in youth CSOs from Knjazevac had a meeting with the representative of the local governance, the Deputy Mayor Mr. Branislav Josifovic.

Valid project: Second international event “Novo Mesto”
يونيو 15, 2021The Valid story continues with great success. The second international event will be held on the 15th and 16th of June 2021 on the Zoom platform, organised by the Volunteer center Novo Mesto.

Workshop with the participation of LDA delegates in Chișinau
يونيو 14, 2021Within the “Local Democracy Network Development”project, delegates from LDA Dnipropetrovsk, LDA Mariupol, LDA Georgia, LDA Armenia and LDA Moldova will join a workshop, organised in Chisinau from 8th to 10th of June 2021.

A new project on Good Governance and Environmental Protection for Ukraine
يونيو 14, 2021In March 2021 a new project has kicked off in Ukraine, more specifically in the Donetsk and Luhansk regions.

Join ALDA General Assembly
يونيو 14, 2021ALDA has co-signed, with other organisations, the Joint Civil Society Declaration so that to create a platform serving not only as a counterpart for the EU institutions, but also to represent citizens and people living in EU.

7 July: Save the date for the Open Day of Mysea project
يونيو 5, 2021Next Wednesday July 7th 2021, save the date for the Open Day of the Project MYSEA: a unique occasion for all Italian stakeholders interested in the labour inclusion of young people, NEETs and women in the blue and green economy sectors.

EU and the Western Balkans: Towards Renewed Trust
يونيو 5, 2021A great moment of share within ALDA project Regional Youth Compact for Europe (RYCE) in Western Balkans, which ended in May 2021.

From national contexts to international ones: 4th LIME workshop
يونيو 4, 2021On the 9th of June 2021 from 09h30 to 12h30 CEST, ALDA will host the 4th online International Capacity Building Workshop “Migrants’ Labour Inclusion: Networks and Cluster Activation and Consolidation” of the LIME project. Save the date and register here!

In presence! New training on Project Cycle Management
يونيو 4, 2021ALDA provides valuable and professional courses, benefitting from competences and knowledge gained throughout its 20 year experience. After a long period of time, ALDA is back in presence, launching a new course, in Italian, on “Project Cycle Management”.

Great success for the conference: fostering local development through tourism
يونيو 3, 2021The conference “Fostering Local Development through Tourism” took place on 26th of May in the frames of the project “Citizens’ voice and actions in consolidated communities of Armenia” with hybrid format supported by European Union.

Mind Inclusion: press release to conclude this great project
يونيو 3, 2021Mind Inclusion project has come to an end, after two years of full implementation and commitment.

“Zero pollution for healthier people and planet”: Join us at the Eu Green Week 2021!
يونيو 1, 2021From May 31st to June 13th the EU Green Week will take place! Two weeks to raise awareness and knowledge of how pollution affects us all: it is in the air we breathe, in the water we drink, in the land where we grow food.

New course! European funding: programmes and opportunities
يونيو 1, 2021Based on competences and knowledge gained throughout its 20 year experience, ALDA is able to provide valuable and professional courses on several topics, mostly related to European funding, Policy Analysis and Project Development.

IMPACT Final conference: good practices, guidelines and a video for digital education
مايو 30, 2021On the 20th of May 2021, the project IMPACT -Inclusion Matters! using Performing Arts towards Cohesion and Tolerance has officially closed its virtual doors with the Final Online Conference.

LIME: Coordination mechanisms in the field of migrants’ labour integration. The Italian experience
مايو 26, 2021On May 19th, ALDA held its 3rd Capacity Building Workshop, entitled: “Coordination mechanisms in the field of migrants’ labour integration: the Italian experience”.

19- 25 June 2021: Save the date(s) for ALDA General Assembly and related events looking at “The Future of Europe”
مايو 26, 2021It is official: ALDA General Assembly is coming soon and with it a whole week of special events under the banner of the Conference on the Future of Europe.