“New challenges of youth information” will be analysed in Prilep (MK)
مايو 31, 2011Macedonian and French experts will host two day seminar on June 14 and 15 in Prilep, Macedonia. The participants and organizers will discuss the methodology, expectations and practices in youth information and policy as well as local realities and implementation.

Georgia: police violently disperse peaceful demonstration – Statement of the first working group of the EaP Civil Society Forum
مايو 30, 2011We, participants of the First Working Group on Democracy, Good Governance and Stability of the EaP Civil Society Forum deeply regret the events that took place in the capital of Georgia on 26th of May, when riot police violently dispersed largely peaceful demonstration using excessive force.

Territorial development and multilateral decentralised cooperation
مايو 25, 2011The International Universities of Responsible Territories, UNITER RES together with the Association of Responsible Territories, TerritoiresResponsables TER RES, are organising in Foix, Toulouse (FR), 3 days seminars and workshops

CESD International Civil Society Forum held in Baku
مايو 23, 2011Center for Economic and Social Development (CESD) with support of European Commission and Management Center of Cyprus, held International Civil Society Forum in Baku, Azerbaijan on May 19th, 2011

United in the Mediterranean: a new strategy on local governance and citizens’ participation, promoted by the region Sicily
مايو 23, 2011The initiative was launched last year and it is now recalled to further promote the relationship in the Mediterranean area, from Morocco to Middle East, including, Spain, France, Greece, Italy and the whole Adriatic coast.

Day of the City in Kutaisi
مايو 23, 2011On 2 May 2011 the host city of LDA Georgia, Kutaisi, celebrated its annual Day of the City. On this occasion ALDA was represented by the President, Per Vinther, accompanied by Ioseb Khakhaleishvili, Director of LDA Georgia.

There is no democracy without local democracy – ALDA workshop in Baku, Azerbaijan, May 17
مايو 19, 2011“There is no democracy without local democracy”. It is what said Ambassador Constantin Yerocostopoulos, Head of the Council of Europe office in Azerbaijan, opening the workshop held by ALDA in Baku

Intermediate Steering Committee – 4 year of the program for decentralised cooperation between Lower Normandy and North Macedonia
مايو 16, 2011In the framework of the Programme for decentralised cooperation between the Region Lower Normandy and Republic of North Macedonia, stakeholders from Lower Normandy met with the head of department for decentralised cooperation and human rights in Regional Council of Lower Normandy.

Water that joins Europe: a transnational project launched in Sacile (IT), 6th-8th of May 2011
مايو 10, 2011It was launched in Sacile (IT), with the first of three planned international meetings, the project WELCOME, “Water: Linking Cities Element, Merging Opportunity for Europe”.

The European Parliament opened its doors: ALDA was there!
مايو 9, 2011Traditionally, the Open Days of the European Parliament are held on the second Sunday of May. This year, more than 17.000 people visited the building Louise Weiss also known as the new building of the European Parliament.

In memories & conflict elaboration, a documentary “Public history as private history”. March – May, 2011
مايو 2, 2011With the aim of improving relationships and cohabitation among communities, a documentary with interviews of around 100 people of all ages from the region has been produced.

Final event for the programme “Capitalise on Migrant Capacities in Algeria”, supported by EC/UNDP
أبريل 27, 2011On the 27th of April, in Alger, took place the final event of the programme “Capitalising Migrant Capacities in Algeria” supported by EC and UNDP.

Change at the LDA Albania
أبريل 26, 2011The LDA Albania has a new Delegate, after the departure of Mr Franco Menga. The responsibility is assigned to Mr Francesco Fiera, who has been leading the office of Cooperation and Active Citizenship of the the City of Brindisi.

Intermediate steering committee for Macedonian stakeholders in Prilep improves the decentralized cooperation between Lower Normandy and North Macedonia
أبريل 26, 2011In the framework of the Programme for decentralised cooperation between the Region Lower Normandy and Republic of North Macedonia, Macedonian stakeholders met with the Project Officer for the decentralised cooperation from Lower Normandy in Prilep on April 21, 2011.

Expected real changes in Georgia and Bulgaria from the reform of self-government
أبريل 22, 2011To ensure the progress of development of local self-government in Georgia and Bulgaria decisions and new laws must be turned into reality, because reforms don’t only remain de jure changes but also produce de facto changes.

Best practices for strengthening good governance at the local level
أبريل 19, 2011To share best practices of good governance in European local administration for strengthening the development of the local government in South Caucasus.