EGAL 2 (Egalité de Genre dans l’Action Locale / Gender Equality in Local Action) builds up on the results of the EGAL project, carried out in 2019-2020 with the support of Fons Mallorqui.
Capitalising on the experience of the 5 targeted rural municipalities, EGAL 2 will pursue the path towards a greater inclusion of the gender dimension in local policies, empowering local elected women in leadership skills and gender-sensitive budgeting. In the framework of the project, a national seminar on good practices of inclusion of the gender dimension at the local level in Morocco is also foreseen.

EGAL 2 general objective is to enhance the living conditions of women in the Tétouan province in Morocco. More specifically, the project seeks to empower 5 rural municipalities in terms of the inclusion of the gender dimension in local policies, in particular for what concerns gender-sensitive budgeting.