Immigration and immigrants’ participation represent vivid issues at the EU level and affect citizen’s daily life throughout the continent.
The partners of the project are civil society organizations, local and regional authorities and associations of local authorities coming from 6 different countries – old and new EU Member States and pre-accession countries – where immigration represents one of the most vivid issues on the agenda.
The project GOAL – Granting Opportunities for Active Learning, aims at promoting citizen participation in the construction of a tighter-knit, democratic, world-oriented and united Europe, tackling the challenge of immigration and emigration as opportunities to develop active citizenship and sense of ownership of the EU, whilst enhancing tolerance, solidarity and mutual understanding. The project presents a set of activities that grants citizens the chance to interact – both at the local and at the European level – and offers them the occasion to “work” together towards a common aim.

GOAL specific aim is to further improve the methodology of “citizens’ panels” adding the component of immigration. These panels are groups of ordinary citizens who would not have spontaneously participated in projects of a European nature and paying attention to involve people of different demographic, social and professional background. These groups meet regularly throughout the project to discuss matters of migration and, eventually submit recommendations on this issue to relevant political actors at local and European level.
GOAL foresees 9 steps of activity, having an impact both at the local and at the European level:
- Training for citizens’ panels activators
- Set-up of local citizens’ panels
- Local panels and workshops
- International meeting of citizens’ panels (mid-term): Kastoria (Greece), June 17-19 2011
- Open days at the local level
- Production phase
- International final workshop: Bucharest (Romania), November 2011
- Final publication