A cross disciplinary service learning platform integrating design, business, botanics and technology
Green Skills 4 Cities” aims to establish a transdisciplinary educational platform targeted at the development of skills in the field of NBS implementation in cities. The project will bring together trainers and learners from the fields of botany, technology, design, and economy and cities involving them in an unique transdisciplinary learning environment aiming at the development of curricula targeted at working in the public sector.
Green Skills for Cities aims to develop three programmes: the Training for Trainers Programme, the Short Term Programme and the Long Term Programme. All the resources for the programmes will be stored in an Online Resource Repository Platform which will be open to anyone who is interested in looking at the resources or developing the programmes for themselves. In addition, the partners will host online webinars and in-person national symposiums.

- Develop curricula of professionals targeted at NBS implementation, thus increasing cities sustainability;
- Increase the quality and relevance of higher education, focusing on the transdisciplinary dimension, to better respond to the labour markets needs;
- Reinforce networks in the field of urban sustainable development, establishing collaborations between HEIs, RTOs and municipalities, thus facilitating the introduction of the learners in the labour market;
- Produce results that are reusable, transferable and up-scalable.