According to most climate models, Southern Europe, and the especially the Mediterranean basin, is particularly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. Due both to expected increase of peak flow of the Olona and Seveso rivers and to the runoff generated by the not permeable urban fabric, Milan Metropolitan City (CMM) is prone to flood risk and extreme weather events like heat waves. Local governments are in a unique position to engage local stakeholders and draw punctual responses to local climate related vulnerabilities and risks. At the same time, individual municipalities do not have the necessary resources (scientific knowledge, administrative competences, funding, etc.) to deal climate problems.
It is for this reason that Metro Adapt aims at fostering the creation of a common well-structured governance related to climate change adaptation among the local authorities of the Metropolitan Area of Milan and produce tools that allow local authorities to implement cost-effective climate change adaptation strategies and policies adapted to the local context. The project will also pay high attention to the sharing and dissemination of the project’s tools and good practices with the other Italian and EU metropolitan areas.
- Mainstream the adaptation strategies and measures in the elaboration process of the CMM Territorial Plan and in the planning and building rules of the 134 CMM municipalities through an innovative approach identifying intermediate entities of governance (the 7 CMM Homogenous Areas);
- Establish and promote Nature Based Solutions (NBS) according to a multi-objectives approach (flood risk and heat-island reduction, together with regeneration of neglected urban space) that enhance the technical knowledge required for their design and implementation of NBS at local level;
- Enhance bottom up initiatives increasing citizens’ awareness and engagement on climate change adaptation strategies;
- Make available disaggregated meteorological and territorial monitoring data and tools that contribute to the development of accurate vulnerability analysis of the 7 Homogenous Areas of CMM;
- Develop a network of Italian and European metropolitan areas enhancing the mainstreaming of adaptation policies and measures and supporting the implementation of Nature Based Solutions.
- Assessment of the present situation concerning the mainstreaming of adaptation policies and measures in the CMM territorial plans
- Providing municipalities with a set of simple and standardised tools and rules on resilient measures to be integrated in their urban plans and regulations;
- Development of a “METRO ADAPT Platform” on the implementation of Nature Based Solutions
- Drafting of technical standards and feasibility studies and organising training workshops for municipal technician for the development of NBS;
- Organisation of local events to raise citizens awareness on the climate change issue and to trigger behavioural changes to combat its effects;
- Realisation of two demonstrative NBS facilities;
- Improving and complementing the existing spatial and meteorological data and information on the CMM
- Realisation of an e-learning platform on CMM web portal delivering training on vulnerability analysis to municipalities;
- Fostering an Italian and European network of metropolitan areas.