There is compelling evidence that people with intellectual disabilities and mental health problems are at risk of social exclusion.
Community-based supports and services that are person-centred and recovery-oriented hold considerable promise, but they are not widely available nor have they been widely evaluated. Mind Inclusion 2.0 wants to foster the competencies of educators of disabled people across Europe to promote the participative co-creation and use of an innovative online tool (a web platform) supported by the definition of a solid facilitation methodology which will contribute to the sustainable and inclusive involvement of disabled people in the society.
The project leverages from the previous Italian experience of dovevado.eu expanding it on different perspectives

- Enhancing cooperation and sharing experience among organizations working with intellectually disabled people (IDP) in Europe;
- Improving digital competences of IDP and their educators thus fostering an independent and inclusive life style;
- Developing and sharing successful methodologies and practices (co-design approach with IDP) to define and build inclusive communities across Europe;
- Improving society awareness about the needs of IDP and the occasions to carry out inclusive activities for IDP.
To learn more and discover the online platform, go to the project’s website: www.mindinclusion.eu