Marano Vicentino Municipality
فبراير 1, 2023Description Marano Vicentino is a town and comune in the province of Vicenza, Veneto, Italy. It …
Consortium for the reclamation of the Upper Venetian Plain (Consorzio di bonifica Alta Pianura Veneta)
فبراير 1, 2023
فبراير 1, 2023Fostering the breeding range expansion of central-eastern Mediterranean Lesser Kestrel populations
University of Milan
فبراير 1, 2023Higher Institute for Environmental Protection and Research – ISPRA
فبراير 1, 2023
فبراير 1, 2023Understanding the impact of novel technologies and social media on perceptions of Europe abroad
Bruno Kessler Foundation – FBK
فبراير 1, 2023La Sapienza University of Rome
فبراير 1, 2023University of Pisa
فبراير 1, 2023
Virtual Insanity
يناير 30, 2023The need for transparency in digital political advertising