Italy, Spain and Greece are among the EU countries with the higher unemployment rate. The Project involves three LRAs, boosting strategic plans to tackle unemployment establishing fruitful synergies that can benefit the local communities.
There is a great need to develop innovative ideas that will provide new solutions to this long-lasting issue, especially when it comes to young people, unemployed people or vulnerable groups. The expansion of the social economy concept will ensure fairer job opportunities, good work conditions, access for people in need and social inclusion.

The General Objective of RECRUIT is to empower Local Regional Authorities (LRAs) to work in collaboration and to create a pool of experts that can enable collaboration in the field of social economy at local, regional and European level.
The in-presence and online methodologies mastered by Impact Hub, together with the potential of the ALDA’s extended network of LRAs will ensure that the impact of the present project will go further beyond the three involved public authorities.