New project of ALDA: TIC-TAC – Training, Information, Cooperation – Towards Active Citizenship
February 9, 2012ALDA is launching a new project TIC-TAC (Training, Information, Cooperation – Towards Active Citizenship) which will last until January, 17th 2013.

Decentralised cooperation between Lower Normandy and North Macedonia: meeting of the French partners
February 9, 2012On 25 January 2012, the French partners in the Decentralised cooperation between Lower Normandy and North Macedonia met in Caen to discuss the progress of planned activities in year 2012.

ALDA calls for interested European partners to a new Local Democracy Agency in Azerbaijan
February 8, 2012The Association of Local Democracy Agencies, with the support of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe, intends to enlarge its activities to promote local democracy and citizen participation at the local level in the South Caucasus by opening a Local Democracy Agency (LDA) in Azerbaijan in 2012.

A new practical guide on “Training and networking” published by Salto EuroMed. Written by Marco Boaria
February 7, 2012Mr. Marco Boaria, ALDA Resource and Development Unit Coordinator, is the author of a new “Practical Guide” published by SALTO EuroMed, on “Training and Networking”.

The Governing Board of ALDA launches the programme 2012
February 7, 2012The Governing Board of ALDA, which was held in Brussels on the 3rd of February, launched the programme 2012.
Despite the difficulties for local authorities and civil society (ALDA main partners), the organisation continues its positive trend in terms of activities and memberships.

LDA Sisak presents the results of the project “Volunteering for cross border development”
February 6, 2012The results of the project “Volunteering for cross border development” have been presented in Banja Luka (BiH) by the LDA, Local Democracy Agency, of Sisak (HR) and YCC, Youth Communication Centre of Banja Luka, both partners of the project which is funded by European Union.

ALDA’s proposals on “2013 European Year of Citizens” at the public hearing of the European Economic and Social Committee
January 30, 2012“The European Year of Citizens, suggested by the European Commission for the 2013, today focused on rights, mostly on right to move and work in the Union, should have a wider perspective, and promote European citizenship and identity, including social and cultural aspects”.

The IPA BIH project “Civil society in action for dialogue and partnership” on “Peace News”
January 27, 2012Peace News”, the electronic newsletter of the Bosnian Organisation “Mreža Za Izgradnju Mira”, “Peace building network” of which LDA Mostar is member, in the issue of January 2012 published an article about the IPA Project “Civil Society in action for dialogue and partnership”.

Remembrance for a peaceful future
January 27, 2012On January 27th, 1945, 67 years ago, the German concentration and extermination camp of Auschwitz-Birkenau was liberated by the Russian Army, giving name to the International Holocaust Memorial Day on that date every year

France-Balkans Network: decisive steering committee held in Brussels
January 24, 2012The France-Balkans network held its annual steering committee in Brussels, in the Committee of the Regions on 24 January 2012. The French partners had the opportunity to discuss the recent decision by the Auvergne Regional Council to transfer the leadership to the Pays Vichy Auvergne.

LDs Mostar and CSS, Nis, signed the agreement of a project on gender equality of which are partners
January 23, 2012LDAs Mostar and Central and Southern Serbia – Niš signed a partnership agreement with the Association of Fenomena from Kraljevo (Serbia) for the implementation of a project.

Positive results on the referendum in Croatia
January 23, 2012The positive results of the referendum in Croatia were expected. 66% of the voters supported the process of integration to the European Union that should take place in July 2013. Croatia will be the 28th member of the European Union.

Joint ALDA and LDAs statement on the referendum in Croatia
January 20, 2012ALDA and the Croatian LDAs, in the context of the EU referendum, encourage all the citizens in Croatia to take an active role and vote, thus bringing Croatia closer to the European Union than ever before.

ELDW 2012: a co-ordination meeting in Paris
January 20, 2012A ELDW general meeting was held the 19th of January at the Council of Europe bureau in Paris. The aim was to assess the recent 2011 edition of the Week and to prepare the new 2012 edition.

Civil Association for the EU!
January 20, 2012LDA Osijek together with 13 associations from Osijek-Baranja County on the 18th January has organised a press conference on occasion of EU referendum in Croatia.

The role of LAs and CSOs in promoting social and migrants’ inclusion and gender equality discussed during the final event of Stand.Up
January 18, 2012The Minister for Home and Parliamentary Affairs in Malta, Mr Carmelo Misfud Bonnici, attended to the final event of the project “STAND.UP: Strengthening Twinning and Networking for Development Agreements. United in Partnership” that has been held in Malta (16-17 January 2012).