Soutien au renforcement institutionnel et opérationnel des organisations de la société civile et aux défenseurs des droits humains, Multi (EuropeAid/181215/DH/ACT/MR)

Soutien au renforcement institutionnel et opérationnel des organisations de la société civile et aux défenseurs des droits humains, Multi (EuropeAid/181215/DH/ACT/MR)

Deadline of the call:  24.06.2024

Location: Mauritania.

Objective: This call aims to allocate grants under two thematic programs, each comprising a lot: 1) Support for the institutional and operational strengthening of civil society organisations; 2) Support for human rights defenders. The grants awarded under this call must be complementary and consistent with the priorities of the European Union for Mauritania.