Information and promotion in any third country/ies (AGRIP-MULTI-2025-TC-ALL)
Information and promotion in any third country/ies (AGRIP-MULTI-2025-TC-ALL)
Deadline of the call – 23/04/2025 at 17:00 (Brussels time)
Location: Targeted countries. Proposals must relate to activities targeting one or several countries covered by the chosen topic of the call.
Objective: The general objective of the information provision and promotion measures is to enhance the competitiveness of the Union agricultural sector. The specific objectives of the information provision and promotion measures are to:
Increase awareness of the merits of Union agricultural products and of the high standards applicable to the production methods in the Union;
Increase the competitiveness and consumption of Union agricultural products and certain food products and to raise their profile both inside and outside the Union;
Increase the awareness and recognition of Union quality schemes;
Increase the market share of Union agricultural products and certain food products, specifically focusing on those markets in third countries that have the highest growth potential;
Restore normal market conditions in the event of serious market disturbance, loss of consumer confidence or other specific problems.
The expected ultimate impact is to enhance the competitiveness and consumption of Union agri-food products, raise their profile and increase their market share in these targeted countries.