Unlocking the potential of immersive technologies and participatory democracy: the MEDIUM Training of Trainers in Lousada
April 15, 2024The recent Training of Trainers of the Erasmus+ MEDIUM project allowed us to discover the possibilities that innovation and technologies may bring to citizen engagement.

Introducing BOOST project – Capacity building for CSOs in the Western Balkan
April 15, 2024ALDA is launching the BOOST project – Balkans for Optimising Opportunities, Sustainability, and Transformation of Civil Society, officially commencing on 1 April, 2024.

Building Resilient Communities: Insights from the International Mayors’ Summit in Moldova
April 15, 2024In the heart of Mons, Belgium, amidst the 10th European Summit of Regions and Cities on March 19, 2024, the ADL Zavidovići Association, a member of ALDA, received the prestigious Mayor Paweł Adamowicz Award.

Celebrating Resilience: ADL Zavidovići honoured with Mayor Paweł Adamowicz Award in Mons, Commemorates in Brescia
April 15, 2024In the heart of Mons, Belgium, amidst the 10th European Summit of Regions and Cities on March 19, 2024, the ADL Zavidovići Association, a member of ALDA, received the prestigious Mayor Paweł Adamowicz Award.

Empowering Local Voices: EU4Accountability Brings Change to Telenesti
April 13, 2024Civil society representatives and local authorities in the Telenesti district, Republic of Moldova, can boast the first results of the EU4Accountability project, which has allocated €82.3 thousand to five public associations with the aim of strengthening relations between citizens and local authorities and motivating people to participate actively in the decision-making process.

The Alta Via Della Grande Guerra arrives at the European Parliament: among nature, history and the promotion of European values
April 12, 2024The Alta Via della Grande Guerra represents a significant example of collective participation and collaboration to create a stronger, more inclusive and unified Europe.

Empower Your Voice: Apply for the Young Elected Politicians (YEP) programme and make an impact at the EU level!
April 12, 2024Are you a young politician under the age of 35, serving in regional or local positions within the EU and the EU candidate countries? Are you looking for opportunities to network, gather information on EU legislation and EU funding opportunities?
Do you want to be involved in the work of the European Committee of the Regions (CoR), and meet and debate with CoR members and other local, regional and European politicians?
Take part in the Young Elected Politicians (YEP) network and raise your voice at the EU level!

Inclusion Empowerment: ALDA in Copenhagen for an INCLUDATE training
April 12, 2024During March 10-15, two dedicated project managers from ALDA had the enriching opportunity to attend a comprehensive 5-day training session on migration inclusion in the beautiful city of Copenhagen (Denmark).

ALDA welcomes the Ukrainian Delegation of City and Village Mayors, Civil Society Experts and Businesses at its premises in Brussels
April 11, 2024On the 8th of April 2024, ALDA hosted a delegation of Ukrainian City and Village Mayors, Civil Society Experts and Businesses at its premises in Brussels, as a part of the study visit organised by ANTS, a member of ALDA.

My Real Deal: the online participatory platform for the European Green Deal is launched
April 5, 2024Connecting experts and citizens from diverse backgrounds and regions through digital tools in order to shape policies and initiatives.

Join the SCEPA Community of Interest! Call to be part of a community of interest working on energy poverty in Europe
April 3, 2024A call for municipalities and organisations working with families affected by energy poverty to be part of a community of interest with various advantages!

Tips for being an ally of Transgender People
March 31, 2024ALDA is deeply committed to supporting transgender individuals, especially on Trans Visibility Day. It’s crucial for everyone to educate themselves on being a supportive ally. Here are some valuable tips for allyship with transgender people.

Real Deal: partecipa all’assemblea deliberativa ASviS, disegniamo le politiche insieme!
March 28, 2024Fino al 29 marzo sono aperte le candidature per la partecipazione all’assemblea deliberativa sulle riforme e sugli investimenti prioritari del governo italiano nell’ambito del Green Deal europeo.

A step forward towards the EU: ALDA celebrates the European Council’s decision to open accession negotiations with Bosnia and Herzegovina
March 23, 2024ALDA warmly welcomed the historic decision of the European Council to open accession negotiations with Bosnia and Herzegovina, which marks a further step on the road of EU integration.

ALDA at the Heart of the 10th European Summit of Regions and Cities: Fostering Democracy and Celebrating ALDA Members
March 21, 2024In the city of Mons, Belgium, from 18th to 19th March 2024, the 10th European Summit of Regions and Cities unfolded as a pivotal gathering, drawing leaders, policymakers, and stakeholders from across Europe.

Launching the Network of the Anna Lindh Foundation in North Macedonia: Fostering dialogue and collaboration
March 21, 2024On March 19 2024, a significant step towards fostering intercultural dialogue and collaboration in North Macedonia was taken with the meeting for the creation of the Network of the Anna Lindh Foundation.