Stand Together Against Hate: The final Conference of the Stand Up Project takes place in Brussels
January 17, 2024The Stand Up Project lasted two years and is a collaborative initiative dedicated to combating hate crimes and promoting inclusivity within the European Union.

Explore the New ALDA Website: Promoting Local Democracy Globally!
January 16, 2024Welcome to the redesigned ALDA website – your gateway to the vibrant world of local democracy, civic engagement, and global cooperation! Our fresh digital space is crafted to enhance accessibility and provide a comprehensive overview of ALDA’s initiatives.

Overcome Discrimination and Religious Intolerance in Europe: discover the project Get the Trolls Out!
January 15, 2024ALDA will be at the forefront of the new initiative “Get the Trolls Out” which aims to combat discrimination and intolerance based on religious grounds in Europe.

Recognising Excellence: ADL Zavidovići Association wins the Adamowicz Award 2023!
January 15, 2024The Mayor Paweł Adamowicz Award, an annual tribute to outstanding contributions in local and regional governance, has reached its pinnacle as the nominations for the 2023 edition closed on December 4, 2023.

Antonella Valmorbida, ALDA Secretary General, joins Europe Direct Network
January 9, 2024ALDA is thrilled to announce that its Secretary General, Antonella Valmorbida, has been accepted as a member of the Europe Direct network.

ALDA + ottiene la Certificazione ISO 9001: un successo che segna il futuro!
January 8, 2024Nel corso del 2023, il team di ALDA+ ha compiuto significativi passi avanti nel perfezionamento del proprio sistema di gestione, al fine di renderlo conforme alla normativa ISO 9001.

Fuori il bando di Servizio Civile 2024: entra nel team di ALDA come volontario!
January 8, 2024ALDA è entusiasta di annunciare l’apertura del bando di Servizio Civile 2024 dedicato ai giovani, …

‘Protect. Strengthen. Prepare’: Belgium takes over the Presidency of the Council of the EU
January 8, 2024Following the conclusion of the Spanish Presidency of the Council of the European Union on December 31, 2023, Belgium took the helm from January 1 to June 30, 2024, under the motto ‘Protect. Strengthen. Prepare.’

ALDA’s Milestones in 2023: A Year of Commitment to Local Democracy
December 31, 2023As we bid farewell to 2023, we reflect upon the significant milestones achieved by ALDA …

Winter Greetings & Happy New Year from ALDA
December 29, 2023Winter Greeting and Happy New Year from ALDA President, Mr. Oriano Otočan, ALDA Secretary General, Mrs. Antonella Valmorbida and the whole ALDA team!

“The Alternative Hour”: a coming-of-age story where anger, fear and anxiety give way to a new vision of oneself and the world.
December 27, 2023This is the series “The Alternative Hour”, the new format produced by WeWorld – an organisation committed for 50 years to guaranteeing the rights of women, girls and children in 27 countries around the world – under the signature of Koala Production, the Rome-based independent production company of Ali, Mouadh and Takoua Ben Mohamed.

CreateUp Project Interview Series: An interview with Moïse Togo to understand key competences in the artistic domain
December 27, 2023This encounter unfolded within the framework of the Create Up project, spearheaded by the European Association for Local Democracy (ALDA). As part of this research endeavour, the Create Up consortium conducted interviews and sought out key artistic profiles as case studies to construct an ideal framework.

ALDA’s Governing Board meeting: new Members, strategic visions, and a glimpse into an ambitious future
December 22, 2023In 2023, ALDA experienced a year marked by a series of dynamic challenges alongside numerous opportunities. To cap off this bustling year and gain insight into the future, the last ALDA Governing Board meeting was held online on December 20, 2023.

European LEADER Congress 2023: supporting rural areas and local participation
December 22, 2023More than 650 participants, 36 nationalities and almost 70 speakers took part in the European LEADER Congress which took place on 18 and 19 December 2023, in Brussels (Belgium). ALDA, represented by Mrs. Antonella Valmorbida, ALDA Secretary General and Mr. Adrien Licha, Coordinator of the Secretariat of the Association, participated in the Congress discussing rural development in Europe and the needs and challenges of local communities in the context of the upcoming European elections.

6 Turkish Municipalities awarded with the ELoGE
December 20, 2023The European Label of Governance Excellence (ELoGE) has been acquired by six Turkish municipalities for the 2023-24 period. The ELoGE, symbolising a culture of good governance in local governments, is awarded by the National Platform established in Türkiye under the coordination of the Argüden Governance Academy.

Unlocking Perspectives: Youth’s Impact on Inclusion and Intercultural Understanding
December 19, 2023On the 5th of December in Strasbourg (France(, the event titled “From Voices to Visions: Youth’s Impact on Inclusion and Intercultural Understanding” emerged as a powerful platform for dialogue, collaboration, and visionary thinking.