Milan Sport United call for participation in the training workshop “sport, inclusion and volunteering”
August 11, 2023In the framework of the project “Milan Sport United”, PlayMore! – leader of the initiative – together with ALDA are pleased to announce the open call for participation in the training workshop “sport, inclusion and volunteering”.

ALDA joins the future rebirth of the city of Mariupol!
August 11, 2023On 27&28 July, ALDA Secretary General, Mrs. Antonella Valmorbida, went to Warsaw (Poland) to participate at the Conference for the presentation of the project “Mariupol Reborn: Architectural Principles of Reconstruction”, developed to revive the city of Mariupol once it is back in Ukrainian hands.

Call for participants – COMPASS National Training Course
August 10, 2023ALDA has been selected by the Youth Department of the Council of Europe to implement the COMPASS National Training Course.

Final event of the Water’s Experts project: together to highlight the importance of water
August 8, 2023From 4 to 6 August 2023, the final event of the Water’s Experts project took place in Italy, hosted by the project leader, Paese dell’Acqua.

ALDA and the Municipality of Vicenza: joining energies to address local challenges
August 4, 2023On July 21 2023, the ALDA Coordination Board, composed of ALDA Secretary General, Mrs. Antonella Valmorbida, the Director of Programmes and Corporate Strategy, Mr. Marco Boaria and the ALDA Office Directors and Heads of Departments and Regional Units, met the newly elected Mayor of Vicenza, Mr. Giacomo Possamai.

ALDA in Trieste for strategic meetings with the President of the Autonomous Region of Friuli Venezia Giulia and the Municipality of Trieste
July 25, 2023On July 21 2023, the ALDA Coordination Board, composed of ALDA Secretary General, Mrs. Antonella Valmorbida, the Director of Programmes and Corporate Strategy, Mr. Marco Boaria and the ALDA Office Directors and Heads of Departments and Regional Units, met the newly elected Mayor of Vicenza, Mr. Giacomo Possamai.

LDA Tunisia hosts the Multiplier Event, international workshop on environmental good practices
July 18, 2023From 3 to 5 July, 2023, the Local Democracy Agency Tunisia organised at the Continental Hotel in Kairouan, Tunisia, the “Multiplier Event”, an international workshop on environmental good practices.

ALDA General Assembly 2023: a crucial momentum for our members and partners
July 18, 2023“Local Democracy will save Democracy”: this was the motto and the core concept behind the ALDA Festival 2023, held from 6 to 9 June in Etterbeek, Belgium.

The New Spanish Presidency: Priorities and Expectations
July 17, 2023A new period has started in Europe with Spain that has assumed the rotating presidency of the Council of the European Union.

Anti-discrimination and empowerment: ALDA supports persons with disabilities and celebrates Disability Pride month
July 14, 2023July is Disability Pride Month! During this month, we focus on persons with disabilities to foster their empowerment and ensure they are seen and included in building broader equality.

Kick-Off for USE IPM, the Start of Exciting Collaborative Endeavor
July 14, 2023The highly anticipated kick-off meeting for the USE IPM (Up-Skilling Researchers for Sustainable Entrepreneurship based on Innovation Process Management) project commenced this July 13, at the Faculty of Economics in Niš, Serbia.

Forum delle acque 2023: strengthening the participatory base of eco-museums to valorise and protect the territory
July 14, 2023On June 24 2023, Mr. Marco Boaria, ALDA Director of Programs and Corporate Strategy, participated in the “Forum delle Acque” (water forum), which took place in Terni (Italy).

A very warm welcome to the new EU Lives Project Volunteers
July 14, 2023ALDA is beyond excited to welcome the selected Leverage for Initiating Volunteers in Europe and Surrounding (EU LIVES) volunteers, who will join ALDA for the following 11 months.

Engage for the planet: showcase your artwork while making an impact!
July 13, 2023The EU24 Engage for the Planet project will bring together domestic and mobile union citizens to foster dialogue and action in the realms of climate justice, climate change, and sustainability.

ReCAP Training of Trainers: discovering artistic and cultural tools to involve youngsters with fewer opportunities at local level
July 13, 2023On July 4-5-6-7, 2023 the 2030 Youth Vision project partners met in Rome for the second transnational partners meeting, hosted by Fondazione Mondo Digitale – FMD.

Engage for the planet: showcase your artwork while making an impact!
July 13, 2023ALDA is organising a poster competition to link all the events together through climate-related themes.