The Regional Forum “Remembrance and intercultural dialogue” goes online
December 9, 2020Have you already marked on your agenda the appointment with the Regional Forum “Remembrance and intercultural dialogue”, taking place on the 21st and 22nd of December on Zoom?

Unfolding ALDA’s Strategic Plan for the Eastern Partnership
December 9, 2020The Balkan region’s recent history is marked by periods of conflicts, wars and decisions aiming at redrawing the region’s borders.

Unfolding ALDA’s Strategic Framework for… Europe!
December 4, 2020As previously announced, ALDA has revealed the launch of 4 regional webinars, free and open to ALDA’s members and partners, with the aim of unfolding the New Strategic Plan for 2020-2024.

ALDA’s trainings are back… online!
December 3, 2020Despite all the restrictions imposed in order to limit the spread of the virus, ALDA decided not to give up on its trainings, which are coming back… online!

Presenting heritage in its integrality for today’s society
December 2, 2020An interview with Tosho Spiridonov, historian, anthropologist and archaeologist from Sophia, Bulgaria, by Ana Frangovska, art historian and curator

Canva as a bridge to the path of social inclusion
November 30, 2020An interview with Maria Tsantsanoglou, Acting General Director at MOMus and the artistic director of MOMus-Museum of Modern Art- Costakis Collection, Thessaloniki, Greece, interviewed by Ana Frangovska, art historian and curator.

Canva as a bridge to the path of social inclusion
November 30, 2020Coalition of youth organizations SEGA worked on the project IMPACT – Inclusion matters!, implementing its activities, including local youth, foreigners residing in the country and the diligent hands of young children.

Language is one of the most valuable cultural heritage sites
November 30, 2020An interview with Vladimir Martinovski, professor at the University of “Ss. Cyril and Methodius” in Skopje, Department of Comparative Literature, interviewed by Ana Frangovska, art historian and curator.

Four regional webinars to discover ALDA’s new strategic plan
November 30, 2020Although this year has been particularly difficult, ALDA is even more determined to support local and participative democracy as well as to strengthen citizens’ local approach and resilience.

Cultural heritage is the environment in which we develop
November 26, 2020An interview with prof. Darija Andovska, composer, pianist and author of orchestral, chamber, solo, vocal, film, theatre and dance music, as well as music for multimedia projects, by Ana Frangovska, art historian and curator

Presenting heritage in its integrality for today’s society
November 23, 2020An interview with Tosho Spiridonov, historian, anthropologist and archaeologist from Sophia, Bulgaria, by Ana Frangovska, art historian and curator

All cultural heritage belongs to each of us
November 20, 2020An interview with Sanja Ivanovska Velkoska, archaeologist and conservator in the National Center for conservation of Skopje, interviewed by Ana Frangovska, art historian and curator

Refugee Camp in Bosnia and Herzegovina
November 19, 2020Love is the cure for painful experiences

Reconnecting broken bridges through art & culture
November 19, 2020An Interview with Alexandros Stamatiou, photo reporter from Athens, Greece, interviewed by Ana Frangovska, art historian and curator

Cultural heritage is an ongoing process
November 18, 2020An interview to Aemilia Papaphilippou, visual artist from Athens, Greece, by Ana Frangovska, art historian and curator.

Get the updates you like with our project’s newsletters
November 18, 2020One thing the covid-19 pandemic has taught us is to be extremely resilient and never give on our projects… quite literally in fact!