A step forward the Local Democracy Agency in Dniepropetrovsk
July 5, 2013The Vice President of ALDA, Imislava Gorska, and the Director of ALDA, Antonella Valmorbida, met the International team of the Region Lower Silesia in Poland to further agree on the establishment of the future LDA in Ukraine, in Dnipropetrovsk. The meeting, in Wroclaw on 4 July, set the ground for identification of partnership, actions and future steps.

ALDA President Statement on the accession of Croatia to the EU
July 3, 2013The accession of Croatia to the EU marks a turning point for my country, torn by conflict only two decades ago. I think that Croatia is now a stable democracy, capable of taking on the obligations of EU membership and eager to help other acceding countries during their process. Ahead of us we have a challenging time and we need to be able to grasp as good as possible the opportunities offered in this period, both political and economical.

Youth and Politics – MY EUROPE event in Strasbourg
July 2, 2013From 25th to 27th June 2013, ALDA organised three days of activities in Strasbourg on the topic “Youth and politics”, within the project MY EUROPE and in cooperation with the Conference of INGOs of the Council of Europe (International Non Governmental Organisations).

Croatia joins the European Union
July 1, 2013On 1st July Croatia has joined the European Union, becoming its 28th Member State. This is a historic turning point for the country, as well as real evidence of the transformative power of the European Union: torn by conflict only two decades ago, Croatia is now a stable democracy, capable of taking on the obligations of EU membership and of adhering to EU standards.

Training of multipliers within the project COHEIRS
June 26, 2013A ‘training of multipliers’ took place from 18 to 20 June 2013 in Brussels, within the project COHEIRS – Civic Observers for Health & Environment, Initiative for Responsibility and Sustainability. The event brought together 55 participants representing 31 organisations from 12 different countries in wider Europe.

Partners meeting of LDA Armenia foundation
June 24, 2013The meeting was of vital importance for the functioning and future perspectives of LDA foundation Armenia. The present partners nominated their representatives in the Board of Trustees, consisting of 12 members, and the first composition will be finalised in July. The president of the Board of Trustees is the lead partner, the Region of Rhone-Alpes Region.

EU-Belarus puzzle: rethinking European policy
June 14, 2013Relations between the EU and Belarusan authorities remain a challenging puzzle for Brussels. Since 1997 the EU has applied number of different approaches to establish cooperation leading to democratisation, Europeanisation and modernisation of Belarus. During the spring 2012, European Dialogue on Modernisation was launched. However, little progress can be observed so far.

ALDA at the First International Seminar of the project TYEC
May 27, 2013Within the framework of the TYEC project, led by UIL Italy, ALDA contributed, as partner organisation, to the success of the first international Seminar on “Youth generations and labour market” organised in Madrid on 23 May 2013.

Community theatre paving the way towards European active citizenship
May 27, 2013Organised by ALDA in close co-operation with CRT Foundation and the University of Turin, the conference ‘ Crisis and renaissance – Local Community Theatre Paving the Way towards European Active Citizenship’ held on 22 May in Brussels raised awareness about the social and community theatre as a powerful tool for local communities in response to ongoing economic and social crisis.

Final conference of the Civil Society in Action for Dialogue and Partnerships
May 14, 2013The final conference of the Civil Society in Action for Dialogue and Partnerships project, titled “Agreement as a basis of cooperation between civil society and the authorities in Bosnia and Herzegovina”, gathered around 80 participants, NGO and LA representatives from Bosnia and Herzegovina, neighbouring countries and EU Member States.

A bridge from Friuli Venezia Giulia to Montenegro through ALDA’s cooperation project
May 13, 2013On Wednesday 8 May at the Italian Embassy in Podgorica (Montenegro) a meeting took place, which involved Alessandro Perelli, the Vice President of ALDA, Kerim Medjedovic, delegate of the LDA in Niksic, the new Italian Ambassador in Montenegro Eugenio Del Monaco and the Counsellor of the Embassy, Michele Mistò.

Europe Day, 9 May 2013
May 9, 2013The Association of Local Democracy Agencies marked the Europe Day on 9 May 2013 with several initiatives. ALDA’s President Oriano Otočan and Director Antonella Valmorbida attended the opening ceremony of the Center for EU and international cooperation in Bale/Valle (Istria, Croatia).The event gathered 150 European, national and regional political representatives, among which Lower Silesia and Liege city’s representatives. A partner meeting for the LDA Dnipropetrovsk was part of this event.

ALDA at the Assembly of European Regions’ Eastern Partnership conference in Dnipropetrovsk
April 30, 2013On 25 April, the Ukrainian Region of Dnipropetrovsk hosted a conference organized by the Assembly of European Regions (AER) on the opportunities interregional cooperation can offer in the context of the Eastern Partnership.
The event gathered 150 European, national and regional political representatives, among which Lower Silesia and Liege city’s representatives. A partner meeting for the LDA Dnipropetrovsk was part of this event.

All ALDA events in Pula
April 22, 2013The General Assembly of ALDA took place in Pula on the 19th of April 2013, hosted by the Region Istria, Croatia. Around 60 members of the organisation, local and regional authorities and civil society groups, participated in this important event.

Scholarship Gianfranco Martini given for a research on Transborder Cooperation in South Eastern Europe
April 19, 2013The first scholarship established by ALDA in 2013, dedicated to the Memory of our Honorary President, M. Gianfranco Martini, has been give to Mr. Gianfranco Brusaporci, for his studies in Western Balkans on transborder cooperation.

Cooperation agreement ALDA – UniNettuno
April 17, 2013On the 4th of April, the Vice-President ALDA Alessandro Perelli and the Director of the International Telematics University UNINETTUNO Professor Maria Amata Garito signed a cooperation agreement between the two institutions and launched their first common project.