ALDA Workshop and LDA Armenia partner meeting in Yerevan, Armenia
July 12, 2011On July 12 ALDA together with the Union of Communities of Armenia will organise a workshop on Local Self-government and citizen participation in Armenia.
Business Forum – “Doing Business Together”
July 12, 2011Within the framework of the project “Georgian Diaspora for Development in Kutaisi”, in order to support local entrepreneurship and promote locally produced goods, Business Forum “Doing Business Together” has been held in Kutaisi on 28 May, 2011.
The Friuli Venezia Giulia Region (IT), New Vicepresident of ALDA
July 11, 2011President of the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region, is the new Vicepresident of ALDA.
The long lasting member of ALDA was elected by the Assembly of ALDA members, that took place in Bydgoszcz (9th of July).
Local Democracy Agency Armenia to open In Gyumri, Armenia in October 2011
July 10, 2011On July 13 and 14 a preparatory partner meeting for LDA Armenia took place in Yerevan to discuss the establishment of an LDA in Armenia.
ALDA’s General Assembly (9th July 2011) in Bydgoszcz, PL
July 9, 2011ALDA General Assembly 2011 took place in Bydgoszcz (9th July 2011), the day after the important International Conference on “Volunteering for Democracy”.
ALDA’s International Conference on “Volunteering for Democracy”
July 8, 2011Volunteering is a fundamental instrument for the growth of democracy. Europe believes in its strengthening and intends, with the European Year of Volunteering, to promote the involvement and the participation of European citizens.
Why a new website of ALDA?
July 7, 2011Welcome to the webpage of the Association of Local Democracy Agencies, ALDA. The internet is only one, but certainly a very important, communication tool which we shall continue to develop and make available in order to inform all the people about our activities and if possible motivate them to engage in similar worthwhile activities with us or other partners.
Practical workshop for renovation of ancient buildings in Lower Normandy by French and Macedonian experts
July 1, 2011Starting from July 4 until July 8, 2011, Macedonian and French professionals will work on discovering and practicing the technics of renovation of traditional buildings in Pont Farcy, Lower Normandy.
Exploratory mission from Lower Normandy will discover tourism potential of South-Western Macedonia
July 1, 2011In the four years that have elapsed since the beginning of the creation of the decentralised cooperation between Lower Normandy Region and North Macedonia, the cooperation has marked significant number of achieved goals.
Sicily starting point for the development of local governance in the Mediterranean area
June 30, 2011Sicilian Region and ALDA promote the second meeting with the mayors in Sicily on “Active citizenship and participation for local governance in the Mediterranean”.
ALDA accepted as new member of CONCORD
June 28, 2011The General Assembly of Concord, that took place in Brussels on 21th-22nd of June, with around 120 participants, voted on and approved ALDA’s application to become its associate member.
Theatre of Communities in Places of Crisis and Rebirth. ALDA partner of the Project “Caravan: Artists on the Road”
June 28, 2011In the next three years ALDA will be in charge to coordinate and organise local public events (including theatre performances) in France, Belgium, Serbia and Croatia within the project “CARAVAN. Artists on the Road”.
French delegation visits North Macedonia working on detailed plans for cities with protected areas in the Macedonian municipalities
June 27, 2011In the framework of the component 3 regarding the protection and inventory of architectural heritage, starting from 25th June until 2nd July, the activities will continue through a study visit to North Macedonia.
Photo exhibition “Strong Words”, to promote European values
June 25, 2011LDA CSS, Center for Civil Resources Development and Media Research Centre Nis in cooperation with the Office for European Affairs of the City of Nis and the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) began with preparation of the exhibition entitled “Strong Words” in May 2011.
Mayor of Nis visits ALDA office hosting the representative office of the city
June 24, 2011The Mayor of Niš, Mr Miloš Simonović, visited yesterday (23rd of June) the ALDA office in Brussels which is hosting the newly established Representative Office of the City of Niš.
France-Balkans: new projects on youth in the Balkans in perspective
June 21, 2011On 17 June, the programme France-Balkans held their workshop on Youth aimed at further discussing the project submitted to the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Regional Council of Auvergne.