
E-Voice reaches the Senate of the Italian Republic

Aug 16, 2023

Youth empowerment & Education Linked project:

The E-voice project, funded by the European Commission to reflect on the impact of the pandemic on young people, institutions and voluntary associations, was presented at the Senate of the Italian Republic in Rome (Italy) on 14 July 2023. Thanks to UDC Quaestor Senator Antonio De Poli who promoted the initiative, a delegation of young Italians, volunteers, officials and administrators attended the official project presentation press conference. 

The presentation was also attended by the national director of the CERV Italia programme, Ms. Manuela Marsano, who emphasised the strong impact of similar projects on a partnership network of 7 bodies spanning the whole of Europe and involving thousands of European citizens.

Afterwards, Ms. Manuela Todeschini, on behalf of young people, brought the experience of the Mioveni event in April, emphasising how the Romanian city’s social communication during the pandemic was optimal in reaching even the most vulnerable groups. Finally, city councillor Mr. Pier Luigi Zarantonello presented the new project website, within which a blog is now available to discuss the four areas of interest of the project, notably educational poverty, mental health, bad habits and unemployment. The objective is to research the best existing practices to generate a list of recommendations for the partnership.

E-Voice aims at helping young people to get actively involved in decision-making processes

E-Voice is a project implemented with communities to reflect on the post-pandemic European Union from the point of view of solidarity among citizens, especially young people, and democratic participation in local politics. The discussion concerns the impact that the pandemic has had on citizenship with regard to 4 key issues: mental health, educational poverty, unhealthy habits and unemployment, but also topics of education, social services, health authorities, employment centres and corresponding services across borders will be involved.

The project will enable youngsters from the 7 European countries to meet and exchange methods and good practices, to engage in pilot actions and to get to know first-hand the solidarity system of the visited country, while the objectives of E-Voice will be achieved by different methods: international mobility, participation, exchange of good practice, cooperation networking and transnational valorisation events.

This article was produced with the support of the European Union. The content of this publication is the sole responsibility of ALDA – The European Association of Local Democracy and can in no way be considered as reflecting the views of the European Union.