The project aims to build public awareness of the Charter and its value, and the capacity of key stakeholders for its broader application. The consortium, consisting of five European organisations will implement a transnational project focused on (a) building media capacity to showcase Charter Impact (b) fostering expert discourse around Charter application, (c) enabling Charter use at sub-national level, and (d) supporting participatory engagement with Charter by young people. The select groups – journalists; practitioner experts, local authorities, CSOs and young people have been selected specifically based on current gaps and the potential for amplification and sustainability of action. Overall FOCUS is expected to result at least 60 capacity building events, with 1800 direct participants from at least 22 EU MS, and over 170 publications with a total reach of over 120,000. Throughout delivery, the project will draw on innovative programmatic approaches (e.g. Pop-up newsrooms, Youth Rights labs, expert blog symposia etc), and will mainstream the issues of gender and the focus on migrants and youth throughout delivery

The FOCUS project aims to build public awareness of the Charter and its value, and the capacity of key stakeholders for its broader application, and to raise awareness on the applicability of the Charter for everyday citizens.