We need remembrance for a peaceful future – By Per Vinther, ALDA President
janvier 31, 2011On January 27th, 1945, 66 years ago, the German concentration and extermination camp of Auschwitz-Birkenau was liberated by the Russian Army, giving name to the International Holocaust Memorial Day on that date every year.

Communities of practices, capacity building for local authorities in Türkiye
janvier 26, 2011The two days activities in the framework of LAAR 2 – Further support to Local Administrative Reform in Türkiye, conducted by the Director of ALDA, Mrs. Antonella Valmorbida, took place in Antalya the 24th and 25th of January 2011.

Signing ceremony of the cooperation convention between Hermanville-sur-Mer (FR) and Vevcani (MK)
janvier 24, 2011Mr. Jacques Lelandais, Mayor of Hermanville-sur-Mer and Mr. Pero Ilievski, Mayor of Vevcani, signed a Convention for cooperation between the two cities on 17th January 2011. The Convention is expected to have positive impact on youth exchange, ICT, multimedia libraries and schools, tourism and cultural heritage, etc.

ALDA is searching for 2 volunteers (French or residents in France)
janvier 21, 2011ALDA is preparing a proposal for the “Youth in Action. Action 2 – European Voluntary Service” whose deadline is the 1st of February. The proposal consists of group exchanges of volunteers between several European Structures and South Eastern Europe organisations.

Creativity and innovation to give new life to town twinning
janvier 14, 2011On 13th January, CITIES project final conference took place in Dordrecht (NL). Workshops and exchange of experiences at the International Conference on Town-twinning Initiatives.

ALDA engaged in the local administration reform in Türkiye
janvier 14, 2011In these last years and in particular in view of the recent constitutional reform, the system of local authorities and in general local administration is now under review and reformed.

ALDA supports the campaign to establish a statute for European associations
janvier 14, 2011ALDA participates in the work of the European Alliance for the Statute of the European Association (EASEA). The Alliance works towards mobilising support for a statute for European Associations. Currently Associations can’t formally be considered as European Associations, but have to register nationally and function as either national or international organisations.

“Volunteer! Make a difference”: European Commission launches the European Year of Volunteering 2011
janvier 13, 2011To highlight volunteers’ work, encourage others to join in and address the challenges they face, the 2011 European Year of Volunteering has four main objectives: lowering obstacles to volunteering in the EU; empowering volunteer organisations and improve the quality of volunteering; rewarding and recognise volunteering activities; raising awareness of the value and importance of volunteering.

On 13th January in Dordrecht, the Netherlands, “CITIES” final conference
janvier 10, 2011ALDA, together with the Municipality of Dordrecht, the Netherlands, and its partner BMC has organised the CITIES final conference that will take place in the City Hall of Dordrecht on Thursday 13th January 2011.

Presentation of Macedonian’s cultural and natural heritage in Caen
janvier 10, 2011The association “Savoir Faire et Decouverte” from Caen is organising a debate on January 14, themed as “Balkan’s Cultural and natural Heritage: The Macedonian example“. The aim is to present the cultural and natural heritage of the Macedonian rural regions as well as to present the activities for development of sustainable tourism and citizens’ participation in the regions: Berovo, Mavrovo and Novaci.