Empowering Youth for Sustainable Food Solutions: Highlights and Achievements of the Food Wave Project
novembre 30, 2023The Food Wave Project , which was co-funded by the Development Education and Awareness Raising Programme (DEAR) of the European Union, came to an end in November 2023.

International Conference Recap: Fostering Local Governance for a Wider European Community
novembre 30, 2023The recent International Conference “A Wider European Community: The Importance of Local Governance, A roadmap for the Western Balkans, Moldova, and Ukraine on the road for EU accession” was held in Skopje, North Macedonia, on October 19 and 20, 2023.

Forum of Local Governments of the European Union and the Community of Latin America and Caribbean States: fostering local authorities and democracy dialogue
novembre 30, 2023On 9 and 10 November 2023, the Forum of Local Governments of the European Union and the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States took place at the Auditorium of the Industrial School of Barcelona (Spain), with the aim to strengthen the political dialogue between the EU and Latin America.

Discover the 12 Principles of Good Local Governance – ELoGE
novembre 29, 2023The Council of Europe – Centre of Expertise for Good Governance has taken a significant step in advancing the standards of governance by introducing an enhanced set of “12 Principles of Good Governance.”

Il forte sostegno italiano alle Comunità Ucraine: Il messaggio del Ministro Antonio Tajani
novembre 28, 2023l Vice Presidente del Consiglio e Ministro degli Affari Esteri, On. Antonio Tajani, si è recentemente espresso in una significativa lettera in occasione della “Conferenza Internazionale sul Sostegno Decentrato alle Comunità Ucraine: Il Ruolo dei Comuni di Media Dimensione e l’Approccio Territoriale,” tenutasi a Vicenza (Italia) il 23 e 24 Novembre 2023.

International Conference on decentralised support for Ukrainian Communities: Vicenza becomes centre of collaboration for the reconstruction of Ukraine
novembre 27, 2023Following the principles of the Lugano Declaration, ALDA seeks to support the inclusive recovery of Ukraine and its communities, reinforcing multilateral decentralised cooperation between Ukrainian and EU local democracy actors.

New Members Approved and Exciting Initiatives Discussed in ALDA’s Recent Governing Board Meeting
novembre 27, 2023In an online meeting held on November 20, 2023, ALDA’s Governing Board welcomed new members and delved into key initiatives.

International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women: A Call for Systemic Change
novembre 25, 2023“If tomorrow it’s me, if tomorrow I don’t come back, mom, destroy everything.
If tomorrow it’s my turn, I want to be the last.
Cristina Torre Cáceres

Increase your knowledge on Fundraising with the ad-hoc training course provided by ALDA+ to its members
novembre 24, 2023ALDA+, the benefit corporation owned by ALDA – the Association for Local Democracy, continues its commitment to providing training and technical assistance globally, targeting diverse stakeholders, including local authorities and civil society.

Empowering Tomorrow: LDA Odesa Unveiled in a Historic Opening Ceremony
novembre 21, 2023In a momentous occasion, ALDA proudly declared the official opening of Local Democracy Agency (LDA) Odesa in Ukraine, marking not only a historic milestone for Odesa but also coinciding with the celebration of 30 years of Local Democracy Agencies in the Balkans.

Celebrating 30 Years of Local Democracy Agencies in Kosovo
novembre 20, 2023On 15th November 2023, LDA Kosovo organised a conference in the Municipality of Peja (Kosovo), centred around the European Label of Governance Excellence Programme, funded by the Council of Europe, and marking the 30 years of Local Democracy Agencies in the Western Balkans.

ELoGe: Enhancing Local Governance in Kosovo
novembre 20, 2023On 15th November 2023, the LDA Kosovo organised a conference in the Municipality of Peja (Kosovo), focusing on the First Phase of the European Label of Governance Excellence Programme, with anticipation for the Second Phase.

PEACE EDUCATION Project: The online course and the online community are now available!
novembre 20, 2023The PEACE Education project was funded by the European Union through the Erasmus+ programme and developed by 7 partners from four different countries: France, Türkiye, Portugal, and Slovenia.

Media4EU: discover the outcome of the public opinion survey “Eurometer 2023”
novembre 17, 2023Media4EU – Civil Society Program for media participation in North Macedonia’s EU membership negotiation is a project implemented by Eurothink in partnership with ALDA and BIRC.

Unlocking the Power of Participation: ALDA’s Membership Days Approach
novembre 16, 2023Membership Days- tailored exclusively for ALDA members and potential members, this dynamic initiative serves as a gateway to explore the diverse facets of ALDA’s work, network possibilities, and equips participants with the essential tools to venture into the realm of citizens’ participation and inclusion.

Conferenza internazionale sul sostegno decentrato alle comunità ucraine: Vicenza diventa centro di collaborazione per la ricostruzione dell’Ucraina
novembre 15, 2023Conferenza internazionale sul sostegno decentrato alle comunità ucraine a Vicenza (Italia) il 23 e 24 novembre 2023.