Participative democracy: Time to deepen democracy for a global responsibility and citizenship

Statement by ALDA Secretary General Antonella Valmorbida

Democracy Day – 15 September 2015

« Complexity, speed and interactivity are the features of our time. Europe is at the centre of difficult processes these days with the crisis of migrants, internal economic struggle and turmoil and wars at its border. Despite the difficulties that we all encounter in finding sound and sustainable solutions to big societal challenges, it is not with less democracy but rather with more deep and intense democratic systems that we will find our way through.

Democracy represents the possibility for all different parts of our community to be represented in the decision and it is planning a peaceful way to change leadership and direction. No other systems will offer us the same possibility. Only by strengthening the potentialities of democracy, we would give a positive sense to a modern interactive and constantly changing setting. » […]