
ALDA in Central Asia: expanding partnerships and strengthening Civil Society

Sep 16, 2024

EU values and Enlargement Good governance

As part of its commitment to promoting local democracy, Human Rights, and citizen engagement, ALDA recently undertook a mission to Central Asia, aimed at expanding its presence and fostering partnerships with civil society organisations (CSOs) across Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan. The mission, led by a dedicated team, successfully achieved five strategic objectives, setting the groundwork for long-term cooperation and development in the region.

Mission objectives

ALDA’s mission in Central Asia was built around five key goals:

  1. Exploring the operational environment of CSOs: Gaining insight into the unique challenges and opportunities faced by local organisations.
  2. Identifying potential synergies: Seeking areas of collaboration, particularly in sectors aligned with ALDA’s mission and expertise.
  3. Gathering relevant information: Investigating the fields of activity and strategic priorities of Central Asian CSOs.
  4. Presenting ALDA’s work: Introducing ALDA’s mission, programmes, and community to prospective partners and stakeholders.
  5. Building a dynamic cooperation network: Establishing in-person relationships to facilitate future collaborative projects.

Key findings by country


In Almaty, Kazakhstan, ALDA met with prominent organisations, including NGO Echo, the Institute of National and International Development Initiatives, and the Kazakhstan International Bureau for Human Rights and Rule of Law. These groups, known for their significant contributions to civil society, expressed strong interest in ALDA’s activities, particularly in the areas of territorial development and local governance. The discussions revealed promising opportunities for partnership, especially with the Eurasia Foundation of Central Asia (EFCA) and NGO Echo, both of which have a solid focus on local development. The organisations welcomed the opportunity for follow-up collaboration.


In Tajikistan, ALDA engaged with CSOs working across diverse fields such as social work, gender issues, youth development, and community engagement. Arranged with the kind support of EFCA Tajikistan, these meetings were productive, with the organisations demonstrating both enthusiasm for collaboration and expertise in areas that align with ALDA’s focus. A key highlight of the mission was the discussion with the European Union Delegation in Dushanbe, which outlined regional priorities such as Human Rights, media development, and strengthening civil society. The exchange confirmed a mutual interest in future cooperation between ALDA and Tajik organisations, particularly in the fields of youth and gender empowerment as well as rural development.


In Uzbekistan, ALDA engaged with some of the well-established organisations, facilitated by Yuksalish, an initiative focused on socio-economic reforms and civic engagement. Yuksalish’s extensive network and experience offer promising collaboration opportunities, particularly in areas such as environmental sustainability and community development.

In addition to these discussions, ALDA explored opportunities with other CSOs focused on youth, gender equality, and support for people with disabilities. These sectors align well with ALDA’s thematic priorities and present strong potential for future partnerships.

Future steps

This mission represents a significant step in ALDA’s efforts to support CSOs in Central Asia. Moving forward, ALDA intends to explore funding opportunities, particular attention will be paid to EU funding initiatives, with the goal of establishing long-term partnerships.

ALDA also plans to maintain ongoing communication with the organisations engaged during the mission. A second visit to the region is being planned to solidify these partnerships and initiate collaborative projects, and it will likely coincide with upcoming EU funding opportunities expected in early 2025.

Strengthening democracy through cooperation

ALDA’s mission in Central Asia underscores its dedication to strengthening civil society and promoting democracy through collaboration. By establishing new partnerships and identifying areas of synergy, ALDA is well-positioned to support local initiatives that advance Human Rights, civic engagement, and sustainable development in the region. ALDA looks forward to continuing its work in Central Asia and sharing updates on future developments. To stay informed about our latest projects and initiatives, subscribe to our newsletter or follow us on social media.