
Applications for the Council of Europe’s 2024 European Label of Governance Excellence (ELoGE) in Türkiye are open!

Sep 23, 2024

Good governance

The European Label of Governance Excellence (ELoGE) is a key initiative launched by the Council of Europe to evaluate and recognise the standards of local governance in municipalities. This programme aims to enhance the quality of local administration by providing municipalities with the tools, knowledge, and capacity necessary to deliver high-quality services to their communities.

You have until October 11, 2024, to apply and take part in this amazing opportunity.

The ELoGE is awarded to the local authorities that demonstrate compliance with the 12 Principles of Good Democratic Governance. These principles include Fair Conduct of Elections, Responsiveness, Rule of Law, Accountability, among others. 

The application process for the European Label of Governance Excellence in Türkiye will be coordinated by the Argüden Governance Academy, authorised by the Council of Europe to grant the label in the country. The process will be supervised by the National Platform, which includes the Union of Municipalities of Türkiye, ALDA, and Altınbaş University. An independent jury composed of experienced bureaucrats, academics and civil society figures will evaluate the applications according to the criteria set by the Council of Europe. 

The award is valid for one year and recognises that the awarded municipality has met the high standards of good governance set by the Council of Europe.

ELoGE is built on a collaboration between the Council of Europe and established regional, national, or transnational organisations, or temporary platforms with significant knowledge, expertise, or experience in good governance, particularly at the local level. 

The initiative is a prestigious recognition that empowers local governments to maximise public benefits by effectively leveraging their authority and resources. By earning the ELoGE label, municipalities demonstrate their commitment to transparency, accountability, and citizen engagement, which not only motivates continuous improvement in governance but also fosters trust and involvement among community members. Ultimately, ELoGE serves as a crucial tool for local governments to implement innovative solutions, enhancing the quality of life for residents and promoting sustainable development and democratic values at the local level.

The partners involved in the process for the European Label of Governance Excellence in Türkiye include the Argüden Governance Academy, a non-profit foundation dedicated to improve the quality of governance in public, non‑profit, private, and international organisations, the Union of Municipalities of Turkiye, a public benefit association that protects the rights and interests of municipalities, Altınbaş University, founded in 2008, and ALDA.

ALDA, the European Association for Local Democracy, plays a crucial role in promoting local democracy and good governance across Europe. ALDA is accredited to implement the ELoGE programme in different municipalities in Croatia, Kosovo and North Macedonia, supporting them successfully in achieving the principles of good governance by providing support and advice to the local entities, ultimately driving sustainable development and community well-being.

Don’t miss this incredible opportunity—apply by October 11, 2024! Showcase your commitment to good governance and take a step towards enhancing your community.

Info on how to apply here (in Turkish).