The aim of COHEIRS is to support active participation of citizens in the EU democratic life and more specifically in the implementation of the precautionary principles, as detailed in Article 191 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (EU), through the establishment of citizens panels focused on health and environment.
These groups of “civic observers”, duly supported and guided, will monitor the condition of the environment by paying special attention to those violations and misconducts directly or collaterally threatening the public health. At the same time, they will be progressively inscribed and involved in an international network, which will support their efforts, advocate on their behalf at the EU level and coordinate the drafting of recommendations to be addressed to the relevant local, national and European decision makers.

COHEIRS aims to achieve the following objectives:
- Empowering citizens to play a full part in their communities’ life;
- Fostering citizens’ participation through volunteering;
- Fostering citizens’ sense of ownership of the EU;
- Tackling environmental and health related issues both at local and European level;
- Encouraging environment friendly policies;
- Promoting intercultural dialogue;
- Contributing to an inclusive society
The project foresees 8 steps, having impact both at local and European level.
Following the partnership building phase, the process is planned as follows:
- Preparatory phase
- Local workshops and set up of “civic observers’ group”
- Training of multipliers
- Establishing of “information and coordination units” at the local level
- Local thematic workshops
- International thematic workshop
- Local dissemination évents
- Dissemination campaign
Besides the implementing partners, the project benefits of and rely on the cooperation of expert and dissemination partners.
Expert partners:
- French Society of Environmental Medicine (ISDE-France), France
- Italian Society of Doctors for the Environment (ISDE-Italy), Italy
Dissemination partners:
- RECREATURA_arts&culture, Spain
- Amministrazione Comunale di Lecce,Italy
- Municipality of Monfalcone, Italy
- Patto Territoriale Soc. Cons. A.r.l. Oristano (P.T.O.), Italy
- Central and Eastern Europe Citizens Network (CEE CN), Slovakia
- Civil Kollégium Alapítvány (Civil College Foundation), CKA (CCF), Hungary
Get the latest updates on COHEIR on the project’s website: https://sites.google.com/site/coheirsalda/home