The purpose of this activity is to contribute to capacity-building efforts in CEI member states in local governance, as well as to encourage active citizenship in the pursuit of EU enlargement. This activity features representatives from EU and non-EU CEI member states, including third countries, convening and exchanging practices to support local governance, as well as helping to establish dialogue for good governance and European integration. Improving local democracy has benefits for local governance, which ALDA plans to achieve by emphasizing the importance of inclusive communities, decentralization, civic initiatives and volunteering, sustainable development, human rights, and gender equality in participation. It recognizes that strengthening participatory mechanisms on the local level feed into greater benefits on higher levels, as well as allowing for better local quality of life for the constituents. The project is a continuation of previous joint efforts between ALDA Skopje and the network of LDAs across the Western Balkans and the European neighbourhood to engage in international cooperation and exchanges regarding local governance.

An important aspect of this project is making sure that the actions contribute to the facilitation of the EU integration process of the candidate countries in the Western Balkans as well as Ukraine and Moldova. Another goal is to strengthen the thematic network of CSOs and local authorities that have the goal of strengthening the EU integration process, allowing them to be key players in it. All of these actions together will also contribute to the strengthening of capacities of partners in the field of good governance and multi-stakeholder cooperation, including with CSOs, local authorities, and others.