Local Democracy Agencies from Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Citizen Front of Others fully support the efforts of the European Union, all relevant international institutions as well as all associations and activists who advocate that the verdict of the European Court for Human Rights in Strasbourg in the Case of Sejdić-Finci be put into practice.
Equality of rights between the citizens is the corner stone of the relations the EU insists upon.
Amendment of the Bosnia and Herzegovina Constitution is necessary so to enable equality of all citizens of BiH in order for our country to become, after decades of conflict and political instability, a more just society and join the large European family.
We welcome the agreement between the European Commissioner Štefan Füle and political leaders of Bosnia and Herzegovina who have unanimously accepted the Road Map to EU and submission of the request for EU candidacy status by 30 November 2012.
This agreement dictates Bosnia and Herzegovina fulfilment of certain obligations among which the implementation of the Strasbourg Court Decision fills a significant position.
Only when they are equal, citizens can mobilise all of their strengths and talents so to make the society they live in more democratic, prosperous and better. It is our wish that Bosnia and Herzegovina becomes such a place as soon as possible.

LDAs and ALDA joint statement on Bosnia and Herzegovina political situation
Juil 05, 2012
Good governance