Municipality of Medijana, central and biggest municipality in the City of Nis, started the process of developing a ten-year Local Sustainable Development Strategy, 2011 – 2021. This document will be developed with the support from the Standing Conference of Towns and Municipalities of Serbia and Delegation of the European Union in Serbia through the “Exchange 3” programme.
As proved partner of Mediajna municipality, LDACSS, Nis, is actively involved with this process and will be facilitating a working group on EU integrations and active citizenship. First workshop with relevant stakeholders took place on 12th of July. SWOT analysis, vision, priorities, strategic and specific goals have been defined.
Local Sustainable Development Strategy of the Municipality of Medijana will identify priorities for local community in the areas of environmental protection and infrastructure, economic and social development, involving as many local stakeholders and citizens as possible. It will include a ten-year period but will be flexible and will allow all necessary adjustments throughout the period of its implementation.