ALDA is launching a new project TIC-TAC (Training, Information, Cooperation – Towards Active Citizenship) which will last until January, 17th 2013.
TIC-TAC project aims at promoting all the measures of the Europe for Citizens programme at strengthening the participation of the potential programme’s stakeholders through the creation of a platform for the establishment of long lasting partnership reaching a significant number of different stakeholders (Association of LA, CSOs, LAs, citizens).
The main activities will be an international training course in Brussels focused on all the actions of the Europe for Citizens programme, the organisation of 12 local Info Days and an international Citizenship Fair aiming at promoting exchange of good practices among partners & at creating and strengthening relations through the setting-up of a network based on a dynamic and interactive method.
The partnership is composed of 22 organisations such as Associations of LA, of LA, NGOs, other local actors, both private and public. Media will also be involved.

New project of ALDA: TIC-TAC – Training, Information, Cooperation – Towards Active Citizenship
Fév 09, 2012
Good governance Linked project:TIC-TAC