septembre 12, 2023Strengthening the social responsability of Moldava’s local and central government
International Conference “A Wider European Community: The importance of local governance”
septembre 10, 2023Eu enlargement and active citizenship participation
CreateUp – Promoting Entrepreneurship For The Cultural And Creative Sectors
septembre 6, 2023Increasing education and fighting unemployment
septembre 6, 2023Peace Awareness through Volunteering and Education
Platform for Good Governance
février 9, 2023and Environmental Protection in Ukraine
décembre 28, 2022Empowering local authorities and civil society to deliver solutions with Participative Democracy
Open Democracy
décembre 21, 2022A Russian-European exchange
Media Dialogue
décembre 15, 2022Strengthening media capacity and responsibility in Kyrgyzstan
Media Policy Institute
décembre 15, 2022TANDEM V
décembre 15, 2022Cooperation for citizens’ participation and development of local communities in Belarus