The project seeks to respond to the recent challenges that have forced the European continent to face the reality of history: peace is not a concept that must be taken for granted. It’s an ongoing effort that comes from cooperation among peoples and thrives through integration and investment in youth. PAVE aims through several meetings to improve understanding on the topic of achieving peace, conflict management and integration between nations with the aim of providing the young participants with the fundamental tools to be able to handle the topic with expertise. Young people will then be able to put their skills into practice in order to have an impact on the field.


The aim of the project is to offer young people the tools to understand situations of conflict, recognize past and future critical issues present on the continent and subsequently, foster a context in which young people can participate at the forefront to implement the skills acquired.
Secondly, the overall objective of the project is to increase the general understanding on the topic in order to foster cooperation between nations and recognize volunteering and international partnerships as appropriate tools to implement peace between the peoples.



The aim of CIRAN is to reconcile two, sometimes conflicting, societal objectives and needs: protecting environmentally sensitive areas and increasing socio-economic resilience.
In an era of uncertainty and demanding outcomes for people and government, CIRAN will deliver a functional solution to resolve such conflicting interests with the help of endorsed ‘social contract’ models that consider the dynamics, links, and complexity of coupled social-ecological systems, enabling streamlined permitting and policymaking processes, to be taken up and continuously adapted/improved by a Community of Practice that will remain active after the project funding period.


CIRAN – CrItical RAw materials extraction in enviroNmentally protected areas – is an EU-funded Horizon Europe project that aims at reconciling two societal objectives and needs: protecting environmentally sensitive areas and increasing socio-economic resilience. As a result, it will create recommendations to reconcile the increasing demand of critical raw materials with the need to protect natural areas in Europe with the help of communities and experts.

Reshaping European Advances towards green Leadership Through Deliberative Approaches and Learning


REAL DEAL sets out to stimulate a pan-European debate involving different stakeholder groups, with the aims of reshaping citizens’ and stakeholders’ active participation and deliberation in the green and just transition. It brings together excellent research with experienced practitioners of deliberative democracy from a wide range of disciplines including environmental rights and the law of public participation, ethics and responsible innovation, gender studies and ecofeminism, psychology, geography, urban planning and applied sustainability studies. In a massive co-creating exercise, it will research, test and validate innovative tools, formats and processes for deliberative democracy.


Objective 1. Provide an analysis and selection of meaningful, effective, representative, inclusive, gender-sensitive, youth sensitive and impactful citizens’ participation and deliberation criteria, processes, concepts and formats in the EGD and its wider sustainable development objectives;
Objective 2. Build collaboration from a large spectrum of CSOs, researchers and policymakers and other stakeholders across Europe on deliberation of different areas of EGD and its wider sustainable development objectives;
Objective 3. Test and validate innovations in deliberative tools, formats and processes across the EU and its neighbourhood related to topics relevant for the EGD involving representative samples of citizens from all cross-sections of society with a specific focus on marginalised and vulnerable groups, gender equality and youth;
Objective 4. Evaluate the success of tested innovations in deliberative tools, formats and processes and elaborate recommendations of meaningful, effective, representative, inclusive, gender-sensitive, youth sensitive and impactful citizen’s and CSOs participation and deliberation;
Objective 5. Inform, engage, and build capacity of citizens and other stakeholders on the EGD and its wider sustainable development objectives as well as the deliberative processes implemented in this project.


Eager to be part of a transformative event that promises to shape the future of European democracy? We invite you to join us in Strasbourg (France), from September 26 to 29, 2023, for “Road to the 2024 European elections: Exploring European Institutions through Study Visits and ALDA’s Events”. As the city houses the Council of Europe, it holds a unique position in shaping European policies and practices.

Participation is open to a diverse range of individuals and groups, including French and international NGOs, Local Authorities, associations of Local Authorities, committed Local Democracy Agencies (LDAs), passionate activists, and engaged citizens mainly based in Strasbourg, including ALDA’s member network and, especially, from the following countries: Spain, Belgium, Austria, Slovenia, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Romania, Croatia, Estonia, Lithuania, Ireland, Luxembourg, Finland, Czech Republic.

This inclusive approach underscores the event’s dedication to fostering collaboration and empowering local democracy advocates.

Discover all the exciting details and secure your spot by clicking here. Let’s forge a path to a brighter democratic future together. Accommodation and travel costs are covered according to ALDA’s guidelines!

Participate in the “Road to the 2024 EU elections” event to shape the future of European Democracy!

The event will take place within the framework of “Local democracy responding to global challenges – an alliance between local authorities and civil society at the heart of a Europe of rights” an ambitious project, which operates as part of the three-year contract “Strasbourg, European Capital 2021-2023” and is funded by five institutions dedicated to strengthening democracy, stimulating citizen participation, and promoting good governance. These institutions are: the Bas-Rhin Prefecture, the Grand Est Region, the European Community of Alsace, the City of Strasbourg, and the Strasbourg Eurometropole.

At its core, this event is driven by two paramount objectives that intertwine to shape the future of European democracy. Firstly, it seeks to strengthen the bedrock of European principles and values, including democracy and active citizenship, with a laser focus on the local level. Through dynamic cooperation and the exchange of invaluable experiences, the aim is to enrich the very tapestry of European democracy.

Secondly, this event serves as a platform to further cement Strasbourg’s standing as a true European capital of democracy and an open forum for robust democratic discourse. Strasbourg’s influence on European democracy is poised to expand, solidifying its central role in shaping the trajectory of European democracy on both local and global fronts. Together, we forge the path toward a future where Strasbourg’s influence knows no bounds in the realm of European democracy.

What are you waiting for? Register here!

The event will be held in ENG () with possibility of translation to FR (

Eager to be part of a transformative event that promises to shape the future of European democracy? We invite you to join us in Strasbourg (France), from September 26 to 29, 2023, for “Road to the 2024 European elections: Exploring European Institutions through Study Visits and ALDA’s Events”. As the city houses the Council of Europe, it holds a unique position in shaping European policies and practices.

Participation is open to a diverse range of individuals and groups, including French and international NGOs, Local Authorities, associations of Local Authorities, committed Local Democracy Agencies (LDAs), passionate activists, and engaged citizens mainly based in Strasbourg, including ALDA’s member network and, especially, from the following countries: Spain, Belgium, Austria, Slovenia, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Romania, Croatia, Estonia, Lithuania, Ireland, Luxembourg, Finland, Czech Republic.

This inclusive approach underscores the event’s dedication to fostering collaboration and empowering local democracy advocates.

Discover all the exciting details and secure your spot by clicking here. Let’s forge a path to a brighter democratic future together. Accommodation and travel costs are covered according to ALDA’s guidelines!

Participate in the “Road to the 2024 EU elections” event to shape the future of European Democracy!

The event will take place within the framework of “Local democracy responding to global challenges – an alliance between local authorities and civil society at the heart of a Europe of rights” an ambitious project, which operates as part of the three-year contract “Strasbourg, European Capital 2021-2023” and is funded by five institutions dedicated to strengthening democracy, stimulating citizen participation, and promoting good governance. These institutions are: the Bas-Rhin Prefecture, the Grand Est Region, the European Community of Alsace, the City of Strasbourg, and the Strasbourg Eurometropole.

At its core, this event is driven by two paramount objectives that intertwine to shape the future of European democracy. Firstly, it seeks to strengthen the bedrock of European principles and values, including democracy and active citizenship, with a laser focus on the local level. Through dynamic cooperation and the exchange of invaluable experiences, the aim is to enrich the very tapestry of European democracy.

Secondly, this event serves as a platform to further cement Strasbourg’s standing as a true European capital of democracy and an open forum for robust democratic discourse. Strasbourg’s influence on European democracy is poised to expand, solidifying its central role in shaping the trajectory of European democracy on both local and global fronts. Together, we forge the path toward a future where Strasbourg’s influence knows no bounds in the realm of European democracy.

What are you waiting for? Register here!

The event will be held in ENG () with possibility of translation to FR (

Eager to be part of a transformative event that promises to shape the future of European democracy? We invite you to join us in Strasbourg (France), from September 26 to 29, 2023, for “Road to the 2024 European elections: Exploring European Institutions through Study Visits and ALDA’s Events”. As the city houses the Council of Europe, it holds a unique position in shaping European policies and practices.

Participation is open to a diverse range of individuals and groups, including French and international NGOs, Local Authorities, associations of Local Authorities, committed Local Democracy Agencies (LDAs), passionate activists, and engaged citizens mainly based in Strasbourg, including ALDA’s member network and, especially, from the following countries: Spain, Belgium, Austria, Slovenia, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Romania, Croatia, Estonia, Lithuania, Ireland, Luxembourg, Finland, Czech Republic.

This inclusive approach underscores the event’s dedication to fostering collaboration and empowering local democracy advocates.

Discover all the exciting details and secure your spot by clicking here. Let’s forge a path to a brighter democratic future together. Accommodation and travel costs are covered according to ALDA’s guidelines!

Participate in the “Road to the 2024 EU elections” event to shape the future of European Democracy!

The event will take place within the framework of “Local democracy responding to global challenges – an alliance between local authorities and civil society at the heart of a Europe of rights” an ambitious project, which operates as part of the three-year contract “Strasbourg, European Capital 2021-2023” and is funded by five institutions dedicated to strengthening democracy, stimulating citizen participation, and promoting good governance. These institutions are: the Bas-Rhin Prefecture, the Grand Est Region, the European Community of Alsace, the City of Strasbourg, and the Strasbourg Eurometropole.

At its core, this event is driven by two paramount objectives that intertwine to shape the future of European democracy. Firstly, it seeks to strengthen the bedrock of European principles and values, including democracy and active citizenship, with a laser focus on the local level. Through dynamic cooperation and the exchange of invaluable experiences, the aim is to enrich the very tapestry of European democracy.

Secondly, this event serves as a platform to further cement Strasbourg’s standing as a true European capital of democracy and an open forum for robust democratic discourse. Strasbourg’s influence on European democracy is poised to expand, solidifying its central role in shaping the trajectory of European democracy on both local and global fronts. Together, we forge the path toward a future where Strasbourg’s influence knows no bounds in the realm of European democracy.

What are you waiting for? Register here!

The event will be held in ENG (🇬🇧) with possibility of translation to FR (🇫🇷).

The second Result of the ReCAP project has been finalised and it is now available online: the Art and Culture Toolbox is an innovative and wide set of instruments, mostly dedicated to youth workers, aimed at providing supporting tools to enhance social inclusion and empowerment of disadvantaged youngsters living during the post-pandemic era in Europe.

The Toolbox is the result of a great collaborative effort among 10 ReCAP project partners, coordinated by La Piccionaia: the work done is based upon the outcomes of the Project Result 1 Analysis of needs and local context, and the tools collected in the document were tested by the youth workers during the ReCAP Training of Trainers in June and July, which has been an essential phase for the development of the Toolbox.

The project partner La Piccionaia, responsible for the project result, coordinated the process of creation of the toolbox through two steps:

  • Collection of the inputs from the partners. Each partner, together with their youth workers, proposed a series of existing cultural, artistic, creative, and theatrical tools, used or usable with vulnerable young people. The criteria for the selection of the tools was previously agreed by all the partners, who were asked to provide different types of contributions (youth worker’s direct experience, youth workers’ knowledge, relevant theories, and literature in the specific field);
  • Adaptation of the tools. In order to adapt the collected tools to the specific needs of vulnerable young people in the post-pandemic context, emerged from Project Result 1, the partners were asked to identify and propose possible solutions for their implementation in the case of challenging situations (e.g. lockdown).

The Toolbox represents an innovative instrument in the field of youth employment to promote social inclusion

The Toolbox represents an innovation in the field of youth work in general: youth organisations that already implement art and culture as methods to promote social inclusion will finally dispose of an official tool to adress specific youngsters’ needs of the post-pandemic employment context. Moreover, the creation of the Toolbox upon the solid preliminary analysis of PR1 ensures that this tool will effectively and positively impact the quality of the youth work of the partners. 

Thanks to this useful toolbox and to the training received, 10 couples of youth workers will now be able to implement the tools that they specifically selected in their respective local contexts, while supporting vulnerable young people. The final goal is to design a specific Roadmap for social inclusion (Project Result 3): the Roadmap will lead the way of each partner to successfully intervene in their specific local communities and to become multipliers of the Toolbox, beyond the consortium.

After the publication in English, the Toolbox will be soon available in Bulgarian, French, Greek, Italian, Portuguese, Romanian, Spanish. 

You can consult the toolbox here.

Read more about the ReCAP project:


🇦🇲 Read the news in Armenian
🇬🇪 Read the news in Georgian
🇷🇴 Read the news in Romanian
🇺🇦 Read the news in Ukrainian


Initiated in January 2023, the WE ACT project aims to strengthen the representation and participation of women in the political sphere at the local level in Türkiye. It is supported by the European Union Delegation to Türkiye under the Thematic Programme on Human Rights and Democracy, and is implemented by ALDA together with the Turkish association Daktilo 1984 for a duration of 30 months within the 7 regions of Türkiye.


● General objective: Improve the exercise of political and civic rights for women and LGBTIQ+ persons, namely at the local level;
● Specific Objective 1: Increase the political participation of women in the upcoming local elections of
Türkiye (2024) in the 7 regions of Türkiye;
● Specific Objective 2: Improve conditions for a democratic debate on gender issues at the local policy level – making progress in all regions of Türkiye.



Social and economic disparities remain evident in central Europe and negatively influence cohesion. Social exclusion and poverty also affect some regions more than others and this needs to change. To do so, the 3P4SSE project goes beyond state-of-the-art social innovation projects. The partners adopt a place-based clustering approach when addressing specific challenges of social and solidarity economies. Amongst others, they create a multilevel network scheme based on public-private partnership models and establish strategic cooperation among stakeholders.


3P4SSE aims to fill Central Europe regional gaps in addressing weak economic sectors (with low added value) and disadvantaged people, by promoting the territorial clusterisation of Social and Solidarity Economies (SSEs), creating a multilevel networks scheme at European and regional scales, based on Public-Private Partnership (3Ps) and a strategic EU cooperation.



Technological innovations are transforming cities with a huge potential for improving people’s lives. But they need to be deployed responsibly. The GINEVRA project helps cities to effectively govern transformative innovations, such as autonomous vehicles. The partners jointly develop governance guidelines and new citizen engagement tools and test them in specific pilot actions. They also design a transnational strategy for responsibly governing the introduction of transformative innovations.


Strengthen institutional capacities of small/medium Central European cities in responsible, multi-level governance of transformative innovations that significantly impact integrated territorial development.


Cities are growing in central Europe, often turning green areas into grey concrete places. This urban sprawl accelerates negative effects of climate change such as urban heat islands. The GreenScape-CE project works on reversing the trend by making urban areas greener again. The partnership strengthens planning capacities and pilots the application of nature-based solutions and green infrastructure approaches in five cities, which are significantly affected by urban heat island effects.


The primary mission of the GreenScape CE project is to integrate nature-based solutions (NBS) and green infrastructure (GI) into grey urban environments, by using a multifaceted approach, involving peer-to-peer learning, transnational capacity building, and participatory decision-making. What sets GreenScape CE apart is its innovative blend of nature-based solutions with traditional grey infrastructure, which promises to enhance urban resilience significantly.

The results of this endeavour will benefit local governments and citizens alike. Knowledge exchange, multi-level governance reinforcement, tailored capacity building events, and the implementation of NBS pilot actions are all geared toward improving well-being and fostering social inclusion.


The Charter Project Africa supports African Union member states fulfil their commitments as outlined in the African Charter on Democracy, Elections and Governance (ACDEG).


The project encourages the use of civic technology to boost citizen voices, particularly those of underrepresented groups. To achieve this, the project offers both financial and technical resources in the form of grants, expertise, and networks to initiatives in democracy at national level in 11 countries, as well as at the regional and continental levels.

The project builds connections between citizens and civic society, analyzing the ACDEG’s role in achieving positive change.


In the heart of the European landscape, the city of Strasbourg is poised to host a significant and eagerly awaited event. The 45th Plenary Session of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities, scheduled from 24 to 26 October, 2023, is set to assemble a distinguished congregation of regional and local authority representatives. This pivotal assembly will engage in robust discourse and strategic planning, aimed at navigating the complex dynamics of contemporary governance.

The Congress of Local and Regional Authorities, operating under the auspices of the Council of Europe, has consistently demonstrated its commitment to advancing democratic ideals and promoting effective governance mechanisms at the grassroots level. This year’s 45th Plenary Session acquires exceptional significance as it coincides with a period marked by economic instability and geopolitical flux. In this context, the Congress emerges as a unifying platform, fostering mutual understanding and collaborative problem-solving among diverse stakeholders.

The thematic focal point of the forthcoming session, “Local Democracy and Resilience in Challenging Times“, reflects the intricate tapestry of present-day challenges that transcend geographical boundaries. The chosen theme resonates profoundly as Europe grapples with multifaceted issues, such as climate change, shifting political landscapes, and the evolving nature of global interconnectedness. The capacity of local and regional authorities to navigate these complexities and cultivate resilience within communities remains paramount.

The Plenary Session agenda has been meticulously curated to ensure an intellectually stimulating and strategically insightful engagement. The program features a series of thought-provoking debates, each strategically aligned with the Congress’s overarching mission of empowering communities. Key topics on the agenda include:

  • Youth Engagement and Conflict Resolution
  • Safeguarding Democratic Principles
  • Advancing Urban Governance: Localization of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Mrs. Antonella Valmorbida will take the floor during the event and will contribute to the discourse on youth participation’s contribution to conflict resolution and resilient societies

Notably, the 45th Plenary Session of the Congress will witness the esteemed presence of Mrs. Antonella Valmorbida, ALDA Secretary General. Her participation is a testament to the enduring partnership between ALDA and the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe. In recognition of this collaboration, Antonella Valmorbida has been invited to address the session on Wednesday, October 25th. Her insights will contribute to the discourse on youth participation’s contribution to conflict resolution and resilient societies.

Remarkably, the timing of the 45th Plenary Session aligns intriguingly with the 30-year anniversary of ALDA’s activities. This confluence of milestones adds a layer of significance to the event, amplifying the collective commitment to democratic excellence and effective governance.
Amid the gathering of distinguished attendees, the 45th Plenary Session symbolises the collective commitment to informed governance and robust problem-solving. The event serves as an acknowledgment of the intricate challenges ahead, while affirming the unwavering resolve of local and regional authorities to address these challenges.

On September 16, 2023, within the HEARD project’s framework, the Municipality of Vimercate (Italy), in collaboration with ALDA+, will host a public event that will spark stimulating discussions and foster a deeper understanding of crucial social issues. The project HEARD focuses on the impact of the COVID-19 crisis on democratic debates, enjoyment of fundamental rights and gender issues. The search for an adequate response to overcome the crisis that occurred during the COVID-19 pandemic should be a result of the participation and involvement of different social actors, civil society representatives and states’ decision-making bodies. By actively involving partners from 9 different European countries in every phase of the project, the project HEARD aims to measure the impact of the pandemic in terms of respect of the rule of law, fullfilment of democratic values and enjoyment of fundamental human rights, with special attention to the implementation of citizens and residents’ social rights.

The event will be held at the Sala Falcone Borsellino in the Civic Library of Vimercate starting from 10.30 AM and it will include 3 public debate sessions on how the COVID-19 crisis has impacted different aspects of citizen’s life. Public debates will therefore consist on fruitful exchanges between experts, scholars, academics and committed citizens who will come together to explore the topics of democracy, fundamental rights, and gender equality.

The active participation of citizenship it’s crucial for the success of the event

Below you can find information on sessions’ schedule:

SESSION 1 – from 10.30 AM to 12.30 PM – How did COVID-19 impact the public debate?

SESSION 2 – from 14.00 PM to 15.35 PM – How did COVID-19 impact the enjoyment of fundamental rights?

SESSION 3 – from 15.45 PM to 17.00 PM – How did COVID-19 impact the women’s work-life balance?

The active participation of citizenship it’s crucial for the success of the event: everyone who might have something to say is invited to participate.

For more information on the event you can consult the Municipality of Vimercate’s Facebook page, where you will find general and specific agendas concerning the different sessions of the event.

If you are interested in participating, register at this link:

We are delighted to announce that ALDA will join the 2023 edition of the World Forum for Democracy and its side events that will be held in Strasbourg (France) from 6 to 8 November 2023, based on the theme of “Democracy=Peace?”.

Our proposal to introduce the Local Democracy Agencies as innovative instruments to bring peace through the promotion and support of democracy has been selected to be presented during the World Forum for Democracy 2023.

The ALDA initiative will be illustrated by the Association Secretary General, Mrs. Antonella Valmorbida, during the 3rd Forum Lab connected to “Social justice and equality” on Tuesday 7 November, 2023.

ALDA will present the Local Democracy Agencies as innovative instruments of peace and cohesion

Inaugurated in 2012, the WFD is a unique platform for global dialogue and democratic participation which brings new ideas into the work of the Council of Europe and promotes its principles across the world.

The Forum aims to foster a positive debate on the challenges facing democracy worldwide to find solutions through several initiatives and practices, contributing to sustainable peace. More than 2500 participants from over 100 countries will be engaged!

The event is open and free for anyone who wants to share ideas on how to make democracy stronger. The full programme is already available and registration to attend the Forum in person will open from 4 September 2023.

Further information will be communicated soon on the website!

ALDA is committed to following up on the initiative, cooperating with its network and implementing its proposal to enhance democracy, and is looking forward to participating in the 2023 edition of the Forum.

In a captivating rendezvous of visionaries and innovators, the Kick-off meeting of the GINEVRA project  – Governance of transformative innovation in Central European cities: the AV case, unfolded, casting a spotlight on the thrilling journey into the realm of transformative innovations. Held on 13 & 14 June, 2023, in Bialystok (Poland), this project meeting emerged as the cornerstone for understanding the GINEVRA approach and workplan. 

In the vibrant mosaic of the GINEVRA project, funded by the Interreg CE programme of the EU, each partner present in the event, brings a unique perspective and a shared commitment to transformative innovations. As the GINEVRA project unfolds, these partners stand as beacons of innovation, each with a unique story to tell and a vision of a brighter, more sustainable future. Together, they write the narrative of transformative innovations in Central Europe.

The two-day meeting started with a focus on Technical Work Package 1 (WP1) – Responsible, Multi-level Governance of Transformative Innovation. WP1, led by HÁRFA, forms the bedrock for the project’s future endeavours. In the spirit of knowledge-sharing and collaboration, partners were encouraged to actively participate in shaping the project’s future. 

The meeting was then punctuated by three enlightening masterclasses, each shedding light on a crucial facet of the GINEVRA project. These masterclasses aimed at equipping partners with the knowledge needed to navigate the complex world of AVs and transformative innovations.

The GINEVRA partner meeting was more than just a gathering of organisations; it was the unveiling of a journey

The second day ushered in more knowledge and strategy. It began with the presentation of technical WP2 – Responsible, Multi-level Governance of Transformative Innovation: Toolkit and Capacity Building, delivered by EMFIE.

The second Work Package, scheduled to start in September, will focus on two pillars:

  • Stakeholders (A2.1): Co-creating tools for wide stakeholder engagement and capacity-building.
  • Citizens (A2.2): Co-creating tools for citizen participation and capacity-building.

As the day unfolded, partners discussed the way forward, underlining the importance of effective tools and strategies for stakeholders and citizen engagement. Among this, the development of an online AV Readiness Assessment Tool, designed to help cities evaluate their AV readiness, took centre stage.

The day culminated with the inaugural GINEVRA Steering Committee Meeting, a gathering of minds committed to steering the project toward its goals. This session shed light on the broader perspective, with discussions on project reporting and management. As the meeting drew to a close, plans for the next project meetings were unveiled, ensuring the journey ahead is paved with purposeful collaboration and shared vision. The GINEVRA partner meeting was more than just a gathering of organisations; it was the unveiling of a journey. A journey into a future where AV transforms our cities, a journey where responsible innovation guides our path, and a journey where stakeholders and citizens alike have a voice.

As the meeting concluded, it left a trail of excitement, anticipation, and a shared commitment to making transformative innovation safe and beneficial for all. The GINEVRA project is not just about autonomous vehicles; it’s about reshaping our urban landscapes for a brighter tomorrow. Stay tuned as the GINEVRA project continues to pave the way for responsible, multi-level innovation!

Check the official LinkedIn page of GINEVRA here

We are delighted to announce the beginning of a new Interreg Central Europe project: GreenScape CE.

The project aims to integrate nature-based solutions in the grey infrastructure of cities in order to alleviate the negative environmental and socio-economic impacts of climate change. 

The initiative involves 12 partners from 6 countries. Led by the North-West Croatia Regional Energy and Climate Agency (Croatia), the consortium is composed of ALDA+ (Italy), Ambiente Italia (Italy), the City of Zagreb (Croatia), Urban Planning Institute of the Republic of Slovenia (Slovenia), Scientific Research Centre Bistra Ptuj (Slovenia), the City of Warsaw (Poland), Energiaklub Climate Policy Institute and Applied Communication (Hungary), Andrija Štampar Teaching Institute of Public Health (Croatia), Etifor (Italy), the Municipality of Szeged (Hungary) and GRÜNSTATTGRAU Research-and Innovations GmbH (Austria). 

The partnership promotes learning about urban renaturation policies and multi-level governance structures that will enable better collaboration between decision-makers and local communities.

The project aims to integrate nature-based solutions in the grey infrastructure of cities, in order to alleviate the negative environmental and socio-economic impacts of climate change 

The Kick-off meeting of the project, which took place on 13 & 14 April 2023 at the Agriculture’s Faculty of Zagreb University (Croatia), was aimed at presenting the main objectives and activities of GreenScape CE emphasising the several Nature-Based Solutions and Grey Infrastructure pilot action plans

The target action focuses on grey infrastructure in five urban areas in Central Europe, which are significantly affected by the worsening urban heat island effect: Milan (Italy), Ptuj (Slovenia), Szegedin (Hungary), Warsaw (Poland) and Zagreb (Croatia).

Therefore, a transnational collaboration is essential for the exchange of knowledge and ideas that will lead to the integration of climate resilience solutions in urban areas.

ALDA+ looks forward to cooperating with all the partners and supporting the development of green initiatives to mitigate the negative consequences of climate change. We cannot wait to make grey cities greener! 

Further information will be communicated soon on the website.

Check out the social media accounts of the GreenScape project! 



The first round of secondments of the USE IPM project – Up-skilling researchers for sustainable entrepreneurship based on innovation process management, has officially started! For the next two weeks ALDA will have the pleasure to host fifteen academic talents in Strasbourg (France) and make them part of the mission and vision of the Association and the daily work of ALDA in support of local democracy, citizen participation, and good governance. 

The first phase of this secondment is for participants to learn about the history of ALDA, its mission and the areas of action of each department and office. Subsequently, the talents will be matched with ALDA staff members in thematic workshops, during which they will be provided with mentoring support to increase their cross-sectoral circulation for the benefit of country enlargement, the goal of the USE IPM project.

The idea behind the project stems from ALDA’s mission to promote good governance at the local level through capacity building of key actors

On August 23, 2023, ALDA Secretary General, Mrs. Antonella Valmorbida, met the USE-IPM talents at the European Youth Center in Strasbourg (France) to present them the history, the daily work and the long-term objectives of the Association. 

The meeting was also a great opportunity to present the latest ALDA achievements, to exchange good practices of academics and civil society organisations in the field of youth participation and citizen engagement, and to explore fruitful future collaborations between ALDA and USE IPM talent institutions.

As part of the USE IPM project, this was the first step to emphasise the importance and strength of a major collaboration with the aim of enhancing the capacities of academic institutions for research and innovation towards sustainable entrepreneurship.

On August 23, 2023, ALDA Secretary General, Mrs. Antonella Valmorbida met with Ms. Irène Weiss, Regional councillor in charge of cyber security for the Grand Est Region, and with Mr. Philippe Lacoste, diplomatic councillor to the Bas-Rhin Prefecture. During this meeting at the European Youth Centre in Strasbourg, ALDA officially presented and announced the activities of the project “Local democracy responding to global challenges – an alliance between local authorities and civil society at the heart of a Europe of rights: Strasbourg”, as part of the three-year contract “Strasbourg, European Capital 2021-2023”.

The project is financed by five institutions: the Bas-Rhin Prefecture, the Grand Est Region, the European Community of Alsace, the City of Strasbourg and the Strasbourg Eurometropole. Institutions whose daily work is aimed at strengthening democracy, stimulating citizen participation in the social and political life of the city and promoting good governance.

The idea behind the project stems from ALDA’s mission to promote good governance at the local level through capacity building of key actors

The idea behind the project stems from ALDA’s mission to promote good governance at the local level through capacity building of key actors such as local authorities and civil society organisations (CSOs), supporting dialogue between these actors and promoting active citizenship. Based in Strasbourg, within the Council of Europe. and created 22 years ago under the auspices of the Congress of Regional and Local Authorities of the CoE, ALDA is willing to make the most of the city’s role as European Capital of Democracy and to capitalise on existing innovative practices and policies in the area.

The partnership among ALDA and the institutions will be focused on helping to strengthen European principles and values such as democracy and active citizenship at local level; and contributing to strengthening Strasbourg’s role as a true European capital of democracy and as an open forum for democratic debate on the major challenges in Europe and the world.

Thanks to the support of regional and local authorities, ALDA is honoured to manage this project and carry out its initiatives until December 2023, drawing attention to the city of Strasbourg as a European and international centre for the promotion of democracy in the world.

Are you a Civil Society Organisation working for and with youth? Are you interested in youth civic engagement and participation?  We are looking for you! Participate in our call for proposals with your project idea!

What is the main objective of the call of proposal?

The WYDE Civic Engagement project foresees the implementation of 5 different projects called “Clusters”. Through the re-granting scheme, the cluster number 1 named “Generate Democracy: involving youth CSOs in democracy support” is dedicated to providing youth CSOs with the chance to put into practice the lessons learnt in the other clusters and undertake responsibilities over concrete actions promoting civic engagement and democracy.

The overall objective of the project is to fund and implement national and transnational projects in support of youth civic engagement and participation in the decision-making processes across the Sub-Saharan Countries.

What are the specific objectives of the call?

  • Empower organisations working in the field of youth to play a relevant role in supporting the democratic participation of youth;
  • Support peer to peer learning among youth organisations;
  • Reinforce an international network of youth organisations and youth leaders;
  • Improve the cooperation between the youth civil society and public policy makers, at local, national, and international level;
  • Advocate for the establishment or improvement of representative youth structures (such as youth councils or youth parliaments).

The second phase of the WYDE Civic Engagement call will remain open until 15 April 2024

What actions can be implemented?

This call for proposals will finance actions that respect the five working principles of the Human Rights Based Approach methodology:

  1. Applying all human rights for all
  2. Meaningful and inclusive participation and access to decision-making
  3. Non-discrimination and equality; accountability and rule of law for all
  4. Transparency
  5. Access to information supported by disaggregated data.

Where can the project be implemented?

Selected entities should be implementing National/ transnational projects in support of youth civic engagement and participation in the decision-making processes across the Global South countries with a special focus on Sub-Saharan African Countries.

How to apply?

Read the full call for proposals of Women and Youth in Democracy initiativE (WYDE Civic Engagement) to have more information about the call and how to apply! The call has been launched on August 15, 2023, and the second phase of the call will remain open until April 15, 2024.