FOREST replies to the fragmentation of competences in forestry management at national and international levels, by giving rise to debate around the possibility to create a standard level of competences and skills of forestry workers and promoting innovation and professionalism by joint actions and initiatives.
Debates will be channelled into three levels: technical concerning the contents of training programmes and skills required to forestry operators; legislative to harmonise authorisations to emit diploma and certificate; innovation and sustainability.


  • Map out, discuss and exchange knowhow about forest management, VET and standard of security;
  • Promote the exchange of good practices and techniques with other European countries;
  • Improve the level of professionalism and competitiveness of forest workers at cross-border level;
  • Raise knowledge and safety standards of workers as well as the quality of their interventions;
  • Discuss the creation of a standard level of competences and skills of forestry workers, valid across national borders.


The Rude Awakening project is designed to make technology part of museum visit experiences so that visitors feel more connected to World War I history and cultural heritage. With the support of digital and audio-visual contents, based on the stories of WWI soldiers, “The Rude Awakening” wants to lead a new educational and emotional perspective on war and peace. Visitors will learn by putting themselves in the shoes of a soldier throughout the visit to the museum, thus they will better understand war memories and soldier’s life.
An added value of the project? A videogame will be developed through it! This will be the core part of an innovative cultural tour that a visitor can experience, both physically and virtually, accompanied by one or more characters – Austro-Hungarian soldiers of WWI.


The main objective of the project is to increase access and improving the fruition of sites of European historical and cultural heritage through an innovative approach based on digital and audio-visual contents installed or projected within the museums and historical sites. This will allow visitors to experience and emotional learn the themes of war and, consequently, the importance of peace.


The VALID project aims at building a strong network of towns committed to intercultural exchange, using a bottom-up approach and through promotion of cultural participation. Cultural participation is seen as a tool for improving social inclusion, active citizenship and intercultural dialogue, as well as fostering solidarity and respect for cultural diversity. The partnership involves Kosovo*, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania, North Macedonia, Italy, Montenegro, France, Greece and Slovenia. Considering the emerging intercultural tensions and social disharmony, together with the raise of citizen’s discontent and their demand for more inclusion in policy making all over Europe, there is an evident need to invest in cultural diversity and dialogue. Therefore, VALID aims at reinforcing the integration of intercultural and social perspectives into a wide range of public policies, using them as a concept and as a policy tool basis for managing diversity and finally, for recognising European cities as key players in intercultural policy.
To cope with this new socio–economical and spatial changes, there is a need for cooperation and intercultural dialogue in order to reduce the risk of exclusion. Exclusion is nourished by economic shortages, cultural incomprehension and marginalisation of a growing part of the urban population. VALID pinpoints cultural participation as an effective tool for establishing and upholding this process, generating counter narratives and providing a more inclusive pathway for citizen’s participation in policy making while raising awareness on key social issues.


The project aims at building a strong network of towns committed to intercultural exchange, using a bottom-up approach and the promotion of cultural participation. Cultural participation is seen as a tool for improving social inclusion, active citizenship, and intercultural dialogue, as well as fostering solidarity and respect for cultural diversity. In its bigger picture, the project openly aims at bridging the local and the European level, building cooperation from a grassroots approach, and at the same time constructing a European network creating a wider common intercultural frame. Go for it, VALID!


  • Four international events over the course of two years -in Greece, Slovenia, Italy and Kosovo*- which will provide the occasion to share good practices and suggestions to improve intercultural dialogue in local policy making of EU Country Members, Candidate States and Potential Candidate States.
  • Working meetings among project partners during which a common methodology for the local paths development will be shared, in order to assure coherence to the activities to be developed in the different contexts and comparability of results.
  • In between the events, each partner will organise a series of local activities employing various working methods: coffee house meetings, interactive toolkits, community engaged art forms and street actions with citizens.


3STEPS – Fostering Education and Inclusion of disadvantages refugee and migrant learners intents to scale up two good practices on inclusive learning invented on a local level. 3STEPS will introduce VMs special Basic Education classes from the concept of “Learning network for migrants » (Lernnetzwerk für MigrantInnen), which have been developed and well experienced by Multicultural Association at a local level in the Austrian region of Tirol since 2016.
The second good practice “Tandem Now” has been a transnational European project within Leonardo da Vinci Transfer of Innovation program starting in the year 2012. The “Tandem Now” approach involving Ethnic Role Model Mentors aims at helping young people with a migration background to develop social and professional skills and the support needed to stay in school. The project uses the motivating effect of ethnic role models combining it with a blended mentoring approach that was especially developed according to the needs of migrants.


3STEPS-project intends to promote inclusive education and training as well as the education of disadvantaged learners. 3STEPS aim to achieve this by supporting teacher/trainers of educational institutions with the capacities and learning curricula to promote the social and professional inclusion of young refugees and migrants.


Basic Education methods will be scaled vertically from the national level to a transnational level, while the Ethnic Role Model Mentoring approach of TANDEM NOW project will be scaled horizontally developing it to a broader target group (from the age of 15 to 25) and to more European countries.

Check the project’s website:


New technologies, and especially social media, facilitate democratisation by empowering citizens to express themselves directly towards policymakers, and by giving room to new forms and means of expression. All this makes democracy more representative and participatory. However, it also has more negative aspects, as demonstrated by the rise of fake news and disinformation. Antidemocratic forces can easier than ever distort information flows, and tech giants can benefit from users’ data mining. All these phenomena will considerably shake democracy rules, and have a negative impact on the future of Europe.

The project offers a collective space for policy makers and citizens from 15 countries to organise international events and other activities to stimulate democratic and civic participation across Europe, and to support democratic Union in digital era.

The project is going to answer these three main challenges:

Impact of digital culture on democracy

  • Helping policymakers and citizens navigate the digital media environment
  • Media and information literacy as critical elements in good governance

European and local elections in a digital age

  • Increasing societal resilience to disinformation and propaganda, and mobilising counter-forces.
  • Countering fake news and disinformation spread online in local and European elections.

Digital participation

  • Stimulating civic engagement through media and information.
  • Bridging digital divide and political participation.
  • Finding innovative ways to participate in political decision-making (e-consultation, e-decision-making, e-information sharing).


The project priority is to debate the future of Europe and challenging Euroscepticism. That is why, the main objective of this project is to provide European local and regional policymakers and citizens with tools to support civic participation in a digital culture era.


Within the project, a diverse group of 1400 citizens will contribute to design and implementation of five international events filled up with trainings, collaborative spaces, community workshops, and public debates.

The events will result in publishing policy highlights and collectively created Policy papers on how public institutions in Europe (including the Union’s institutions) can operate in face of digital transformation, and how to support democratic forms of bottom-up civic mobilization in digital era.

By facilitating exchange and policy learning among participants, the project will contribute to increase their resilience to disinformation and propaganda, and foster counter-actions, which is a fundamental value for the future of European democracy.

Check the project’s website:


ACHIEVE aims to develop the EU identity starting from a reflection on the common history, art and religions among cities from Central and South-Eastern Europe as a tool to fight the growing Euroscepticism.

For these reasons, these are the topics at the challenges that ACHIEVE wants to face:
promoting knowledge about one’s own territory and then on the other countries involved
fostering discussion on the concepts of identity and Euroscepticism, whose causes will be investigated at local level in all the targeted countries and shared in occasion of international events. Thirdly, the network of cities will share tools and methods to create a counter narrative against Euroscepticism.
To this purpose, citizens will identify creative ways to develop substantial messages countering the growing distrust and disaffection for Europe, creating a “Global Citizenships’ map”. These contents will be used to develop an interactive website expected to be used as a didactical tool, beyond the project.


  • Raise awareness to the common memory, history and values of EU countries and to the EU objectives (like peace promotion), its values and the wellbeing of its inhabitants through debates, reflections and networks
  • Encourage civic and democratic participation of citizens at EU level by developing their knowledge on the process of political elaboration of EU and promoting opportunities of civic, volunteer or intercultural engagement at EU level.


  1. Erdut Municipality organizes the 1st international event aimed at publicly launching the event and sharing an overview on Euroscepticism in every partner’s country;
  2. Local paths phase 1: activities are organized by every partner to engage local citizens in deepening their knowledge on the history, art, religion of their territory and collecting material about it;
  3. Peje Municipality (Kosovo) organizes the 2nd international event, aiming at sharing the respective local findings and introducing the concept of EU citizenship;
  4. Local paths phase 2: activities are organized by every partner to engage local citizens in reflecting on EU citizenship and Euroscepticism;
  5. The House of National Minority (Prague, Czech Republic) organizes the 3rd international event, aiming at sharing the respective local findings and identifying methods to build a counter-narrative to Euroscepticism
  6. Local paths phase 3: activities are organized by every partner to engage citizens in discussing the methods to counter Euroscepticism that have been identified in the international event and in identifying the traces of European identity embedded in their local context. They will do this by collecting interviews, pictures, videos, stories that will feed the “Global Citizenship Map”
  7. Breganze Municipality and Rezzara Institute (Vicenza, Italy) organize the 4th and final international event “Bored of Borders” to promote EU identity and the crossing of mental and physical borders.
  8. Local paths phase 4: activities are organized by every partner to share with their local citizens the project experience
  9. Creation of the communication tools such as the Global Citizenship Map, throughout the all duration of the project.


The proposal strives to turn sporadic experiments (e.g. a few cities in former Communist countries painting high-rise blocks in the frame of isolating projects, without any concepts behind colouring and targeting community engagement) into bottom-up initiatives driven by youth in a co-creation process aimed at urban and social sustainability of quarters. In other words, SPRAY believes in the opportunity to reconcile street art and urban and social regeneration through the empowerment of youths at the European level for them to act as multipliers of sustainability in their own communities.
SPRAY responds to the need of regenerating degraded quarters in both urban and social terms, by using art and, specifically, street art. Moreover, it empowers young citizens to take up the renewal of their own town through a bottom-up approach, while inverting the perspective associating graffiti with vandalism and the disfigurement of public spaces.
By capitalising on experiences, techniques and knowledge at the European level, the proposal aims at testing the interconnection between contemporary arts and social complexity of degraded quarters to transform them in sustainable urban hubs. Urban regeneration pursued through artistic and cultural participation by citizens can trigger a virtuous circle of local identities and public spaces rediscovery.


  • Exploring and understanding street art as a form of art
  • Contributing to urban and social regeneration of suburbs
  • Boosting civic belonging and responsibility among young citizens towards livelihood of peripheral urban spaces
  • Offering an opportunity to learn street art techniques to start an artistic career for youth
  • Fostering intercultural competences, respect for diversity and EU values
  • Trigger active and responsible participation of local communities with respect to issues of urban and social regeneration.
  • Improving the level of key competences and skills of young people, including those with fewer opportunities.
  • Fostering active citizenship, intercultural dialogue and social inclusion, by increasing learning mobility opportunities for young people.


Activity 1: Advance Planning Visit (27-28 May 2019) Bassano del Grappa, Italy
Prior the exchange, the leaders of the national groups will gather in Bassano for a 2 days meeting to define a well-structured agenda for the activities that will take place during the exchange and evaluate the feasibility of the Wall Experience (i.e. where to do it and how) and the modalities. Moreover, they will shoot brief videos of self-presentation called “Street art and me” that will be circulated among the selected participants through project partners, for the youngsters to get to know them in advance and smooth the team-working dynamics during the exchange.

Activity 2: Youth exchange – six days – 14-19 October 2019
The participants of the youth exchange will attend Street Art Masterclass and will reflect on the nexus between arts and urban and social regeneration of quarters, with art expert providing examples of successful experiments of the kind at the European level. Art experts will translate into a street art work the ideas developed by the youths during the week, on surfaces previously identified. Youths will also contribute, by working (painting or spraying) on blank canvas. There will be a final event to celebrate the street art work with the local citizenship, as well as the conclusion of the youth exchange.

Activity 3: GRAFternoon
Once back to its country, each national group will organise a “GRAFternoon” in its own community, a creative workshop open to the public where they will showcase the art works done in Italy. Youths will gift their city the canvas they have produced in Italy, deposing it in a public space that will have been previously chosen.
A Facebook group will be developed, so participants will be able to share contents, photos and impressions. An Instagram profile will be also opened, as a professional tool where to display the art works in Bassano and back home.


ALDA will host 2 French volunteers for a period of 12 months in the office in Skopje, North Macedonia.

This project was inspired by young people as drivers of society and the hope for a better European future, the need to find new ways to reach out to them and motivate engagement, for given the proper encouragement youth can bring significant and needed change. With the development of new technologies, we also witness a creative approach proposed by youngsters in facing the problems that concern them and proposing innovative solutions

The project will give opportunity to 2 volunteers to immerse them-self in the Macedonian experience, improve their skills in communication, languages and youth work. They will contribute to the multi-cultural team of ALDA Skopje and will create different tools such as videos, photos, articles and interviews on the topics of the project as well as promotional materials used for “Erasmus +” programme.


The project activities are covering 3 topics:

  • Youth social activism and regional cooperation
  • Intercultural understanding & European Citizenship
  • Youth development & Francophonie

Youth social activism and regional cooperation and Intercultural understanding & European Citizenship

These topics will be tackled through the activities of one of the main projects of ALDA Skopje conducted in the Balkan region and which is currently in its inception is the project “Youth Compact”. The project tackles the issues of rule of law, fundamental rights and economic and social issues from the perspective of youth, the idea is that across these issues young people accept and exercise European values and nurture common European identity, as well as recognise the potential of their own countries.

The volunteers will be included in the Raising awareness activities in the framework of this project, they will work mainly on the communication activities: news articles, photography, online campaign, video and audio campaigns, info graphics on relevant topics, website and internet platform management. A special highlight will be put on stimulation of creative communication tools and technics. They will also be present on the regional events organised in the country in order for them to engage and exchange with other youngsters from the region and thus will gain direct insight into the Balkan youth context.

Youth development & Francophonie

On this topic the volunteers will be engaged in activities in the framework of ALDA Skopje’s programme for decentralised cooperation between partners from Normandy and Macedonia. The volunteers will be engaged in the activities of the cooperation between Normandy and Macedonia on the topics of Remembrance, cultural heritage and youth, as many youth exchanges on these topics will be organised they will exchange with youth from Normandy and Macedonia. This activity will also include the topic of European remembrance through the discovery of the common history of European countries with a focus on the First World War.

Moreover, ALDA Skopje started, with the help of EVS volunteers, in 2016, the ALDA Youth Club around Francophonie where students from Skopje interested in French language and culture can join to learn more about French traditions and improve their French language skills or more technical competences, as animation, video or photography.

Finally, one of the main aims of this project is to promote intercultural dialogue through creative exchanges and mobility. In order to encourage creativity and personal development of the volunteers, they will be encouraged to develop their own ideas and initiatives for projects on this topic that could be implemented with the help of ALDA Skopje. Therefore, their activities will also involve project development, brainstorming and drafting project idea with the assistance of the staff.

Volunteers will also be encouraged to prepare and participate in activities on these topics, to share their experience, to promote youth mobility among our partners while presenting the possibilities of the European educational programmes.


The project is conceived to create a network of European smart historic villages that enhances the citizens’ involvement and participation in the socio-economic life of their villages.
Through the project, social commitment actions are promoted as well as local development strategies based on the opportunities offered by the material and immaterial cultural heritage of the historic territories involved in this initiative. This heritage is an asset for the EU smart, sustainable, and inclusive rural growth.
Who will be involved in the project? Forty small rural municipalities with nearly 10, 000 inhabitants participated in the project #EuSAVE!


  • Creation of transnational thematic working groups in the framework of the European historic network of villages;
  • Identification of local development strategies based on the assets, historical values and cultural heritage of rural areas;
  • Mapping and analysis of best practices and successful initiatives stemming from synergies between social innovation and cultural heritage;
  • Development of joint development strategies and action lines for smart historic villages;
  • Elaboration of a transferability and sustainability plan to ensure the continuity of the network beyond the duration of the project.


Today, we are facing increased growth of xenophobic attacks and rhetoric in Europe and with a new phenomenon in the Balkan states: as of 2018, the Balkan countries are experiencing a new influx of refugees from Africa and the Middle East and a corresponding increase in asylum applications. That is why through IMPACT project partners from EU and the Western Balkan countries strive to build a better understanding, tolerance and solidarity between refugees and European public to prevent radicalisation and the creation of “otherness” on both sides.

The main goal of “IMPACT – Inclusion Matters! using Performing Arts towards Cohesion and Tolerance” is to foster social inclusion by developing art strategies, techniques and methodologies which target refugees and citizens at local level. This project will contribute to foster social inclusion by promoting active participation, cohesion, tolerance and respect of human rights.

The project aims to develop an innovative pedagogy that uses art forms as a means to bring young refugees, asylum seekers and local communities together.
Within this project, by training artists who will develop new tools and methodologies on performing arts to work with refugees and citizens, youth, local, regional and international stakeholders will become multipliers of this project outputs, ideas and methodology.


The project is designed to foster social inclusion by developing art strategies, techniques and methodologies which target refugees and citizens at the local level. The project will develop an innovative pedagogy that uses art forms as a means to bring young refugees, asylum seekers, and local communities together.


Target groups directly involved in the project activity

  • Artists
  • Refugees
  • Local citizens
  • Audiences
  • Local Authorities and other relevant stakeholders
  • Participating organisations


The project consists of 3 actions: Transnational meetings and exchange of practices which aim to coordinate and implement well the activities as well as strengthen the competences of project partners as well as artists involved in the process. Multiplier events through local workshops, local events and international event which are key for dissemination of results. Intellectual outputs to be produced in coordination with all partners and are the main communication tools outputs. The local activities will be implemented in all partner countries.


JOURNEY aims at achieving one of the main benchmarks of the renewed European Neighborhood Policy and the European Neighborhood Instrument laid out in the policy’s Eastern Strategy paper. Since 2008, the joint EU/UNDP Project « Community Based Approach to Local Development » (CBA) has been implemented for Ukraine and one of its tasks is to promote the development of small farms and non-farm businesses in rural areas.
The synergy of this project aims at increasing the productivity and activation of rural youth through new teaching methods. The project further aims at raising the level of awareness of the youth and increasing their entrepreneurship competencies. In this context, using a combination of innovative educational methods for working with rural youth will provide maximum results and will increase the position of the youth in society, their awareness of and interest in personal entrepreneurial development, as well as the economic development of their region and country as a whole.



FACE is based on the awareness that cyberbullying is an increasing and underestimated phenomenon amongst teens and children, further compounded by the lack of knowledge and tools to fight it back.
The project addresses the increasing phenomenon of cyberbullying amongst teens and children and the lack of knowledge and tools on how to handle it. The project is conceived to develop guidelines, materials, networks, and innovative methodologies combining multidisciplinary artistic approaches. The project will involve the following different target groups: youth workers that will act as multipliers, students, parents, local authorities and other stakeholders.


  • Develop a new methodology and pedagogy to prevent cyberbullying, based on innovative artistic practices such as drama practice, filmmaking, visual and street arts;
  • Design an online platform to share materials, experiences and contacts of people working in the field of prevention of cyberbullying;
  • Foster autonomy, active citizenship, self-confidence, sense of community and critical thinking amongst teens and children;
  • Provide parents with knowledge and tools to promote the good use of social media amongst children;
  • Develop recommendations to tackle cyberbullying issues addressed to local authorities and other stakeholders.

Check the official website:


The project is conceived to deepen the connection between people from 10 communities from 3 EU and 4 non-EU countries. The project is designed to support the cultural heritage that surrounds them, in particular by raising their awareness of connections and make them aware of their own heritage that is part of Europe’s rich and diverse history and culture. This is possible, through planned activities, which will gather and will engage a diverse group of participants in discussions, forums, exchange of practices, study visits, art events.


The expected outcomes are: to raise interest in cultural heritage, with direct and indirect participants; to raise awareness of EU policies on cultural heritage and ways of its promotion, protection, and sustainable use for socio-economic development; and, finally, to enforce a sense of belonging to a common European space.


There is compelling evidence that people with intellectual disabilities and mental health problems are at risk of social exclusion.
Community-based supports and services that are person-centred and recovery-oriented hold considerable promise, but they are not widely available nor have they been widely evaluated. Mind Inclusion 2.0 wants to foster the competencies of educators of disabled people across Europe to promote the participative co-creation and use of an innovative online tool (a web platform) supported by the definition of a solid facilitation methodology which will contribute to the sustainable and inclusive involvement of disabled people in the society.
The project leverages from the previous Italian experience of expanding it on different perspectives


  • Enhancing cooperation and sharing experience among organizations working with intellectually disabled people (IDP) in Europe;
  • Improving digital competences of IDP and their educators thus fostering an independent and inclusive life style;
  • Developing and sharing successful methodologies and practices (co-design approach with IDP) to define and build inclusive communities across Europe;
  • Improving society awareness about the needs of IDP and the occasions to carry out inclusive activities for IDP.

To learn more and discover the online platform, go to the project’s website:


In the light of 2019 European elections, Cross Over focused on fostering participation in the European Parliament elections and active engagement in the EU community life, by improving conditions for democratic civic commitment. The project was designed to address one of the main priorities listed under the Commission 2018 Work Programme for the Implementation of Europe for citizens programme: debating the future of Europe and challenging Euroscepticism while nourishing a widespread sense of belonging to the EU space.
The project gathered 14 partners from 11 countries, divided into two groups: the first consisted of organisations based in EU member states where the participation in 2014 European Parliament elections was lower, such as, Czech Republic, Croatia, Hungary, Poland, Slovenia, and Slovakia; the second group is composed by partners located in EU member states with the highest levels of participation: Malta, Italy, Denmark, and Sweden.


  • Increase transnational information and sensitivity towards voting as the most powerful tool to be actively part of the EU;
  • Challenge Eurosceptic views based on a deeper knowledge and constructive debate towards the EU;
  • Foster a critical understanding of the European context as a common good;
  • Create networks pursuing assertiveness of active citizenship


According to the European motto “united in diversity”, the project FromME2EU aims to provide opportunities for European citizens and Migrants’ communities to work together, in order to promote a new idea of a multicultural Europe. The idea is that every migrant should be considered as a citizen and every citizen has some needs but, at the same time, should bring ideas and innovative approaches to the community in which he lives.
FromME2Eu insist on requirement and selflessness, both based on mutuality. The project provides citizens with a pathway of awareness to highlight the positive potential of solidarity. With a proactive approach, oriented to peer to peer methodology and practical need, FromME2EU lead citizens to maximize social collaboration, at the same time combating scepticism in reception refugees programs (and Euroscepticism’s too) and reducing racism, by offering sustainable solutions for common issues involving Citizens and Migrants.


The project is based on 3 phases composed by the European and local dimension. The idea of the whole project is based on the vision that democracy could be built up only by Citizen’s engagement (foster European Citizenship), starting from the understanding of differences and driving to inclusion based on mutual recognition of each other needs (improve condition for democratic participation).

Visit the project’s website:


“Citizens Voice and Actions in Consolidated Communities in Armenia” aims to address the problem of the inadequate capacity of communities to foster local development in a sustainable, participatory and accountable manner. In order to support government reforms and manage these challenges, the project’s ultimate objective is to enhance the capacity of consolidated communities to design and implement people-centered and sustainable local development projects.
“Citizens Voice and Actions in Consolidated Communities in Armenia” is a project co-implemented by ALDA in partnership with the Communities Finance Officers Association (CFOA) and the Communities Association of Armenia (UCA) with the financial support of the European Union.


To achieve its purpose, the project focuses on three specific objectives:
Strengthen partnerships within and between consolidated communities and intensify the co-operation with the European Union and regional partners.
Enhance and develop citizen participation in consolidated communities, primarily through Citizen Budgets.
Formulate and implement community-driven pilot projects, especially in touristic areas, as well as develop outdoor activities.


Considering ALDA’s expertise and wide European network, it is the main responsible for the organization of several international conferences and roundtables, along with for managing a large-scale sub-granting program to carry out project’s supporting activities. Thus, an important point is to ensure a successful twinning between local authorities from Armenia and EU countries in order to improve the Armenian situation in terms of local governance.


The project aims to raise awareness for the protection and promotion of the cultural and historical heritage that exists on the territory of the Municipality of Novaci. The year 2018 is the European year of cultural heritage but also marks 100 years from the end of the First World War. The territory of Novaci is rich in cultural heritage and has significant historical importance with remains from the Great War still visible today but largely unknown to the wide public. The purpose of this event is a multifaceted promotion of heritage and natural sites with cultural and historical value in order to raise awareness for their protection and maintenance among local citizens and stakeholders for local-driven sustainable development. The promotional event will be held at the Recreation Park “Konjarka” in Novaci with cultural performances, visits and ecological activities, educational workshops and will include various local stakeholders and citizens.


The general objective of the project is the multifaceted promotion of cultural and natural sites that have historical values and to present them in a form that can reinforce actions for its protection and maintenance from the local citizens and local stakeholders which would contribute for local-driven sustainable development.
The specific objective of the project is:
to address the need for coordinated actions that will valorize the monuments and natural places, by bringing them out to the public with new means of promotion;
to add value in the already valuable, important but not well-known sites by enriching the means for their presentation;
to support preservation of cultural heritage through promotion of its importance.


Organization of promotional event that will be held in Municiplaity of Novaci, at the Recreation Park of Konjarka, that has cultural significance for the Municipality, and which was preserved as part of the above mentioned cross-border project, which serves as cultural and recreational point for the citizens of Municipality of Novaci.

The promotional event will be organized in one day and will include different stakeholders: citizens of municipality of Novaci, local stakeholders, cultural workers, artists, touristic workers, media and other relevant stakeholders.

The promotional event will include various activities such:

  • activities for raising awareness that include: hiking activities to the rest of the cultural and natural sites; workshops; cleaning activities around the cultural and natural sites organized from the citizens;
  • musical happening;
  • educational workshop and on-site visits with young people from high-schools.