ALDA is a full partner of the World Forum for Democracy taking place from 5 to 11 October 2012 in Strasbourg, France. Organised by the Council of Europe, the Forum was opened by international key figures such as United Nations Secretary General Mr. Ban Ki-moon and Ms. Tawakkol Karman (Yemen), Nobel Peace Prize winner 2011.

ALDA is present in the organisation of the Forum and in person with its President, Oriano Otočan, and Director, Antonella Valmorbida interventions.
Speaking at the opening of the Word Democracy Forum, United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon said that there is a pressing thirst of dignity throughout the world following the demands for democracy in North Africa, the Middle East and beyond in the last two years. Ban Ki-moon recalled that the UN member States have clearly defined democracy as a universal value. « Now we must listen to the people », he highlighted, and « we must remind governments when they do not comply with their international law obligations ». Finally he recalled that establishing democracy is not only « giving citizens a voice », but also promoting economic and social development.
“Democracy as a system that enshrines universal values. Democracy as an agent of peace. Democracy as a guarantor of progress and prosperity”. Council of Europe Secretary General, Thorbjørn Jagland opened the Strasbourg World Forum for Democracy, highlighting the unique role of democracy around the globe.
Yemeni journalist and peace prize winner Tawakkol Karman launched a plea for mercy in Syria during the open ceremony of the Forum as she told of her “despair” at the human suffering.
Ms Karman called for support for the Syrian people, and for the UN to act wherever injustice was found. “Governments worldwide must commit to international rights law to create change in a world where liberty was being trampled by dictators”, she said.
This Forum gathers around 1000 participants from more than 100 countries that will be debating the question of democracy: “Bringing the gap: democracy between old models and new realities”. Leading public figures, political and academic experts, national and European parliamentarians and local elected representatives will participate in the discussions alongside civil society activists, bloggers in public workshops on democratic governance, public participation, responsible journalism etc.
ALDA President, Mr. Oriano Otočan, will be panelist of Democracy round table on “Regionalisation and democracy” (Wednesday 10th October, 5 to 7pm), organised by the Assembly of European Regions, the Congress of the Council of Europe, and the Alsace Region.
ALDA Director, Mrs. Antonella Valmorbida, will be panelist at the conference on « Contribution of women to the advancement of democracy » (Tuesday, 9th October, 6 pm).
ALDA will also attend to the Civil society debate organised by the Conference of INGOs (Sunday 7th October, 9:30 am to 5:30pm).
ALDA is strongly supporting the development of democracy and the new models of citizens’ participation in the areas such as the Balkans, Caucasus and MED countries. Being an important stakeholder in these geographic areas, ALDA contributes to the general reflection about the democratic challenges on global level.

In October ALDA is part of all the most important events promoted by European Commission, European Parliament, Committee of the Regions, Council of Europe and Congress of Local and Regional Authorities. “In the next weeks, in Strasbourg and Brussels, we will have the opportunity to emphasise the role of ALDA in the promotion of fundamental democratic and European values, which still represent a challenge to the EU countries as well as those on the path to EU or those in the close European neighborhood” said Alda President, Mr. Oriano Otočan.

Organised by the Council of Europe, the first World Forum for Democracy will take place in Strasbourg from 5 to 11 of October 2012.
ALDA President, Mr. Oriano Otočan, will be panelist at the Democracy round table on “Regionalisation and democracy” (10th October, 5 to 7pm), and ALDA Director, Mrs. Antonella Valmorbida, will be panelist at two conference events: the round table on « The Challenges of citizen participation in Europe: Citizens’ Initiative and European elections 2014 », within the Club of Strasbourg events, (9 October, 11:00 am to 1:00 pm),
and the conference on « Contribution of women to the advancement of democracy » (9
October, 6 pm). ALDA will also attend the Civil society debate organised by
the Conference of INGOs (7 October, 9:30 am to 5:30pm).

In the framework of the “Open Days”, European Week of Regions and Cities (Brussels 8 – 11 October) ALDA President, Mr. Oriano Otočan, will be panelist at a multilevel political round table on “Towards EU 28: The perspectives of Croatian Accession to the EU for the future of EU integration process and regional co-operation” table (9 October 2012, 09.00 – 12.30, at European Parliament building). Mr. Dobrica Milovanovic, member of the Governing Board, will also present its experience from the Serbian point of view.

ALDA will also promote two events as part of the 2012 edition of the ELDW, European Local Democracy Week an initiative coordinated by the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe..
A Seminar on Local Self Government that will take place in Braslaw, Belarus, on the 27 October, in the framework of project TANDEM, and an international conference and an “International Citizenship Fair”, that will take place in Malta (29 – 31 October), as final event of the project TIC TAC.

ALDA is organising an event included, by the European Commission, in the official programme of the next European Development Days (Brussels, 16 – 17 October ). It will be a WTD project creative laboratory, conceived as a learning café session, aiming at brainstorming and proposing recommendations integrating the contributions of experts and practitioners on the advantages of creating real synergies between LAs and CSOs in development cooperation.

ALDA President, Mr. Oriano Otočan, will have a speech during the 23rd Session of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities, taking place from 16 to 18 October 2012 in Strasbourg.

Finally, ALDA will take advantage of these important Europeans events to think also about its future strategies. In fact, a meeting of the members of the Association will be held in Brussels on 16 October (11:00 to 13:00, ALDA offices in Brussels) and a meeting of the Governing Board will be held in Strasbourg on 17 October. The Governing Board will discuss in particular on strategies for the next three years, to propose solutions and new forms of actions to problems that are facing local authorities and civil society in Europe, in the acceeding countries to the EU and the Neighbouring countries.

ALDA and the Foundation for partnership and civil society development of the Region of Istria in cooperation with the Region of Istria and partner organisation ZUM Pula organised on 27th and 28th September 2012 in Pula the third and last module of the workshop « EU programs, funds and projects » on the subject of structural funds. Workshops are held within the project Think.EU, funded by Europe for Citizens programme.

Oriano Otočan, Head of Department of International Relations and European Integration of the County, since June this year also president of ALDA, greeted the participants and noted that the project was created in collaboration of the Region of Istria and the Foundation for Partnership and civil society development of the Region of Istria with the aim of educating the widest potential users to use European Union funds. « Through the project THINK.Eu 30-new participants will be trained and ready to prepare and implement projects from various EU funds, in particular the Structural Funds, » said Oriano Otočan.
In order to provide a high – quality training, ALDA has valorised the long-term experience in the structural funds of the Region of Friuli Venezia Giulia and has involved officials with solid experience in various aspects, i.e. planning, financial management, territorial cooperation. The speakers from Region Friuli Venezia Giulia were Roberto Piccini, 1st level controls on structural funds, Simonetta Micheli, regional service for Communitarian programmes, Raffaella Viviani, Brussels office. The coordinator Marco Boaria, and Anna Ditta, project officer from the ALDA Resource and Development unit also presented their experiences to the participants of the workshop.

As part of the celebration of the European Day of Languages that was held in Pula on Wendesday, 26th September, numerous ambassadors visited the Region of Istria, among them the Head of Delegation of the European Commission to the Republic of Croatia, Paul Vandoren and the Italian Ambassador in Zagreb Emanuela D’Alessandro.
President of ALDA and Head of the Department of the international cooperation and EU integration Oriano Otočan had the opportunity to present the activities of ALDA to Mr. Vandoren and Mrs. D’Alessandro, especially in the context of the ALDA’s participation in the programme Europe for Citizens.

Mr. Otočan has introduced the ALDA network that operates in the area of southeast Europe, and among other things deals with the promotion of European values, civic participation and Local Development, and has a role in the European integration processes in the defined area. He also highlighted the importance of the network of Local Democracy Agencies in the context of the future EU enlargement in the South-Eastern Europe after the Croatian accession in EU, as well as he talked about a possible future role of the tree Croatian LDAs after the accession to the EU.

On 18th and 19th October, Wolverhampton City Council will organise, in Wolverhampton (England) a workshop , which focus on « Volunteers, Voluntary Organisations and Localism – Promoting community sustainability & engagement”.

This workshop will be the 10th local event organised within the framework of the project Very Important Twinning, Volunteering in Town (VIT), in which ALDA is the lead partner.
The VIT project seeks to promote volunteering in various European cities, raising debates on questions of active citizenship and participation. A series of conferences and workshops are being organised to enable delegates to reflect upon how active citizenship can improve governance across Europe. Through these debates good practice will be identified and shared by local, regional and international participants.
The conference in Wolverhampton will be delivered by the City Council in partnership with H.M. Governments Cabinet Office, the University of Wolverhampton and key Voluntary Sector Partners in the City.
Participation in the conference/workshops is for free, but all participants need to book by sending an e-mail by 16 October at the very latest.
For more information please contact Kuldip Khela by email

Next 27th and 28th September ALDA will organize in Pula, Croatia, the third and last part of the training on EU funds, foreseen in the frame of the THINK.EU project, funded by Europe for Citizens programme.
The Foundation Istria, lead applicant of the project, will host the event.

Addressed to officials in the region of Istria, representatives of NGOs and the business community, this training will focus on indirect funding of the European Union, also known as Structural Funds. Croatia will officially become a member of the European Union on the 1st July 2013. It will benefit, starting from this date, of 687.5 million euro (for the solely 2013) of which a large part will be Structural Funds.
This training is therefore of crucial importance in such a particular historical moment.
In order to provide a high – quality training, ALDA will valorise the long-term experience in the structural funds of the Region of Friuli Venezia Giulia and will involve officials with solid experience in various aspects, i.e. planning, financial management, territorial cooperation.
The officers involved will be: Roberto Piccini, 1st level controls on structural funds, Simonetta Micheli, regional service for Communitarian programmes, Raffaella Viviani, Brussels office.
ALDA will participate with its staff from the Resource and Development unit: the coordinator Marco Boaria, and Anna Ditta, project officer.
The training will represent a fundamental opportunity for all the target groups involved to learn on how to use the conspicuous funds that Croatia will receive soon. On the other side, it will also be the occasion for exchange and partnership between Italian and Croatian institutions and CSOs, with a view to future cooperation and mutual growth, thanks to new and greater financial opportunities provided by the European Union to its new Member State.
In this frame is therefore interesting to mention that Oriano Otocan, director of the International Relations Department of the Istria Region, is the new President of ALDA since June 2012.
A new impetus for ALDA’s activities and the opportunity for Croatian region to be actively involved in a really European network.

ALDA, in cooperation with LDA Zavidovici, is starting a realisation of a new project, titled „The European and Our Affairs“. The project is funded by the Delegation of the European Union in Bosnia and Herzegovina, as a part of IPA 2011 – Information and Communication Programme.
The activites will be located at municipalities Zavidovici and Zepce, and the subject who will benefit from his project include the local civil society, citizen groups, local community members, local media and public at large.

Some of the project objectives would be helping to raise awareness on EU enlargement process and pre-accession assistance aimed to support the reform process at local level in Bosnia and Herzegovina; to improve public understanding of the benefits of EU integration; to promote tangible results of EU pre-accession assistance; to help reinforce the role of civil society in the public dialogue on EU accession agenda and to strenghten the local ownership over the reform and EU integration process.
The main activities of the project include an opening conference on the topic „EU integration – a dialogue for the future“ in Zavidovići, two training seminars for CSO-s and local authorities on EU integration and pre-accession assistance; a training seminar for local media titled „EU Integration: prejudices and myth-buster“, and a Youth for EU campaign including a EU quiz in secondary schools and EU Ambassadors’ visits.
Through these activities, it is expected to achieve improved public awareness and knowledge of actual benefits of EU integration, increased information provision about the effects of EU funded projects, improved outreach and information dissemination on EU integration issues, increased number of cross-sectoral partnerships and issue based networking for underpinning reform process, and improved public dialogue for common understanding of EU values.
The first scheduled activity of the project is the opening conference which will be held on October 10th 2012 in Zavidovici.

Officially started on 17th September a common project between LDA Osijek, LDA Subotica, ALDA and other local partners.
The project named “Support for Networking at EU Level – SNET.EU” is a part of the programme IPA CBC Croatia – Serbia and will last for 18 months.

The applicant in Croatia is Local Democracy Agency in Osijek with partners the Croatian Institute for Self-Government (HILS) and Evangelic Theological Seminary (EVS) both from Osijek.
The applicant in Serbia is Local Democracy Agency in Subotica with partners ALDA as well as Open University Subotica.
The main objectives of the project are: to build capacities of local institutions and local authorities for understanding regional EU policy and European integration process; to promote town twinning as a tool for development of European active citizenship; to contribute to twin town/municipality partner search for LA from Croatia and Serbia at European level and to contribute to networking and cooperation between LA from Croatia and Serbia.
Its aim is also to contribute to capacity building of human resources for supporting and developing of town twinning involving local authorities in rural areas of Osijek-Baranja and Vukovar-Sermium Counties in Croatia and Bačka District in Serbia through establishing of resource centers for town twining.
Besides being a great opportunity for capacity building of small municipalities both in Croatia and Serbia this project is a great contribution for involvement of experts and partners from LDAs and ALDA regional and European network as well as for further cooperation.

On 11th and 12th October, the Union of Bulgarian Black Sea Local Authorities (UBBSLA) will organise, in Varna (Bulgaria) a workshop on “How citizens trough volunteering may contribute to the enhancement of the communities’ governance”. This workshop will be the 9th local event organised within the framework of the project VIT, Very Important Twinning, Volunteering in Town, in which ALDA is the lead partner.

The workshop will focus on the Interaction between the generations and the potential opportunities for the elderly people, also on the Public health care for the longevity of the elderly people.
The project VIT focuses on volunteering and democracy in an enlarged Europe. It aims at promoting volunteering in towns, addressing this issue from a participatory perspective.
In particular, the project wishes to create a platform involving different types of stakeholders (see partnership below) for debate, action and reflection on how citizens may enhance governance in Europe. At the same time, the project aims at revitalising existing town-twinning relations of the partner towns and initiate new twinning.
If you are interested in attending this event, please contact Mrs Mariana Ivanova ( ).

For more information on travel and accommodation costs of international participants, please contact Mrs. Polina Antonova from UBBSLA (

The Director of ALDA, Mrs. Antonella Valmorbida, represents the Civil Society Forum for Eastern Partnership, in her capacity of Coordinator of the Subgroup on Local Governance and Public Administration Reform at the annual meeting of the CORLEAP (Chişinău, Moldova, 17 September 2012).
The Subgroup LGPAR is presenting in Chişinău a report on the state of fiscal decentralisation in the EaP Countries. Connected to it, a specific proposal on Fiscal Decentralisation is addressed to the Corleap members.

The State of Fiscal Decentralisation in the six countries highlights some good progresses but also some stagnation or even drawbacks – unfortunately – in some countries, like in Belarus and Azerbaijan. Certainly, Fiscal Decentralisation should be part of a vast and complex process of affirmation of Local Authorities, which have to be considered not only as subdivision of the State power but as more autonomous entities that could respond to the needs of citizens, at the local level.
The Assessment here provided is drafting specific recommendations country by country and with a related timeframe that could be certainly considered for policy making, together with the expertise provided also by the Corleap members. The role of civil society in supporting fiscal decentralisation is also mentioned as a promoter of debate and awareness, collector of information and data, implementor of programmes and monitoring of the standards to be achieved, expertise and capacity building provider.
The Subgroup for Local Government and Public Administration Reform of the Civil Society Forum proposes to the CORLEAP to launch a common initiative on a single strong priority, such is Fiscal Decentralisation. Aware of the difficulty ahead of us, it is proposed to identify it as a common priority and strongly lobby for a flagship initiative or programme/project proposal, within the framework of the Eastern Partnership.
Fiscal decentralisation remains a difficult and political target, which might be perceived as a long term objective. Some of the EU representatives within the CORLEAP may also think that Fiscal Decentralisation remains not completed within their own country yet. We consider then this possible joint project as an opportunity of working together, between EU and EaP countries. Fiscal decentralisation is not only a technical step. It is a substantial element for strengthening a real autonomy of local government and local democracy, which we consider essential for peace, sustainable development and prosperity of our communities.
The Civil Society Forum for Eastern Partnership is a permanent observer of the Corleap and takes part – since last year – in all the 4 official Platforms of the Partnership.
The Subgroup on Local Government and Public Administration Reform is composed of 28 NGOs (from EaP and EU) of the Civil Society Forum for Eastern Partnership, with a specific expertise in these fields. ALDA is coordinator of the Subgroup since the meeting in Poznan (Nov 2011).

The Mayor of the Municipality of Yverdon-Les-Bains, Mr Daniel von Siebenthal, Partner of the LDA Albania, is leading the mission of the Swiss Delegation to Shkoder. The aim of the mission is to see the project implemented by the LDA Albania, plan together new activities and meet relevant stakeholders interested in working with the Swiss Municipality.

Moreover, an institutional meeting with the Mayor of Shkoder, Mr Lorenc Luka, led to the decision of having a conference in Yverdon-Les-Bains to promote the Albanian culture to the Swiss community and the member of the Albanian Diaspora living there.
With this mission, the Swiss Delegation confirms its willingness to continue supporting the activities of LDA Albania in the future.

“The European project is at a crossroads: we need its values and its overall vision to keep on going it” affirmed Mr. Ruggiero Mennea, ALDA’s Governing Board member, and Apulia Regional Councillor, in his speech at the final session of the International Seminar that took place in Ventotene from the 2nd of September until the 7th of September promoted by Istituto Spinelli, MFE, JEF.

During the week different issues dealing with the Federalist Movement as a whole were faced.
The Seminar focused on three main themes: World Federalist issues, European Federalist issues and Sustainable Development issues. These three main topics have been always interconnected and the debate was incredibly fascinating and enriched with several contributes from spokesmen and participants themselves.
World Federalist issues are connected with the Global Democracy having as main goal the integration of all the areas of the world to obtain the Kant universalism. In other words reach the peace will be possible just strengthening the connections among all the States, for example through the cooperation among regional institutions. During the seminar were presented in particular MERCOSUR and ASEAN but also other ones, with all their limits and strengths.
Sustainable development is another cogent issue for the European and World Federalist Movement, the crisis began also because our lifestyle is not anymore feasible with the nature, and the energetic supply is the next challenge in future. In order to be more sustainable European Union offers some propositions as the “carbon tax”, but this field of action should engage all the civil society.
“Our duty is to bring forth the ideas and the vision of Europe, that was born as a project to achieve peace and stability in Europe so European Union shouldn’t be just a bureaucracy machine but the bureaucratic apparatus should be just a part of it otherwise it would die” Mr Mennea concluded.
The connections created by ALDA and the Federalist Movement would be really valuable for both organisations hoping that this meeting will make grow up even more European conscience and awareness.


It was a wonderful experience that enriched me a lot and that I suggest to everyone to make.
I am Croatian so I had a lot of difficulties to arrive in Ventotene but definitely it worth it.
I could go in depths with some kind of issues very interesting, as economic issues and the role of the ICC for the democratic process, even with their problems and challenges and in regards of European issues it is a good message to bring home, considering the access of Croatia to European Union, that is means that European project still fundamental to realise the European purpose of peace, stability and prosperity

Daniela Proia and Tomislav Nedic‘s participation was supported by ALDA

From 1 to 5 September 2012 ALDA participated to the international workshop in Hammamet organised in the framework of the project YOUTH GLOCAL SCENARIOS – l’Euromed que nous souhaitons. Lead partner of the project is the organisation JID – Jeunes Indipendants Democrates, organizer of the event and very active in supporting citizens participation and defend human rights at local level in Tunis. To know more on this association, visit its page on FB or its website.

The workshop was addressed to young and local administrators with a focus on NGOs role and challenges in the near future in the Mediterranean area and it saw the adhesion of young people from Tunisia, Italy, Spain, Lebanon and Palestine,
This initiative is one of the action of a project aiming to increase and reinforce the youth participation at local level and the participatory processes in the Med Area, promote an actual inter-institutional dialogue and support the local amelioration of the institutional capacities.
This event gave also the opportunity to involve one of the volunteers that already joined the Volunteers for Democracy (V4D) Programme, Joana Ricart Sala from Barcelona, Spain.
If you’re interested in joining the Programme find here all the information and don’t hesitate to contact Cinzia Spinazzè, for any additional information !


I applied for the ALDA Volunteers for Democracy project in Tunisia because I thought it could be a great opportunity to know the state of affairs of the civil organisations in this country after the 2010 revolution. The association JID – “Jeunes Indépendents Démocrats” lead the project which gathered Tunisian, Lebanese, Italian and Palestinian associations and NGOs and young people of several Mediterranean countries. During the workshop sessions we discussed civil society organisations issues such as its role in politics and in the society, its link with the governmental institutions, its role as regional development actors, its funding and its activities. The last workshop was devoted to suggest new projects and partnerships between the present organisations. I found this experience a very enriching opportunity, apart from the great hospitality of the organisers, all the event was very well organised and we had the opportunity to learn a lot through all the participants’ personal experiences and to widen our knowledge on the Tunisian civil society situation and reality. Definitely, I would gladly repeat the experience with ALDA Volunteers for Democracy programme!

Joana Ricart Sala from Barcelona, Spain, V4D in Tunisia

ALDA is organising an event included, by the European Commission, in the official programme of the next European Development Days. It will be a WTD project creative laboratory, conceived as a learning café session, aiming at brainstorming and proposing recommendations integrating the contributions of experts and practitioners on the advantages of creating real synergies between LAs and CSOs in development cooperation.

The activity of the event will be structured in a dynamic and creative way, which allows not only experts but also practitioners to have a tangible contribution to the formulations of recommendations.
WTD learning café wants to formulate recommendations responding to 6 key themes identified as the main features characterising the joint involvement of LAs and CSOs in development cooperation processes.
Will participate at the event as experts Murat Daoudov, Director of International Cooperation, Union of Municipalities of Marmara (Turkey), Tanja Hafner-Ademi, Executive Director, Balkan Civil Society Development Network (Macedonia), Chuck Hirt, Director, Central Eastern and European Citizens Network (Slovakia), Giovanni Camilleri, International Coordinator, ART Programme UNDP (Switzerland), Klavdija Cernilogar, Head of Policy, CONCORD (Belgium) and Antonella Valmorbida, Director, ALDA. Moderator will be Peter Sondergaard, Policy officer, ALDA.
The seventh edition of the European Development Days (EDD) will take place in Brussels, Belgium on 16 and 17 October 2012.
This year’s headline theme will be sustainable and inclusive growth for human development and the forum will take place over two important dates: the World Food Day (16 October) and the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty (17 October).
Throughout 22 High-Level Panels (HLP), almost 30 Project Labs (P-Labs), and a number of side events, EDD 2012 will focus especially on three major sub-themes under the umbrella of the headline theme: sustainable agriculture, food security and resilience; engaging the private sector for development; and empowering people for inclusive growth.
Almost one year after the adoption of the ‘Agenda for Change’ the EU will take the opportunity to open the floor to a wide range of private and public stakeholders in order to discuss how all parties can work together more closely towards the common objective of achieving inclusive and sustainable growth in partner countries.
European Development Days was launched in 2006 as an opportunity for key partners to come together to in and inclusive and open environment and talk about how to make aid more effective. The six previous editions have featured Heads of State, Heads of Government or Ministers, and Nobel Prize laureates. The last edition in 2011, in Warsaw, Poland attracted more than 2 000 committed development stakeholders from over 139 countries.
Organised by the European Commission, EDD has global reach and provides a collaborative platform bringing together thousands of development advocates, decision-makers, and practitioners.

« We give a special value to the work of ALDA and to the LDAs and we want to continue to support their activities« , confirmed the President of the Congress, Mr.Keith Whitmore, during a meeting that took place in Strasbourg at the Council of Europe, with ALDA President, Mr. Oriano Otočan. The meeting was the first possibility of the Presidents to exchanges views on the present situation of ALDA and the future cooperation with the Congress, which remains the institutional reference for the organisation.

It was strongly reconfirmed the interest to be involved in common activities, especially in the work of the Local Democracy Agencies so to support local governance and citizens’ participation.
The Congress would also have an important role in discussing the future strategic programme of ALDA, that will be discussed and approved in the next Governing Board at the Council of Europe on the 17th of October.
The President of ALDA, M. Otočan, presented shortly the first steps undertaken since his election in June and stressed once again the importance of the join cooperation with the Congress and the Council of Europe.
« I have been involved in the establishment of the Adriatic EuroRegion with the Congress some years ago. I am sure that such a fruitful cooperation will also be visible here in my new capacity of President of ALDA ».
The meeting was attended also by the Secretary General of the Congress, Mr. Andreas Kiefer, by Mrs. Antonella Cagnolati, Director of the Congress, and by the Director of ALDA, Mrs. Antonella Valmorbida.

Serbian Ministry of Youth and Sports will support the implementation of the LDA project ‘Welcome to Nis’. Official signing of the contract with the Minister of Youth and Sports took place in Belgrade on the 7th of September.

Project ‘Welcome to Nis’ will pilot the local voluntary service that will work on recruiting the first group of youngsters who will be trained and join the global network of Greeters. This project initiates the process of concrete institutional support to young people in their active involvement in the life of the local community through the practice of voluntary work and promotion of the local community, its culture and mentality, thus bringing it closer to the visitors of our city.

Partners of LDA in the implementation of this project are Tourist Organisation of Nis and the Office for Youth of the City Municipality of Medijana, Nis.

At the World Assembly, more 600 civil society organisations from all over World are exchanging views on their role and participation at the local and national level. It is here time for networking, exchanging ideas and innovative approach to participative democracy and active citizenship. The topics of the World Assembly this year is the possible new social contract between citizens and the political decision makers.
In the picture, from the left: Antonella Valmorbida, Director of ALDA, David Bonbright, Chair of the Civicus Board, Oriano Otočan, President of ALDA, Katsuji Imata, Acting Secretary General Civicus, at the Civicus World Assembly, 6th of September 2012 Montréal – Canada

Civil Society and human right defenders are still very much in danger in many countries of the world and they are fighting for their place and role in the community.
The Association of the Local Democracy Agencies is participating actively in the World Assembly. The Director of ALDA, Antonella VALMORBIDA, took part in a workshop on local governance, bringing the examples of the LDAs and projects implemented in Europe and neighbouring areas. Mrs. Valmorbida has been recently included in the Board of Civicus in particular for bringing an added value with her experience and the knowledge of ALDA in the European policies and projects but also for bringing the experience of local authorities engagement.
The President of ALDA, Mr. Oriano Otočan, participated also to some of the activities, and a specific meeting with the President of Civicus, David Bonbright, and the Acting Secretary General of Civicus, Katsuji Imata took place. Common grounds of mutual cooperation were identified like a support to Civicus in Europe and in local governance aspect.

Oriano Otocan, ALDA President, and Antonella Valmorbida, ALDA Director and member of CIVICUS International Board, will be participating in the 2012 CIVICUS World Assembly (3 – 7 September 2012) in Montreal, Canada.
In particular Mrs. Valmorbida will present ALDAs experiences on participatory governance at the workshop on “Good governance through citizen action” that will take place on 5 September (11.00-13.00), after the opening ceremony of the Assembly (9.00-9.30) and the first plenary session (9.30 – 10.45).
In the panel also Mrs. Carmen Malena, Canada, Mehr Latif, Programme Manager, Asia Foundation, Pakistan and Mrs. Paola Margarita Q. Deles, Coordinator, People Power Volunteers for Reform, Philippines.

This session will share good practices and lessons in participatory governance from around the world and challenge participants to think beyond traditional forms of protest and activism to less familiar but potentially more impactful practices of ‘critical collaboration’ and participatory governance.
As citizens, publicly denouncing injustices in society is an important first step towards seeking change, but it is not enough. Real change comes when citizens not only cry out in the streets, but claim their rightful place as active participants in processes of public governance and decision-making. In recent years, a wide and exciting array of ‘participatory governance’ approaches have been tried and tested around the world. From citizens’ juries, multi-stakeholder dialogues and integrity pacts to participatory budgeting, social audits and community scorecards, citizens and CSOs are creating a multitude of innovative ways to engage in ‘critical collaboration’ with government counterparts.
The 2012 CIVICUS World Assembly will focus on defining a new social contract, through discussions on three key themes: changing nations through citizens, building partnerships for social innovation and redefining global governance.
The 2012 Assembly will see the launch of a comprehensive, multi-stakeholder process, led by CIVICUS, on defining a new social contract, that will culminate in the presentation of recommendations to the United Nations in 2015. The World Assembly comes at a pivotal moment for citizens to redefine the relationships and conditions we want for a sustainable future in a changing world.
Having a role in CIVICUS International Board, for ALDA means taking a further step to bring internationally the cause of its work: to improve citizens’ and civil society’s participation at the local level, working closely with local authorities, for development, democracy and respect of human rights.