Europe is much different now than at the beginning of the passed year. One could hardly say how much it will change in 2012. The financial crisis, which hit the economies of all the European States, and then afflicted so much the Eurozone, is now setting the agenda of all the European summits. However, one of the victims of this last year is not only economy but also the perception that citizens have of the European Project.
Now, public opinion sees it as a project, which is punishing the “hopeless” States. This is, however, an old and well knowns trick of the European Members States that put on the European Union the role of scapegoat of all the troubles. The European Project is, for us, a vision of a common area of peace and wealth, which is now jeopardised by this 2011 and all its measures to address financial defaults
The participation of citizens to the future and difficult decisions for the European Union can’t be suspended “till the crisis will pass or dealt with”. Any decision must have a participatory approach and it should consider citizens and its civil society able to understand and address the problems, together. It is high time to put citizens and European Citizenship and identity high in the agenda. The tougher will be the times in the future, the more we need to relaunch the European project and the European identity, based on values and common objectives.
The real focus on human rights, democratic and participative societies and bottom up approach must lead the future decision making in the European Union, inside the EU and also in their policies with the Neighbouring States (Eastern Partnership and Med) and even more in the Enlargement process. Europe must be perceived even more now a choice of society and values and not be flattened to sorting out our budgets, no matters how much important are these issues as we know. The approach must give value and resources to the programme Europe for Citizens (and not the other way round) and give further resources to local governance and civil society engagement in the cooperation programmes of the EU. Otherwise, once we would have found our way out financially speaking, we shall realise that nobody wants to be part of the club, any longer…
In front of us, there is a lot to do this year and in the upcoming period 2014 – 2020. Sooner than this, we will focus on the Year of Citizenship for 2013 and prepare it as good as possible, first lobbying for considering it as a year of European Identity and Citizenship and not in legal and strict assumption. We should incentive the European stakeholders to consider it a great and timing opportunity to raise the issue at all levels, accompanying the strict and painful measures that will affect us all.

Antonella Valmorbida
ALDA Director

As a part of the INTACT project, funded by the Europe for Citizens Programme of the European Union, has been realised in Brindisi (Italy) an event for students of secondary schools.
The meeting, promoted by the Municipality of Brindisi with the ALDA Office cooperation in the city, the Youth Information Office and in collaboration with IPRES, took place on 16th of December in the City Hall.
During a first introductory moment the promoters presented the project and its aims and the twinning activities of the Municipality of Brindisi.
The students were then involved in a debate on active citizenship and twinnings, aimed at the identification of new needs or perceptions on those issues.
Divided into working groups, the boys discussed the issue and answered a questionnaire on European identity and the results were then presented to all participants during a plenary session.
It was possible to verify the level of knowledge of youth on twinning activities in the area and were collected moods and proposals on active citizenship, European identity and twinning programs.
The results of the plenary discussion will be shared with other partners of the INTACT project and will form an « owned » basis for all the institutions involved in the definition of new activities in international cooperation and twinning.

Download here the press clipping on the meeting
Watch the video here

ALDA will attend the European Development Days (EDD) in Warsaw (Poland) on the 15-16 December 2011. EDD is Europe’s premier forum on international affairs and development cooperation and it is organised by the European Commission and the Polish Presidency of the Council of the European Union. The event represents an important platform to discuss topics concerning development. For more information please visit
ALDA has been monitoring the EC policy on development during the last couple of years and has been involved as well in important European events and consultations concerning this topic. Furthermore, ALDA has been granted by the EC for the implementation of one of the three European projects selected in 2010 under Objective III of the NSA & LA Programme. The project in hand is WTD – Working Together for Development. It is a multi-annual development project designed by ALDA in cooperation with 21 international partners and associates coming from 16 different countries of the enlarged Europe. Main actors of the project are Local Authorities and Non State Actors. It aims at supporting these actors, in order to ensure their ownership of the development strategies and to favour their full involvement in the policy making process, enhancing their capacities to act as development agents in and outside Europe. The attendance of the EDD fits in this process of advocating the EU institutions to fully recognise the role of Local actors in the development processes.
For more information please contact Mr. Alfonso Aliberti, Project Manager of ALDA.

A training on Strategic Planning was held on 10 to 12.12.2011 in Prijedor, organised by the Association of Citizens « DON » Prijedor. Trainers was Murisa Maric (DON Prijedor), and Snezana Svetlana Šešlija (ToPeeR Doboj). Participants in training were non-governmental organisations from Bihac, Breze, Mostar, Prijedor, Tuzla and Zavidovici.
This is the first in a series of training sessions for capacity building of civil society envisaged by the project of regional cooperation: Civil Society in Action for Dialogue and Partnership, funded by the European Union Delegation in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the funds provided for the « Support to the civil society networks ».
The leading partner of the project is the Association of Local Democracy Agencies (ALDA), while other partners are members of ALDA network in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatian and Serbian – Local Democracy Agency Mostar, Zavidovići, Osijek and Subotica, as well as the “Forum of Tuzla Citizens”, “Centre for Local Development” Breza , “DON” Prijedor and “Nove nade” Bihac, a local nongovernmental organisations that effectively contribute to local democratic development and implementation of municipal agreements on cooperation.

The ALDA President, Mr. Per Vinther, met recently with the Rector of the the “Uniwersytet Kazimierza Wielkiego” in Bydgoszcz, Professor Józef Kubik. The meeting was also attended by the Head of International Relations Office of the University, Mgr Aniela Bekier-Jasińka, and by the Principal of the International School of Bydgoszcz, Mgr Imisława Górska.
Topic of the discussions was the potential involvement of the University in ALDA projects in which the participation of local authorities and NGOs could be complemented by the added value of participation from the academic sector. The efforts of ALDA and the LDAs in promoting democracy in host and partner communities and countries is bound to benefit from involvement also from the business and the education sector. The University already has some experience with exchange of academics from neighbouring countries, incl. Belarus, which could be beneficial in EU funded projects ALDA is developing with Non-State Actors. In addition, Rector Kubik expressed interest in engaging with other European universities who are already partners of ALDA.
The President also visited the International School of Bydgoszcz, which is affiliated with the NATO Joint Force Training Centre in the city and attached to the University. The Principal, Ms Gorska, stressed that the International School of Bydgoszcz is developing its multicultural policy and is interested in cooperation with ALDA members specialising in multiculturalism and multinational activities dedicated to pupils, youth or teenagers. Worth noting is that the Principal is the former Secretary of the ALDA Board and therefore very familiar with ALDA activities.
Photo: From left to right Ms Bekier-Jasinka, Professor Kubik, Mr Vinther and Ms Gorska

Mrs. Antonella Valmorbida, ALDA Director, was appointed coordinator of the sub group on Local Government and Public Administration Reform, of the Working Group 1 (Democracy and Human rights) of the EAP Civil Society Forum.
The members of thE group, in a meeting that take place at the end of the Annual meeting of the Forum in Poznan, asked to Mrs. Valmorbida to be the coordinator (taking over the work of SvyatoslavPavlyuk, from Ukraine).
Mrs. Valmorbida for two consecutive one year terms, allowed by the regulation, was the EU representative in the Steering Committee of the Forum, the last as co-chair.
For any further information please visit

Upon successfully finished joint European Voluntary Service project, LDA Central and Southern Serbia, based in Niš, has been invited by Associação Mais Cidadania to join their international “More Citizenship Network”. Born in 2008, this network links international partners to Portuguese organisation AssociaçãoMaisCidadania to discuss and deepen themes linked to citizenship and search paths and strategies to answer to the challenges of our society at local and European level.
LDA Niš will share good practices with other members of the Network through development of common projects and will actively work on promoting citizenship, youngster’s engagement, intercultural dialogue, cultural debate, social inclusion and active participation of young people in the society.

ALDA is more and more engaged in the promotion of volunteering, targeting primarily the younger generations in order to foster their active citizenship and their sense of belonging both to the local community and to Europe. In this respect, ALDA has activated a training course that will start in Valdagno (Italy) on December.

The training course is focused on the European Voluntary Service, considered as one of the main « tool » to promote volunteering at the European and international level. It is addressed to one of the ALDA members, the Studio Progetto Social Cooperative, active in the social field, and particularly focused on youth. The staff of Studio Progetto working with youth will take part in this course, lasting 20 hours, focused on providing practical and technical information and instruments to carry out qualitative EVS projects: the Cooperative will thus contribute to provide mobility opportunities for young people and will further strengthen the active participation of young people in building « Europe from below ». Through this training process Studio Progetto will be accredited both as sending and as hosting organisation: the first foreign volunteers will arrive in Valdagno in 2012; the first volunteers going from Valdagno to Europe will also leave in 2012.

The LDA Kosovo with its further activities will be a bridge towards Europe not only for the host city, Peje/Pec, but for the all the country as a whole.
All the participants to the opening ceremony of the new offices of the LDA, that took place in Peje/Pec the 21st of November, stressed that this is not just a hope, but a certainty.
Kosovo need Europa as Europa need peaceful relations between Kosovo and Serbia and the completion of the diplomatic path between the two countries, sine qua non condition for the stability of the entire region.
The LDA Kosovo wants to play an important role in this game.
The ceremony was attended, among others,by Mr.Ali Berisha, Mayor of Peje/Pec, the host city and local partner of the LDA, Mr.MaurizioCamin, President of TavoloTrentino con ilKossovo, Colonel AndreaBorzaga new Commander of the Italian contingent in Kosovo and Commander of the Multinational Battle Group West KFOR (Kosovo Force), andMrs. Antonella Valmorbida, Director of ALDA, in connection from Italy.
During the meeting was finalised and signed by partners the Agreement that will be the operational basis of the LDA, the Association “TavoloTrentino per il Kosovo” was confirmed lead partner and was appointed the Director of the LDA, Mr. Elbert Krasniqi.
The LDA is promoted by ALDA under the auspices of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe, in cooperation with international and local partners.
The ribbon cutting for the new headquarters at the Shtepia e Kultures (rrEnverHadrip.nPeje/Pec),gave to the ADL a physical place where start to implement projects and activities that already are in its agenda.
LDA Kosovo can count on the support of the network of ALDA and other 12 LDAs currently active in the Balkans and South Caucasus.
Decentralisation of power and development of administrative capacities at the local level, together with a capable and vivid civil society, represent a fundamental step in the process of democratisation, stability and development of Kosovo.
With these aims, the LDA Kosovo will develop projects which will foster inter-ethnic dialogue, promote international cooperation, encourage civil society to participate actively in the life of the local community, develop the growth of democracy and good local governance, promote the economic development, giving answers to problems and needs of the population.
The international partners of the LDA are actively engaged in Kosovo since several years, as the Lead Partner Association Table Trentino with Kosovo (TCK) – (Italy and Kosovo) for over 10 years working with the Municipality of Peja/Pec and numerous local organisations, AiBi, Friends of the Children (Italy and Kosovo), RTM Reggio Third World (Italy and Kosovo), the Only Equal Rights Association (Italy), ALFA Formation (France), the town of Yalova (Turkey). LDA local partners are the Municipality of Peja/Pec, which is also the host city, and AKM, Association of Municipalities of Kosovo.
The role of the international partners will be to provide core financial support, participate in activities where they have the skills and capacities, to encourage their own partners to participate in the work of the LDA and to promote the work of the LDA in their own community and encourage wider participation.
On occasion of the opening of new offices of the LDA, an international conference took place on the anniversary of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, approved by the UN General Assembly on 20 November 1989, which ended with a series of entertainment activities organised for children and families in Peje/Pec at the Youth Centre.

ALDA will participate at the closing conference of the European Year of Volunteering 2011 that will take place on 1 and 2 December 2011 in Warsaw. It will be a policy-oriented conference focusing on the topic “Preparing a lasting legacy for the European Year of Volunteering”. The idea is to set the scene for policy development and continued action in the area of volunteering at EU, national and regional levels, to ensure a lasting, meaningful legacy for the European Year in the years to come.

ALDA has played a relevant role in the field of volunteering during 2011, developing a structured strategy entitled « volunteering for democracy » encompassing several activities implemented in different countries throughout the year. ALDA has been part of the EYV 2011 Alliance, contributing to the debate from its own perspective, thus promoting volunteering as a fundamental means to activate citizens and promote their full participation both at the local and at the European level. One of the main activities carried out by ALDA throughout the year is represented by the International conference « Volunteering for democracy », held in Bydgoszcz (Poland) in July, in the framework (and under the auspices) of the Polish Presidency of the EU. The conference, attended by more than 150 representatives from 25 different countries, led to the drafting of a set of recommendations, jointly developed by participants, which constitutes the guidelines for further promoting and developing « volunteering » in the fields of democracy and citizen participation.
For further information, please download here (the Final Recommendation of the Conference in Bydgoszcz, Poland, 8th July 2011.

Programme 2012 and development of the LDAs were the main topics of the ALDA Governing Board held in Rome in the representative office of the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region (18 November 2011).
Mrs. Anna Maria Menosso, Vicepresident of FVG Region, attended the meeting bringing the greetings of the Administration to the participants.
She stressed, among the many initiatives of the network of ALDA involving her Region, the support for women of Montenegro (Friuli Venezia Giulia is the lead partner of the LDA Montenegro) through the revival of the ancient practice of lace in collaboration with the School in Gorizia.
Attended the meeting also the Honorary President of ALDA, Mr. Gianfranco Martini and Mr. Alessandro Perelli, representative of the Region Friuli Venezia Giulia.
The Governing Board discussed the proposal of programme for 2012 and the expected budget,
and the development of the LDAs, in particular the development of partnership, the follow up of the meeting in Sisak (3rd to 4th of November 2001), about situation in Croatia, cofunding issue for the LDAs, opening of the LDA in Armenia and further process for Azerbaijan.
The members of the Governing Board discussed also the preparation of the ALDA General Assembly 2012, that will take place in Trieste.

Restudy the recent history of European countries to strengthen the ideals of peace, tolerance and participation and help the building of an Europe ever more land of cohesion, stability and prosperity.
This is the main aim of the project PEACE, implemented by ALDA, the Association of Local Democracy Agencies which final conference. will take place in Strasbourg the 22nd and 23rd of November (CIARUS, 7 rue Finkmatt).

The main subject of the conference will be active remembrance. It will unite around 100 participants from several European countries, all professionals of historical education and active remembrance (educators, teachers, researchers, memorial curators and peace educators). Through presentations on the treatment of repressed pasts in Europe and exchange between the participants, the conference will bring new insights on how to deal with different pasts.
All participants will be encouraged to actively bring their specific experience in different workshops. Debates will be held on subjects such as remembrance and its relation with active citizenship and a positive attitude towards Human Rights and peace.
One of the aims of the project is to develop efficient activities in this field.
The event will combine different methods such as round tables and working groups in order to promote a wide debate benefiting from both multilateral and specific perspectives.
Informal exchange with other participants will be a central element of the conference and will be encouraged.
Participants will participate also in a visit to “Le Mémorial de l’Alsace-Moselle”.

The Local Democracy Agency (LDA) in Kosovo, organised by ALDA, the Association of Local Democracy Agencies, under the auspices of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe, in cooperation with its international and local partners, will be operative by the end of 2011.
The ribbon cutting for the new headquarters of the ADL, taking place on November 21, the registration of the ADL as a local NGO in accordance with current legislation in the country and the appointment of the Director, Elbert Krasniqi, who will head the office, will complete the bureaucratic process began last year with the signing of the agreement between the partners, joined in recent months by the diplomatic work done by partners to ensure a good start and effective activity of the LDA.

The LDA Kosovo can count on the support of the network of ALDA and other 12 LDAs currently active in the Balkans and South Caucasus.
“Decentralisation of power and development of administrative capacities at the local level, together with a capable and vivid civil society, represent a fundamental step in the process of democratisation, stability and development of Kosovo”, says ALDA President, Per Vinther.
The LDA Kosovo, like the others, will develop projects which will foster inter-ethnic dialogue, promote international cooperation, encourage civil society to participate actively in the life of the local community, develop the growth of democracy and good local governance, promote the economic development, giving answers to problems and needs of the population.
The international partners of the LDA are actively engaged in Kosovo since several years, as the Lead Partner Association Table Trentino with Kosovo (TCK) – (Italy and Kosovo) for over 10 years working with the Municipality of Peja/Pec and numerous local organisations, AiBi, Friends of the Children (Italy and Kosovo), RTM Reggio Third World (Italy and Kosovo), the Only Equal Rights Association (Italy), ALFA Formation (France), the town of Yalova (Turkey). LDA local partners are the Municipality of Peja/Pec, which is also the host city, and AKM, Association of Municipalities of Kosovo.
The role of the international partners will be to provide core financial support, participate in activities where they have the skills and capacities, to encourage their own partners to participate in the work of the LDA and to promote the work of the LDA in their own community and encourage wider participation.
On occasion of the opening of new offices of the LDA, an international conference will take place on the anniversary of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, approved by the UN General Assembly on 20 November 1989, which will end with a series of entertainment activities organised for children and families in Peja/Pec at the Youth Centre.
To the conference will attend, among others, Ali Berisha, Mayor of Peja/Pec, Michele Giffoni, Italian Ambassador to Kosovo, Emiliano Bertoldi, Trentino table for Kosovo, Antonella Valmorbida, Director of ALDA, Corkadiu Sabah, Director of Human Rights Department of the Municipality of Peja/Pec, and Naim Berisha, a sociologist and Assistant Director of the Gymnasium.
On 22nd of November will take place a partner meeting to plan activities for 2012, in particular the project Youth in Action « Youth wears Green », already approved, which will be developed in 2012, and to analyse the proposals for other projects.

More participation of citizens, more countries involved, more debate on the issues and European values.
This is the idea of the European Commission for the reform of twinning in the next program, 2014-2020, confirming the budget of 30 million a year to fund the twinning projects with the intention of making more effective their performance.
It’s what said Anna Cozzoli, Department of Citizenship EACEA, the Executive Agency Education, Audiovisual and Culture of the European Commission, in liaison from Brussels, to the participants at the international conference organised by ALDA in Venice, within the project INTACT.
The central theme of the conference was just the future of twinning in view of their protagonists, municipalities, nonprofit associations, economic groups and companies that, even in the Veneto region, is taking a greater interest in public-private partnership programs, a new variation of twinning, which puts more emphasis on activities that can generate local economic development and prosperity for the population.
In Venice, representatives of these groups from seven countries (France, Bulgaria, Croatia, Hungary, Romania, Malta, Albania) as well as a large Italian representatives have discussed these issues.
« The Euro Info Veneto collects more and more requests for participation of companies in the European Partnership programs and projects, new opportunities for relationships and potential development tools, » said Gian Angelo Bellati, director of Unioncamere Veneto and Euro Info.
The future of twinning is therefore positive, as indicated in the idea of reform, summed up in less dinners and football games, more partners and more countries involved from any single project, more companies, more meetings where people talk of European issues and ideas of sustainable development, so that the exchange of good ideas and good practices may arise concrete growth opportunities for the territory and for Europe as a whole.
« For the harmonious development of the European territory as a whole and the strengthening of economic, social and territorial cohesion – stressed Antonella Valmorbida, ALDA Director – is therefore necessary to strengthen the transnational territorial cooperation ».
During the two days of the conference the best practices and experiences gained by the partners of the projects were presented and shared during workshops on city diplomacy, technical assistance to the twin cities, private sector involvement.
« The work has revealed the need and the will to the relaunch of twinning – said Massimo Ciullo, lead partner of the ADL Albania – although certainly with new perspectives and content, because every relationship, especially internationally, is also useful to economic development at this particular moment of crisis”.
The meeting in Venice was promoted in cooperation with the Council of Europe and the main economic actors of the Veneto Region, Eurosportello Unioncamere, CIA, Italian Farmers Confederation, represented by the Regional President Daniele Toniolo, CAN, National Confederation of craft, Lega of Cooperative.
The INTACT project, lasting two years, has seen the organisation of numerous events and activities in many European countries, as international workshops, local activities, a Summer School on the themes of active citizenship, local economic initiatives and international relations between local authorities.
These activities have strengthened the link between the twenty partners of the project (NGOs and local authorities) from seven countries, particularly involved in the theme of citizen participation, promotion of European values and integration process.

Yerevan hosted a conference entitled “Eastern Partnership: National & European Dynamics” that has been organised by the International Center for Human Development (Armenia) in cooperation with the EU delegation to Armenia. This is the 7th annual conference on European integration aimed at enhancing the role of civil society and NGOs in policy- and decision-making. Among the participants were delegates from Armenia, Czech Republic, Turkey European and international agencies.
Mrs. Antonella Valmorbida, ALDA Director, attended the Conference, also as Co-Chair of Civil Society Forum of EaP, and intervened with a speech on “The Role of Civil Society in European Integration: What are the formats and mechanisms enhancing its Input?”.
Speaking at the conference Armenian Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandyan said that the European direction has always been regarded as one of the imperatives of Armenian foreign policy. He recalled the words of the president that although Armenia does not set the task of joining the EU, it accepts European standards and the European rules of the game.
In general, it was at the conference that Europe will continue to support reforms in Armenia. Head of the EU Delegation to Armenia, Ambassador Raul de Lutzenberger noted positive developments in the country.
“In the near future Armenia has an opportunity to distinguish itself in electoral processes during the elections of the parliament and the president. They will become a good indicator to identify progress in Armenia,” said the ambassador. At the same time, he stressed the importance of not so much EU economic as political assistance to Armenia.
Minister Nalbandyan stressed that as part of the Eastern Partnership program European structures provide technical and financial assistance to reforms in Armenia. He welcomed the principle put forward by Europe, which is “more support in exchange of more reforms”.
Nalbandyan pointed out that the text of the EU-Armenia Association Agreement is now being developed and a free trade agreement will become an important part of it. The issue of simplifying the visa regime is also under discussion.
In this regard, German Ambassador to Armenia Hans-Jochen Schmidt emphasised the importance of opening the Armenian-Turkish border as a stimulus for trade development in the context of free trade. He said that economic integration will lead to new developments that should not be shunned.
Mrs. Antonella Valmorbida stressed that the role of NGOs in EaP, is an important tool for EU rapprochement policies in the region and for the national policies in terms of democratisation and development. “ We have to work – she said – on composition and strength of civil society in EaP Countries, format and means of cooperation (networks, geographic and thematic approach) and room and methods from the European Union side”.

Reacting to the economic and governance crisis that is sweeping Europe with negative effects, due to the narrowing of public spending, directly for the citizens, who are losing the necessary social services that local and regional authorities are struggling to provide.
It’s a task that hosts, everywhere in Europe and in the neighbourhood, civil society and local authorities, such as companies and business associations.
On these issues, the project INTACT, « International Network of Towns – Active citizenship and Town Twinning », promoted by ALDA and funded by the European Commission, has organised his final policy making meeting, that will take place in Venice (16 and 17 November, Russot Hotel, San Giuliano) bringing together international experts, local officials and civil society associations from seven countries.

Download the conference agenda here
The problem is global and the solutions must be found from the territory, gradually involving the local, national and finally the European institutions.
The harmonious development of the Community as a whole and the strengthening of economic, social and territorial cohesion imply, therefore, the strengthening of transnational territorial cooperation.
The exchange of experiences and good practices and the raising awareness of all stakeholders are targets of several EC programs, primarily the « Europe for Citizens ».
As a part of this programme, the INTACT project, lasting two years, has seen the organisation of numerous events and activities in many European countries, as international workshops, local activities, a Summer School on the themes of active citizenship, local economic initiatives and international relations between local authorities.
These activities have strengthened the link between the twenty partners of the project (NGOs and local authorities) from seven countries, particularly involved in the theme of citizen participation, promotion of European values and integration process.
The Venice event is organised in collaboration with the Council of Europe and the main economic actors of the Veneto Region, Eurosportello Unioncamere, CIA, the Italian Confederation of Farmers, CAN, National Confederation of Crafts, Legacoop, the Association of Cooperatives.
During the meeting, the traditional concept of town twinning will be analysed and compared with the new concept of City Diplomacy and the practices of private sector involvement in international relations between local authorities. Workshops will explore these issues, giving to the participants the opportunity to join the discussion.
Representatives of the Education Agency of European Commission, Local Authorities engaged on citizens’ diplomacy and Working Group on Twinning of the Council of European Municipalities and Regions will attend the meeting in Venice, as well as representatives of Italian Regions, Provinces and Municipalities.
The conference will be opened by Andrea Ferrazzi, Municipality of Venice, Department of Education Councillor, Antonella Valmorbida, Director of ALDA, and Anna Cozzoli EACEA (European Commission).
ALDA is a European network that gathers local authorities and civil society organisations engaged in the development of local democracy and citizen participation.

ALDA has organised as partner leader of the project STAND.UP, an International Conference on « Mobility and volunteering in town twinning – Exchange of methodologies between Local Authorities and Civil Society » which will take place in Venice on 15 and 16 November (Russott Hotel – Via Orlanda 4 – San Giuliano).
The event aims to promote the concept of mobility and volunteering, strengthening the involvement of civil society organisations, within the framework of European twinning, in order to create a greater cooperation between Local Authorities and Civil Society Organizations.
For more information, download the program.

The conference is part of the activities of the project « STAND.UP: Strengthening Twinning and Networking for Development Agreements. United in Partnership » funded by the European Programme « Europe for Citizens », implemented by ALDA in partnership with 17 international partners.
STAND.UP aims to promote citizen participation and interaction with local and European institutions, through debates on important issues in the field of town twinning.
During the conference in Venice, after the intervention of senior officials of local and European authorities, will be shared examples of good practices on mobility and volunteering by representatives of European and international associations. Participants will be divided into three working groups to discuss these issues.
The Conference will take place November 15 from 9:30 to 18:00 and 16 from 9:30 to 12:30 at the Hotel Russott.
Participation is free of charge, and It is planned for both days, the opportunity to take part in the lunch served, with a contribution of 15 euros for lunch.

To register please complete the form in all its parts and send it to Cinzia Spinazzè:, by 11 November.
For more information contact via email: or, or call +39 0444 540146.

An international workshop will conclude the project GOAL, Granting Opportunities for Active Learning, implemented by ALDA, as lead partner. The event will take place on 12 and 13 November (see the Agenda) in Bucharest (Hotel Herastrau).
The EU’s population, due to decreased fertility rates and longer life expectancy, is ageing, leading to a likely fall in the working population in the 25 states from 303 million to 297 million by 2020. A smaller labour force means less economic growth: economic migration is therefore necessary for sustained the European economic growth.
But migration flows, affecting all Europe, often disregard the need for labour, and arise from the needs of the populations of third world countries to escape poverty and seek welfare and freedom.
What is the situation that migrants find in the European Countries, and how is possible to improve it?
The debate in Europe on the need for a European policy on migration management is open for years and still has not found a solution shared by all member states.
So each state has to deal daily with the problems that this phenomenon leads to social stability, often being connected to the illegality, now aggravated by the severe economic crisis.
To give answer to these questions, ALDA, the Association of Local Democracy Agencies, has managed the European project, GOAL, that aims at improving the situation of migrants in Europe by giving them the occasion to discuss their own situation and suggesting ways to get better their life.
With this international workshop in Bucharest ALDA will try to conclude the project with a recommendation to European Institutions and policy makers.
During the project, groups of citizens in six EU Member States and accession countries (France, Romania, Bulgaria, Albania, Italy and Greece) have met and debated about the situation of migrants in their country and how to improve it.
The members of these citizens’ panels were themselves migrants. Drawing on the panels’ discussions, the partners have drafted recommendations to European policy makers on how to improve the situation of migrants in Europe.
The final workshop of GOAL will be the occasion to present the panels’ recommendations to the participants – professionals in migration matters and concerned citizens – and policy makers.
All participants will be encouraged to debate about the recommendations in particular and migration matters in general in three workshops on the topics of intercultural dialogue, political participation and access to services and the labour market.
The workshop is entitled “Improving the situation of immigrants – Citizens and experts debate”.