The project PAL aims to improve the situation of Roma in Belgium, Czech Republic, Italy, Greece, Slovenia, Romania, Spain, Hungary and France. It addresses primarily promotion of Roma integration, supporting the implementation of national Roma inclusion strategies or integrated sets of policy measures and the Council Recommendation on Roma integration. The concept of the project was developed by the four universities involved in the PAL project, based on their research on the current situation of the exclusion of the vulnerable social groups and especially Roma people. The PAL project contribution will be realised through promoting common democratic values, strengthening fundamental rights, consolidating the rule of law in the selected countries with special attention to combat discrimination and racism, and promoting tolerance and multi-cultural awareness. The sectors of Education and Employment will be specifically targeted by the project activities.

The project PAL is aiming to develop a comprehensive approach and endorse a number of goals in education and employment in order to speed up Roma integration and support the implementation of national Roma inclusion strategies and the Council Recommendation of Roma integration.
The project aims to support Roma youth participation on different levels, by gathering qualitative data about approaches and practices of Roma youth and supporting initiatives where Roma participation is key to long-term change.
Specific objectives:
- Fighting discrimination and anti-Gypsyism;
- Enhancing multi-stakeholder cooperation;
- Promoting common democratic values, strengthening fundamental rights and consolidating the rule of law are horizontal concerns for the participant countries;
- Debating the way forward for the European network for Roma social Incusion;
- To develop capacities for Roma participation at regional and local level;
- To develop data and information on forms, approaches, challenges of Roma participation;
- To raise awareness among relevant stakeholders concerning the need to assure access to education and employment;
- To train and transfer skills on desegregation to trainers and other stakeholders at grassroots levels in order to achieve Roma children and youth integration in education and employment process.
Activities related to education:
- Integrated approach for the current situation and the possibilities of specific and adapted educational programme for second chance education;
- Awareness Raising International Roma Integration Campaign “It’s not late” for popularisation of the benefits of education;
- Online training Courses for teachers (320 trained);
- Push education Training consisted of Children Socialisation exercises and Group Building days with 1220 participants.
Activities related to employment:
- Integrated approach for the current situation and the possibilities of specific and adapted employment for Roma people in EU;
- Awareness Raising International Roma Integration Campaign “Employ Me!” for popularisation of the equal opportunities in employment services in EU;
- Training of trainers online with 360 trained people;
- Push Employment Opportunities Events about the employment rights and possibilities with 1800 participants.
Common activities:
- Promotion activities at local level (Info days), newsletters, press release, posters, brochures;
- Preparation and presentation of anti-discrimination model based on best practices and community prevention policy for Roma in EU.