The project targets young women with “fewer opportunities”, who face multiple forms of discrimination (strong patriarchal values and gender inequality). Therefore, they need to improve their communication skills (for example via the assertive communication method), and to get more opportunities to meet and to exchange experiences with other women. This can be achieved through the realization of murals on the theme of women’s solidarity. The project aims to foster cooperation for innovation and exchange of good practices, and capacity building for Youth in neighbouring and enlargement countries.

To respond to this above priority the specific objectives of the project are to:
- Increase the capacity of the target group for achieving progress in equal opportunities
- Build international solidarity between the target group and European urban communities through connecting and networking
- Enhance capacities of youth workers to facilitate and support social communication of young workers to facilitate and support social communication of young women
- Develop skills of assertive and art communication of young women to express their opinions and create an active impact in their communities
- Increase interest and knowledge among the target group on the european policies on gender equality and inclusion
- Establish celebration of the International day of rural women in communities involved in the project