Education and career paths are often guided by gender-based stereotypes from the first stages. It demonstrates an important cultural gap not only within the society as a whole but also in the professional figures which play important role for the individuals in transition periods and especially for those young who might be easily influenced. These, for their professional role, need to increase their skills and competences on gender equality and to become able to raise awareness on gender stereotypes at the workplace.
The main priority of the project is to address the stereotyping of educational and career choices and to promote gender equality in education, training, career guidance and at the workplace. GET UP intends to launch a capacity building process for the professionals who intervene in transition phases along the education-training-labour market chain by developing and delivering a training on gender equality based on a common European Minimum Standard of Competences to be defined.
To respond to this above priority the specific objectives of the project are to:
- define an European Minimum Standard of Competences on Gender Equality (EMSC) for those responsible of Human Resources at the workplace (directors, employers, trade unions), Career Guidance professionals and Teachers supporting training and employment choices in order to guide, promote, recruit and retain individuals by overcoming gender stereotypes and taking into consideration their skills, competences and interests;
- strengthen the skills and competences of the above mentioned professionals of both private and public organisations and companies on European and national legislation, practices and behaviours aimed at overcoming gender stereotypes;
- raise awareness on gender equality among partner organisations and their members, as well as the whole public, thus promoting also at European level the benefits delivering from the equal participation in society of men and women.
GET UP foresees 9 steps, having impact both at the local and at the European level:
- Comparison and analysis of existing training offers on gender balance issues for the different professional profiles involved in the project, considering also that EIGE is going to provide one through its online platform;
- Focus Groups for Assessment of knowledge, skills and behaviours that the partners organisations and their members and networks have over the issues of gender equality and the acceptance of the “other” as a basic factor of the organisations working in a non-discriminatory manner;
- Definition of the knowledge and competences needs;
- Definition of the EMSC that the professionals involved should achieve on the issues of gender equality, non-discrimination and promotion of equality in education and at the workplace.
- Design and definition of a standard for the Training aimed at the achievement of the EMSC, both in person and online;
- Implementation of the Training Offer on an experimental basis within the partners organisations and their members;
- Uploading and dissemination of the project results
- Raising awareness Campaign;
- Monitoring and evaluation of the achieved results and impacts.
“A Gender Story” is the serious game GET UP project has developed in order to embark on a true gender journey. This is the journey through the lives of the protagonists (Anna or Tom). The game articulates itself into 3 chapters, representing each one a different life-phase, so that you the player will have to deal with real-like obstacles and challenges, thus perceiving the impact of gender stereotypes on the everyday life of people.
Play “A Gender Story“