8 studenoga, 2022Reinforcing action for capacity building for civil society

Town Twinning
7 studenoga, 2022A vehicle for European integration

BANDIAR – switch on Europe
7 studenoga, 2022Fostering women’s participation in political life

ALL.4.EU: Citizens for Europe
7 studenoga, 2022The Future of Europe starts now

Multi-stakeholder approach for the reconstruction of Ukraine: ALDA, the CORLEAP and the Czech Presidency
7 studenoga, 2022Starting a process of reconstruction, based on the resilience of Local Authorities, municipalities and citizens not only is a necessary condition but it also the path to follow when facing a crisis. Therefore, envisaging the role of each player involved in the reconstruction process firstly, and in the democratic one secondly, is essential to understand the current situation in the EaP region.

7 studenoga, 2022Training for Active Citizenship in the EU Enlargement Process

Empowering the role of Young people in Kosovo
4 studenoga, 2022For local active citizens

4 studenoga, 2022Young Europeans in action

Georgia Platform
4 studenoga, 2022Platform for the development cooperation with Georgia

Youth – the right direction
4 studenoga, 2022Knowledge and skills for young people

4 studenoga, 2022Education for Remembrance

4 studenoga, 2022Artists on the road – Community theatre in places of crisis and renascence

4 studenoga, 2022Peace Education for Active Citizenship in Europe

Placing local initiatives and decentralisation at the heart of the democratic process in the Eastern Partnership
3 studenoga, 2022Six countries – be they Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine – gathered together in 2009 to lay the foundation of the Eastern Partnership (EaP). The latter is thus aimed at strengthening the relations, both in terms of politics and socio-economic fields, with the European Union (EU).