From Friday June 1 to Sunday June 3, ALDA attended the Global Citizen’s conference “Solutions by Re-thinking” at the Aarhus University, Denmark.
The “Great Debate” was promoted and organised by Global Citizen in connection to the Danish EU Presidency and with the support of the European Commission through the programme Europe for Citizens.
The meeting gathered together more than 400 interested citizens – representing organisations, associations, companies, parties, think tanks and universities, who debated about the problems and possibilities we face in Europe towards 2050: what are the key problems we need to tackle? what do the solutions look like? who should make it happen?
The meeting was particularly successful thanks to the intense and untraditional format that allowed and facilitated the development of a broad range of suggestions and ideas for tomorrows’ solutions. In order to reach this objective, 35 working groups focused on different specific problems within the areas of economy, demography, environment and social issues were created in order to find new solutions issues through a bottom-up approach.
In particular, Marco Boaria, Resources and Development Unit Coordinator of ALDA, participated to the working group focused on participatory democracy, one of the core issues of ALDA, contributing thus to the vivid debate and exchange and bringing to the fore the relevant expertise and experiences ALDA has gained on this field.
Furthermore, there were, among the others, key note speeches by Nicolai Wammen, the Danish Minister for European Affairs, and Mr. Sony Kapoor from the international Think Tank Re-Define.
The outcomes of the event will be available on the Global Citizen’s Facebook site.