
Meeting with France’s Europe Minister

On 9 April, five young candidates to the European elections met and exchanged with young citizens in Brussels in an event organised by Stand Up for Europe.

On Monday April 22, the University of Strasbourg was the scene of a fruitful exchange with France’s Minister Delegate for Europe, Jean-Noël BARROT, invited by the Mouvement Européen Alsace in partnership with the Jeunes Européens Strasbourg.

As part of this citizen dialogue, the Minister was questioned on the results of the European mandate that is drawing to a close (2019-2024), and on France’s priorities in the European Union for the next legislature.

This event is an integral part of the L’Europe pour de Bon ! campaign to raise awareness of the European elections on 9 June.

ALDA, in addition to its campaign on the European elections, Better Europe Together, is participating and supporting the organisers as a member of the coalition of L’Europe pour de Bon !